Institut für Medienwissenschaft


Erschienen: Transmedial Narratology and Contemporary Media Culture

Jan-Noël Thon (University of Nebraska Press, 2016)

Transmedial Narratology and Contemporary Media Culture
Jan-Noël Thon

Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press, 2016
hardcover, 558 pp.
80 illustrations
ISBN 978-0-8032-7720-5

It has become something of a cliché within the field of narratology to
assert the commercial, aesthetic, and sociocultural relevance of
narrative representations, but the fact remains that narratives are
everywhere. Whenever we read a novel or a comic, watch a film or an
episode of our favorite television series, or play the latest video
game, we are likely to engage with narrative media. Similarly, the
intermedial adaptations and transmedial entertainment franchises that
have become increasingly visible during the past few decades are, at
their core, narrative forms. Since a significant part of contemporary
media culture is defined by the narratives we tell each other via
various media, the media studies discipline needs a genuinely
transmedial narratology.

Transmedial Narratology and Contemporary Media Culture focuses on
the intersubjective construction of storyworlds as well as on
prototypical forms of narratorial and subjective representation. It
provides not only a method for the analysis of salient transmedial
strategies of narrative representation in contemporary films, comics,
and video games but also a theoretical frame within which
medium-specific approaches from literary and film narratology, from
comics studies and game studies, and from various other strands of
media and cultural studies may be employed to further our

understanding of narratives across media.

