Opportunities for students and researchers from Ukraine

Welcome to the central website of the nine universities in Baden-Württemberg. Here you find opportunities for studying and researching at Baden-Württemberg's universities. In addition, you will find contact information to other institutions of higher education in Baden-Württemberg.

General information and assistance

General information on the higher education landscape in Baden-Württemberg

The higher education landscape in Baden-Württemberg is extremely diverse and includes universities, universities of applied sciences, colleges of education, dual universities, and colleges of art and music.   

In addition to the classic universities in Heidelberg, Tübingen and Freiburg, there are younger universities such as Hohenheim, Karlsruhe, Constance, Stuttgart, Mannheim and Ulm, which offer their own subject specializations (e.g. engineering). The Universities of Applied Sciences offer scientific teaching with a high degree of practical orientation. In the case of training at the Cooperative State University, there is already an apprenticeship relationship with a company in Baden-Württemberg during the course of study, and you earn your own money while you are still studying. Teachers for secondary schools, elementary schools and junior high schools are trained at the Universities of Education

Use this map to get an overview of the geographic distribution of the various institutions of higher education in Baden-Wuerttemberg:


Questions and answers on entry from Ukraine

Here you can find information from the Federal Ministry of the Interior on entering the country from Ukraine: https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/DE/themen/ministerium/ukraine-krieg/faq-liste-ukraine-krieg.html 

FAQ on the impact of the Ukraine crisis on universities

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg on the Impact of the War on Ukraine in the Field of Science and the Arts:

Scholarship opportunities for refugee scientists

In view of the crisis in Ukraine, there are exceptions for Ukrainian researchers in the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Philipp Schwartz Initiative. Nominations for acutely threatened Ukrainian researchers can be submitted subsequently until 18 March 2022. Please note that nominations for other groups of individuals are not covered by this, but must still be submitted by March 4, 2022. 

Third-party proof of endangerment is not required for this group of individuals. Instead, the individual risk situation must be presented in the form of a personal statement by the nominee in German or English of up to one page in length. Existing evidence from a third party can be enclosed as a supplement. 

Further information on scientists at risk can be found at Scholars at Risk (SAR) and CARA.

Find a suitable study program

Information and offers from other colleges of higher education

Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University

The Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University offers bachelor's degree programs in business, technology, social work and health in cooperation with companies and social institutions. You can find more information and contact options here::

Website: Information about studying at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State Universities
E-Mail: IASspam prevention@dhbw.de

Universities of Education

If you want to become a teacher at an elementary school, a Werkrealschule, a Hauptschule or a Realschule, or a teacher of special education in Baden-Württemberg, you will study at a university of education (Pädagogische Hochschule, abbreviated PH). This type of university is unique in Germany. Only in Baden-Württemberg are future elementary, Werkreal, Haupt, Real or special education teachers trained at a scientific level at special universities.

For more Information, please feel free to send an email to:

klaus-peter.rippespam prevention@ph-karlsruhe.de 

Universities of Arts and Music

Do you want to become a musician, actor, dancer, designer, film producer, music journalist or visual artist? Then studying at art or music colleges is a good choice.

 With its eight art and music colleges, the Film Academy, the Pop Academy and the Academy of Performing Arts and their various training and subject profiles, the state that runs these institutions covers the entire spectrum of training opportunities in the arts

For more Information, please feel free to send an email to:

barbara.baderspam prevention@abk-stuttgart.de 

l.holtmeierspam prevention@mh-freiburg.de 

Universities of Applied Sciences

The 23 universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg (including universities of applied sciences for the public sector) - also called "universities of applied sciences" since 2010 - form a dense network of higher education institutions that provide you with an application-oriented scientific education in the following fields:

    Mathematics, computer science and natural sciences
    Agricultural, forestry and nutritional sciences
    Law and economics
    Health care, social sciences, linguistics and cultural studies
    Design, media and information science.

The goal of a university degree is to prepare you for later professional activities that require the independent application of scientific knowledge and methods by providing you with a practical education. Compared to an education at a research university, studies at universities of applied sciences are more streamlined, structured in smaller groups and generally include a practical semester.


Most universities of applied sciences (HaW) offer a 7-semester bachelor's program and a 3-semester master's program. A course of study at a HaW is characterized by practice-relevant objectives, bachelor's and master's theses with tasks from the professional fields, application-related knowledge, job-related research and the teaching of practical skills.

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For detailed information please contact: tanja.räthspam prevention@htgw-konstanz.de

Website: https://www.htwg-konstanz.de/studium/studienkolleg-der-htwg-konstanz/laenderinformationen/

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