Institut für Medienwissenschaft


SUMMER SCHOOL "Animation Studies"

September 16th.-18th. 2015 I Evangelisches Stift I Tübingen

The summer school “Animation Studies” provides an interdisciplinary approach to research on animation. By bringing young and senior researchers from Media Studies, Computer Science, and Psychology together, we provide a platform for fruitful discussions where new (interdisciplinary) ideas on animation research can emerge. Following this line, the summer school features keynotes and talks from those three disciplines, talks on ongoing interdisciplinary projects, and group work exploring interdisciplinary links. The keynotes and talk sessions are open to the public and guests are cordially invited. The group work sessions are restricted to the registered participants of the summer school.

Keynotes will be given by Nichola Dobson, President of the Society for Animation Studies (SAS), Paul Wells, Director of the Animation Academy at Loughborough University, Tim Smith, Senior Lecturer studying eye movements and film cognition at Birkbeck, University of London, and Michael Black, Director of the Perceiving Systems department of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen.

Due to limitations regarding the number of participants, we would kindly ask you to register your participation via
until September 6th, 2015

