Institut für Medienwissenschaft


Disruption Digitalization and Disinformation: Communicating Research after COVID-19

Theme and Call for Papers

Vom 23. bis 30. Juli findet hier in Tübingen in Kooperation mit dem strategischen globalen Partner der Universität Tübingen, der University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill (UNC), die für Doktorand:innen aller Fachrichtungen offene summer school "Disruption Digitalization and Disinformation: Communicating Research after COVID-19" statt.  

Theme and Call for Papers
Disruption, Digitalization, and Disinformation: Communicating Research after COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed the academy and its work. Digital media were not only an effective means of confronting the pandemic and continuing the work of teaching and research, but also became a source of new problems and challenges.  Instructors and students worked and compromised to maintain conducive learning environments in two-dimensional space. Academic and scientific research were canceled, postponed, or adapted to fit new needs. Governments were challenged to meet the demands of a public fearful of the virus, yet also wary of government failure and skeptical of its achievements. Fascist forces burdened institutions, including the academy, by creating and capitalizing on digital mis- and disinformation. Expertise was questioned or, in some cases attacked, as ordinary citizens called for others to “do your own research.” Families were burdened with illness, death, loss of income, political division, and sheer exhaustion. Students, in particular, experienced considerable stress and burnout, with some having to abandon their original degree projects or postpone graduation. Many of us were asked to perform as if, after a certain time, life had returned to “normal.” This summer conference will address these challenges and will consider the opportunities and obstacles for communicating academic research in a post-COVID world. It will address the issues new researchers face in a time of accelerated digitalization and will create a space for discussion about how to respond to these new problems and to capitalize on emerging opportunities. The summer conference will focus on three topics in particular:  

(1) the question of the legitimacy of academic research against the background of disinformation and public criticism,
(2) the proliferation of new approaches to communicating the results of research via digital media, and the creative opportunities presented by disruption and the reimagination of academic research and its future, and
(3) the transformation of the research working world in the course of advancing digitalization.

More details and the application can be found at:

Applications are due April 22.
Rückfragen an: Prof. Dr. Guido Zurstiege, Institut für Medienwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen, guido.zurstiegespam
