Research Focus: Exploration and Responsible Use of Georesources
The Department of Geosciences studies georesources from wind and solar power used as energy resource, via soils enabling agriculture and ecosystem functioning, surface and groundwater used for drinking water and irrigation, to shallow deposits of raw materials needed in construction (sand, gravel, cement) and deeper deposits providing critical elements needed for the transformation of our economy.
The responsible use of georesources, both renewable and non-renewable, requires balancing competing, legitimate interests, such as nature conservation, agriculture, infrastructure, raw-material extraction, as well as economic and settlement development. Sustainable use of these resources is challenged by climate change and the defossilization of our economy.
Selected Topics of the Research Focus "Exploration and Responsible Use of Georesources"
Sustainable use of water resources under climate change
Wind power and power-to-gas technologies
Soil and landscape conservation under land-use change
Recycling of demolition waste, upcycling of biological waste
Analysis of the formation and exploration of mineral deposits
Geophysical & analytical techniques for exploration & monitoring
Societal perception of the use of georesources
Mathematical modeling of georesources
Workgroups Active in the Research Focus "Exploration and Responsible Use of Georesources"
Environmental Physics
Prof. Dr. Jens Bange
Environmental Biotechnology
Prof. Dr. Lars Angenent
Soil Science and Geomorphology
Prof. Dr. Thomas Scholten
Physical Geography/Geoinformatics
Prof. Dr. Volker Hochschild
Climatology and the Biosphere
Prof. Dr. Kira Rehfeld