The Habilitation Committee decides on the recognition of postdoctoral theses and all matters not governed by special habilitation regulations.
The Habilitation Committee is comprised of all full-time professors, private lecturers, and the professors emeriti and retired professors of the faculty. The Dean chairs the Habilitation Committee. Meetings are not open to the public and take place as required.
Brahm, Prof. Dr. Taiga
Abels, Prof. Dr. Gabriele
Alke, Prof. Dr. Matthias
Amos, Prof. Dr. Karin
Bareither, Prof. Dr. Christoph
Bauer, Prof. Dr. Petra
Bieling, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen
Bohl, Prof. Dr. Thorsten
Brandt, Prof. Dr. Holger
Bruzelius, Prof. Dr. Cecilia
De Jonge, Prof. Dr. Léonie
Demetriou-Rinderknecht, Prof. Dr. Yolanda
Dierksmeier, Prof. Dr. Claus
Diez, Prof. Dr. Thomas
Emmerich, Prof. Dr. Marcus
Goeze, Prof. Dr. Annika
Groß, Prof. Dr. Martin
Hasenclever, Prof. Dr. Andreas
Heft, Prof. Dr. Annett
Hillmert, Prof. Dr. Steffen
Höner, Prof. Dr. Oliver
Johler, Prof. Dr. Reinhard
Kelava, Prof. Dr. Augustin
Lachner, Prof. Dr.Andreas
Müller, Prof. Dr. Marion
Murayama, Kou, Prof. Dr.
Nagengast, Prof. Dr. Benjamin
Neumann, Prof. Dr. Sascha
Nieswand, Prof. Dr. Boris
Pawlowski, Prof. Dr. Tim
Radvan, Prof. Dr. Heike
Rieger-Ladich, Prof. Dr. Markus
Scheer, Prof. Dr. Monique
Schlumberger, Prof. Dr. Oliver
Schober, Prof. Dr. Pia
Seeleib-Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Martin
Stauber, Prof. Dr. Barbara
Stürmer, Prof. Dr. Kathleen
Sudeck, Prof. Dr. Gorden
Syring, Prof. Dr. Marcus
Thiemeyer, Thomas
Trautwein, Prof. Dr. Ulrich
Wank, Prof. Dr. Veit
Professors Emeriti/Retired Professors
Boeckh, Prof. em. PhD Andreas
Deutschmann, Prof. i. R. Dr. Christoph
Digel, Prof. i. R. Dr. Helmut
Gabler, Prof. i. R. Dr. Hartmut
Gildemeister, Prof. Dr. Regine
Göhner, Prof. i. R. Dr. Ulrich
Hrbek, Prof. i. R. Dr. Rudolf
Huber, Prof. i. R. Dr. Günter L.
Kunert, Prof. i. R. Dr. Kristian
Liegle, Prof. i. R. Dr. Ludwig
Meyer, Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c. Gerd
Pawelka, Prof. em. Dr. Peter
Schmid, Prof. Dr. Josef
Schrader, Prof. Dr. Josef
Seyfarth, Prof. i. R. Dr. Constans
Thiersch, Prof. em. Dr. Drs. h. c. Hans
Treptow, Prof. i.R. Dr. Rainer
Adjunct Professors
Kohler, Prof. Dr. Britta
Krauss, Prof. Dr. Inga
Offenberger, Ursula
Strübing, Prof. Dr. Jörg
von Laßberg, Christoph
Co-opted Professors
Kühne, Prof. Dr. Dr. Olaf
Nieß, Prof. Dr. Andreas
Schubert, Prof. Dr. Gunter
Lecturers (Privatdozenten)
Fahrner, PD Dr. Marcel
Frankenberger, PD Dr. Rolf
Hägele, PD Dr. Ulrich
Harant, PD Dr. Dr. Martin
Hoffmann, PD Dr. Andreas