Research at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences is committed to the image of an excellent research and teaching university. For years, it has been conducting extremely successful research in various thematic fields and theoretical-methodological orientations and provides a thorough scientific education. The facultys' subjects regularly achieve top positions in the relevant rankings for research.
The aggregated funding has been considerable in recent years at around 6 million euros; it is growing steadily and is based on a broad range of researchers and third-party donors. Within the framework of the new appointments, this potential was sustainably strengthened and the existing focal points expanded.
This is also reflected in a considerable number of publications.
Core Research Areas and Networks
In the future, the following research fields of the faculty will be further strengthened and expanded:
- Education, qualification and Lifelong Learning
- International Integration, Globalisation and Migration
- Dynamics of Organizations and Enterprises
- Taxation and Financial Markets
- Methods (Qualitative and Quantitative)
These accents will contribute to the following research alliances and interdisciplinary cooperations:
- Graduate School and Research Network LEAD
- Methods Center and Network for Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
- Tübingen Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies
- Center for Gender and Diversity
- UnKut interdisciplinary research network
- Global-Tübingen Urbanities Research Network (G-TURN)
In addition, there are numerous smaller research projects at the faculty. You can find information on this and on the main research areas of the respective subject on the pages of the institutes, the chairs and in the university's research database (FIT).
Cooperation Partners and Associated Institutes
Cooperating partners and Associated Institutes of the faculty are:
- Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung e.V. (IAW)
- Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE)
- Forschungsinstitut für Arbeit, Technik und Kultur (FATK)
In addition, there are numerous honorary professorships in the subjects that support cooperation in the areas of research and transfer. More information can be found under the respective subject.
Information about Research Grants
General information on research funding applications
In principle, it makes sense to discuss the submission of funding applications with the Dean's Office. Many applications require a statement from the faculty, agreements on financial support or can benefit from networking proposals.
In the following you will find only a selection of grants that regularly run through the Dean's Office or are of interest to a broad audience. Further information and funding programmes can be found on the University's Research Funding homepage.
Applications for funding under the State Graduate Funding Act
The Dean's Office accepts applications for funding in accordance with the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz (both the continued granting of current scholarships and new admission to funding).
There is currently no current call for proposals. From October/November 2018 you will find the next call for proposals beginning in April 2019 here.
Further information, the necessary forms etc. can be found on the homepage of the Central Department for Research Funding.
Calls for proposals within the Excellence Initiative
Within the framework of the Excellence Initiative, programmes for doctoral students are advertised:
- Bridging-Funds: Interim financing for particularly successful doctoral students on their way to a first "postdoc" position.
Detailed information (also on other programmes) can be found on the website of the Central Graduade Academy.
Scholarships in the ifa research programme
The Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) is the globally active institution in Germany for cultural exchange, dialogue between civil societies and foreign cultural policy information.
All information on the current call for proposals can be found here.
Questions about Research?
Sonja Neubauer
Nauklerstr. 48
D-72074 Tübingen
+49 7071 29 74 154