Simon Gerster

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Department of Geography
Rümelinstr. 19-23, Room 609
72070 Tübingen

: +49 (0)7071/29-77534
: +49-(0)7071-29-5527



Office Hours:
Monday, 13.00 - 15.00, Room 609

If you would like an online appointment,
please send me a request by email.



since 04/2022
Research Assistant at the Economic Geography Working Group

University of Tübingen

Since 10/2018
Doctoral Candidate at the Economic Geography Working Group

University of Tübingen

Freelancing Lecturer for Geography and German as a Foreign Language


Internship at Gymnasium Münsingen (=Secondary School)


First State Examination in Educational Science

University of Tübingen

First State Examination in Geography and German Studies

Universität Tübingen

Research Interests

  • South Korean economic conglomerates – Chaebŏl
  • Social and societal development in the Republic of Korea
  • Research area of everyday life and lifestyle
  • Social and societal relevance of Chaebŏl Samsung
  • Regional focus: East Asia, Republic of Korea
  • Memory landscapes in the Republic of Korea

Research Project

PhD Project: „Chaebŏls als Gestalter der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Wirklichkeit in der Republik Korea. Eine beispielhafte Untersuchung des Wirtschaftskonglomerats Samsung.“

English Translation: Chaebŏls as Shapers of Social and Societal Reality in the Republic of Korea. An Exemplary Study of the Samsung Business Conglomerate. The poster of the PhD Project can be found here

Book project: memory landscapes in Korea




Summer 2024 Regional Geography - Latin America, Australia and Oceania Seminar
Summer 2024 with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kinder: Excursion to Poland
Winter 2023/24 Economic Geography Seminar
Winter 2022/23  with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kinder: Excursion to Japan
Winter 2022/23 Economic Geography Seminar

Summer 2022

with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kinder: Excursion to South Korea

Summer 2022

Ostasien im Fokus: Aktuelle Entwicklungslinien und Herausforderungen (Focus on East Asia: Lines of Development and Challenges)

Winter 2021/22 Korea-Seminar
Summer 2021 Von Drachen, Panthern und Tigern: Aktuelle Entwicklungslinien in Ostasien und Südostasien (Current Developments in East Asia and South-East Asia)
Summer 2021 Regionale Geographie - Afrika (Regional Geography - Africa)