The University of Tübingen from A to Z
Search tools
Literature, multimedia and document search tools for the University
- Academic Advanced Training, Center for
- Academic Exchange
- Academic misconduct
- Accessibility – list of wheelchair-accessible buildings
- Addiction Advice - Addiction research
- Addresses
- Advanced training for non-academic employees
- Advice and admissions office for international students
- ALMA portal
- Alumni
- Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (BAföG) – contact persons for education funding support
- Amtliche Bekanntmachungen (official bulletin of the University)
- Animal welfare
- Annual Report
- Application – for students
- Applications/forms
- Study-related forms – Student Administration
- Appointment processes (downloads)
- Associated institutes
- attempto! - university research magazine
- attempto online
- Audits
- Baby-changing and breast-feeding spaces on campus
- BaföG education funding support
- Basic Regulations (Grundordnung)
- Biological safety
- Botanical gardens
- Buildings Management
- Business travel (application, billing)
- Cafeterias and refectories
- Camerata vocalis chamber choir – Collegium musicum
- Career Service
- Center for Evaluation and Quality Management (ZEQ)
- Center for Teaching and Learning
- Central Administration
- Central Administration circulars
- Central records office
- Certificates
- Child – Studying when you have a child
- Child care
- Children’s University
- Chip card (students)
- Chip card, time recording system (staff)
- Choir, Academic – Collegium musicum
- Civic Engagement
- Collaborative research centers (CRC)
- Collections and museums of the University
- Collegium musicum
- Committee meeting dates
- Concert program of the Culture Office
- Conferences
- Conference and presentation materials (ordering)
- Controlling
- Copyright – imprint copyright notice
- Course catalog (ALMA)
- Courses – finding a course
- Cultural activities
- Culture Office
- Current events
- Data protection officer
- Day care centers for children run by Student Services
- Dean’s office (list of Dean’s offices)
- Degree Planning and Development: forms and guides (login required)
- Deutschlandstipendium national scholarship program
- Digital Humanities Center
- Disabilities – Studying with a disability / disability officer
- Discrimination – guidelines on cooperative behavior
- Diversity-oriented Writing Center
- Diversity Office
- Document service SUBITO – research and request texts and books from libraries
- Education funding support (BAföG)
- Election regulations/elections (university)
- Employee directories
- Employment guidance
- Enrollment, registration
- Enrollment, termination of
- Environmental protection
- Equal opportunities officer for non-academic staff
- European research funding
- Examinations Office, Central
- Excellence strategy
- Executive Vice-President of the University
- Exhibitions
- Facilities Management (TBA) – Inspection, maintenance and repair of technical facilities
- Faculty student associations
- Family Office
- Field trips
- Fire safety
- Foreign Language Center
- Forms/applications
- Study-related forms – Student Administration
- Funding, research support
- Funding opportunities for students and scholarships
- Gender equality representative
- Gender Equality plan
- German as a Foreign Language
- Global Awareness Education
- Graduate Academy
- Graduate survey (Center for Evaluation and Quality Management, ZEQ)
- Guest houses for long and short-term stays
- Guidelines for the use of intellectual property (IPR policy)
- Imprint
- Information services regulations
- Intercultural programs
- Intellectual property, guidelines for the use of (IPR policy)
- Internet access with login ID – applying to the IT Center (ZDV)
- Inventions, report to the University
- IT Center (ZDV)
- IT support for central administration staff
- IWM media research center
- Leave of absence (students)
- Legal advice for students
- Liberal Education
- Library – University Library
- Library catalog
- Loan fund
- Lost property
- Major instrumentation (for research)
- Management, University management
- Media technology for centrally managed premises
- Medical Service for the University
- Mental Health First Aid – Help with issues of wellbeing
- Misconduct in academia and good academic practice – information, contacts, rules of procedure
- Museums and collections of the University
- Official seal
- Orchestra, Academic – Collegium musicum
- Patents
- Poetics Lectureship
- Praxisportal – jobs and internship portal
- President
- Press and public relations
- Press releases
- Printers – University Printers
- Professional skills for students
- Professional training for employees
- Public Relations Department
- Purchasing section (excluding hospitals)
- Psychosocial counseling service for university employees
- Psychotherapeutic counseling for students
- Radiation protection, Radionuclide Laboratory
- Records administration
- Re-enrollment
- Refectories/canteens
- Reporting office for whistleblowers
- Reporting technical problems (Facilities Management, TBA)
- Representative for employees with disabilities
- Research and development contracts
- Research funding
- Research funding news
- Research Training Groups (German Research Foundation DFG)
- Research Units (German Research Foundation DFG)
- Room assignment for evening events, courses, examinations
- Rules for use of University buildings/facilities (login required)
- Safety-related institutions and officers
- Schola Cantorum
- Self-Assessment (online advice for prospective students)
- Semester dates
- Senate
- Senate Committee for Academic Affairs
- Service learning and civic engagement
- Sexual harassment – support from the Gender Equality Representative
- Site maps of the University
- Social support for students
- Sports, University Sports Center
- Staff Council
- Staff units
- Startup Center
- State Postgraduate Fellowship Program
- State University Law (Landeshochschulgesetz, LHG)
- Structure committee
- Structural planning
- Student initiatives
- Student Administration
- Student Counseling Service (ZSB)
- Student representatives
- Student residences/housing
- Studentenwerk e. V.
- Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim student services
- Studies day
- Studio Literature and Theater
- Studium Generale
- Study statistics and data
- Study-related formalities, enrollment, termination of enrollment
- Studying when you have a child
- Style guide for the University of Tübingen's Internet presence
- SUBITO document service - research and request texts and books from libraries
- Subjects, degree subjects
- Teacher training – Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)
- Technology transfer
- Telephone directory
- Third-Party Funding Management
- Third-Party Funding: research support
- Time recording system, chip card
- TIMMS – Tübinger Internet Multi Media Server – video, audio, pictures, texts from lectures, seminars and scientific publications, provided by the IT Center (ZDV)
- TOBIAS-lib: online publication system (Tübinger Online-BibliotheksInformations- und AusleihSystem) – research and publish texts, pictures and other media
- Transdisciplinary Course Program and Career Service – TRACS
- Transferable Skills
- Translation support for German/English translation
- Travel expenses claim
- Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)
- Tuition fees
- Unishop
- Universitätsbund e.V. – Association of friends of the University of Tübingen
- University Board of Trustees
- University bodies
- University Library: Searching and borrowing
- University Printers
- University Sports Center
- University vehicle fleet
- Zeicheninstitut (art school)