
attempto online

Attempto online is the University of Tübingen's information portal with current news and reports in the following categories: "Research", "Studies", "Inside the University", "People", "Events" and "Forum".


Shifting societies, changing universities, politics and museums

Activities of the CIVIS Alliance focus on current developments

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Ancient volcanic eruption not key to early Homo sapiens cultural innovations

New research questions the impact of the major eruption of the Phlegraean Fields 40,000 years ago on…

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Developing new drugs faster and cheaper with AI

B-it, Lamarr Institute and TüCAD2 form collaborative alliance for the academic development of drugs…

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Computer science in Tübingen is on the rise: Why students see their future here

Top places for Tübingen computer science studies in the CHE ranking

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The University of Tübingen strengthens ties with the University of the Witwatersrand

Witwatersrand is Tübingen’s first strategic partner on the African continent

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Decoding new gene functions in the human gut microbiome

German Research Foundation (DFG) funds new Priority Programme for research into unknown structures…

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