Institut für Medienwissenschaft


Keynotes von Prof. Dr. Jeffrey K. Olick und Prof. Dr. Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt

Am 11. Juli um 18 Uhr und am 12. Juli um 12 Uhr. Herzliche Einladung!

Im Rahmen der Tagung „Memory Studies und Medien“ lädt das Institut für Medienwissenschaft in Kooperation mit dem DFG Netzwerk Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung zu den beiden Keynotes von Prof. Dr. Jeffrey K. Olick (University of Virginia) und Prof. Dr. Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ein.

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Jeffrey K. Olick

“What makes a field? On the Relations between Media Studies and Memory Studies”

Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2018, 18 Uhr c.t., Brechtbau HS 037

Media studies as a broad interdisciplinary field — or has it become disciplinary? — was institutionalized earlier than memory studies, yet there are clear overlaps and synergies between the two. To what extent are these fields shaped by and reflective of changes in culture, technology, and society, and to what extent are they products of autochtonous institutional dynamics? What constitutes a scholarly field, when do scholarly fields come into existence, and how do they articulate their identities? What do they need to survive and succeed in an overloaded intellectual universe? In particular, in what ways do media studies and memory studies support one another intellectually, in what ways are they in competition, and when and why have they simply ignored each other? What can we expect the future overlaps and interpenetrations between them to be?

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Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt

“Is the future behind us? Memory and public projections”

Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2018, 12 Uhr c.t., Neue Aula HS 02

While the processes of remembering the past and imagining the future are closely intertwined, their interplay in public discourse and collective action has not yet been fully understood. In this talk, I will investigate the relationship between memory and future work, with a particular focus on the uses of memory in constructing projections about collective futures and on the role played by the media in this process. To this end, I will connect between recent studies on the relationship between collective memory and the future, the growing literature in psychology and neuroscience on the role of memory in imagining the future, and the cases of the Brexit referendum and the Trump campaign.

