
Vortragsreihe der Koreanistik

Programmübersicht für das WS 2017/18

Oct. 25, 2017 Prof. Wonjung Min (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile)

Nov. 15, 2017 Prof. Em. Hak Kil Pyo (Seoul National University, South Korea)

Nov. 22, 2017 Dr. Tat Yan Kong (SOAS, University of London, UK)

Dec. 6, 2017 Ms. Anna Kim (Writer, Austria)

North Korea Series 2: Public Reading – “Die große Heimkehr”

Dec. 20, 2017 Dr. Nicolas Levi (IMOC, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)

North Korea Series 3: A Typology of the North Korean Leadership under the Era of Kim Jong-un - Elements of Comparison with Kim Il Sung & Kim Jong-il's Periods of Power.

Jan. 10, 2018 Dr. Maria Osetrova (IFES, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)

North Korea Series 4: Understanding and Representation of the National Cuisine and its Symbolic Meanings in the DPRK

Jan. 17, 2018 Prof. David Shim (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

North Korea Series 5: Visual Politics of North Korea

Jan. 31, 2018 Prof. Yong Wook Chung (Seoul National University, South Korea)

Image, Memory and History of the Korean War

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