Disability Office - Representative council for disabled employees (Schwerbehindertenvertretung - SBV)
The representative council for disabled employees (the Disability Office) is the elected body representing the interests of severely disabled employees and employees with equal status at the University of Tübingen. It represents all employees, civil servants, scientists and also students with a work contract with the university.
The legal basis is, among others, the Social Code (SGB) IX, which includes all legal regulations for the rehabilitation and participation of disabled persons.
For study-related questions contact the Student Counseling Service for students with a disability or (chronic) illness.
We can support you actively at your workplace and in your concerns and always welcome your questions and suggestions.
Our office can be found on the ground floor, room number 034 in the Keplerstr. 2
It can be reached barrier-free via the side entrance on the Schlachthausstraße.
(Buildings with barrier-free access an der Universität Tübingen)
The best way to contact the office is by telephone, Tel. 73568 - the answering machine is switched on in case of absence - or simply contact us by email.
The election of the representative for severely disabled persons is carried out according to the provisions of the election regulations (SchVWO). The term of office is 4 years, the current term began on December 1, 2022 and ends on November 30, 2026.
Representative for disabled employees at the university
Kirsten Schirrmeister
SBV-Büro: Keplerstr. 2, 72074 Tübingen
Telephone +49 7071 29-73568
Fax +49 7071 29-35268
Email sbv@uni-tuebingen.de
Appointments must be scheduled in advance.
Deputy Representatives
Michael Miersch works in the Brechtbau Library and is also a member of the Staff Council.
He is Kirsten Schirrmeister's substitute.
Daniel Maier works at the Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung.
In his work at the Disablity Office he is primarily concerned with barrier-free access and barrier-free construction at the university.
The representative body for severely disabled persons is subject to a special obligation to confidentiality. There are exceptions to this obligation only in cases where the person concerned has agreed or in cooperation with the staff council and the representatives of the various administrative units, which are also obligated to confidentiality. The basis for the legal status and representation by the representative and the deputies is the Sozialgesetzbuch IX (SGB IX).
The representatives for the disabled are obliged not to disclose any secret information entrusted to them or otherwise made known to them on account of their office, in particular secret information belonging to the personal sphere of life. [Courtesy translation of the legally binding paragraph below.]
„Die Vertrauenspersonen sind verpflichtet, ihnen wegen ihres Amtes anvertraute oder sonst bekannt gewordene fremde Geheimnisse, namentlich zum persönlichen Lebensbereich gehörende Geheimnisse, nicht zu offenbaren" (SGB IX, § 179 Abs. 7, Satz 1)“