Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

News aus der Fakultät


PhD student / doctoral candidate (m/w/d, E 13 TV-L, 50 %)

Faculty of Science, Institute of Organic Chemistry

Application deadline: 31.07.2024

The Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Tübingen, Germany (Fleischer Lab) invites applications for the position of

PhD student / doctoral candidate (m/w/d; E 13 TV-L, 50 %)

for the duration of three years. The remuneration is based on the German TV-L statutory salary scale.

The Fleischer research group focuses on the development of new catalytic transformations for organic synthesis. General goals of our investigations are innovation, efficiency and sustainability. Specific subjects of our research are transformations of sulfur-containing compounds, defunctionalization reactions and molecular solar thermal energy storage (MOST). We are looking for a highly motivated researcher to work on the development of catalysts for the energy release from MOST systems. You will work in a dynamic group and use state-of-the equipment to achieve our goals.

Interested applicants should have a strong background in organic chemistry, mechanistic investigations (kinetics) and experience with organometallic chemistry and catalysis. They must hold, or are soon to complete, an outstanding Master (or equivalent) degree in chemistry. Excellent communication, presentation and writing skills in English and very good knowledge of organic chemistry are expected. The ability to work safely, independently and in a team environment is essential.

Disabled persons will be preferred in case of equal qualification. The University seeks to raise the number of women in research and teaching and therefore encourages qualified women academics to apply for these positions. The university is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. It therefore takes individual situations into account and asks for relevant information.  Formal employment procedures will be carried out by the central administration of the University of Tübingen.

If you are interested in this position, please send your application with the usual documentation (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, publication list, contact information of references) in electronic form (one pdf-file only) to: ivana.fleischerspam Deadline for applications is 31.7.2024.
