Englisches Seminar

Sontje Schulenburg

Contact Email: sontje.schulenburgspam prevention@student.uni-tuebingen.de

 sontje.schulenburgspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de               

Academic Pathway 

Since 09/24: Deputy member of the faculty council (doctoral students)

 Since 10/23: Board member of the Doctoral Students Council of the Faculty of Humanities 

Since 01/22: Research fellow at the Heidelberger Academy of Sciences and Humanities; Project: Goethe Dictionary 

Since 04/21: Ph.D. in English Literatures and Cultures. Dissertation title: "Posthuman Thought in Contemporary Weird Fiction" (Department of English Literatures and Cultures, University of Tübingen, Supervisors Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hotz-Davies & Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinfandt)

 9/17 – 02/21: M.A. Internationale Literaturen, Eberhard Karl University, Tübingen Summer semester

 2020: Lecture Tutorial: Introduction to Cultural Studies 

9/13- 11/16: B.A. Komparatistik and British Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz 

PhD Project: “Posthuman Thought in Contemporary Weird Fiction.” This dissertation explores the connection between posthuman theory and a distinct type of speculative fiction, known as ‘Weird Fiction’. Inextricable linked to H.P. Lovecraft and dominated by male writers and theorists, the project’s main aim is to render visible an exclusively female tradition of weird writing, hopeful that this endeavour will not only reveal new aspects of weird fiction but also its importance as literature of crisis. Understanding weird fiction as distinctly somatic, responsive and affective in its construction, my project further traces not only the entanglement of reader and text but also sets out to show how these fictions create a type of “weird knowledge” – knowledge which is created within the intersection of text and reader and is strongly posthuman in its nature. 

Fields of Academic Interest and Research

 ➢ (Critical) Posthumanism 

➢ Weird and Speculative Fiction 

➢ Queer and Gender Studies 

➢ Affect Theory

➢ Korean Literature and Culture 

➢ Autobiographical Writing

Recent Courses 

Summer semester 2024: Weird Fiction 


  •  “‘And there was in this world so much to see’: Posthuman Manifestations in Novels by Kathe Koja” Posthuman Fictions: Rethinking ‘the Human’ in Contemporary Culture, University of Genua, September 19-20.