Currently, the ERCCT has formal cooperation agreements with the following academic institutions in Taiwan:
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica
Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica
Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
College of Social Sciences, NTU
Department of Political Science, NTU
Department of Sociology, NTU
College of Law, NTU
Global Asia Research Center, NTU
Graduate Institute of National Development, NTU
College of Social Sciences, NCCU
Department of Political Science, NCCU
Taiwan Studies Center, NCCU
Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, NCCU
Graduate Institute of Development Studies, NCCU
Graduate Institute of International Politics, NCHU
College of Social Sciences, NCKU
Department of Law, NCKU
Department of Political Science, NCKU
College of Social Sciences, NSYSU
Institute of Political Sciences, NSYSU
Department of Sociology, NSYSU
The number of partner institutions is expected to increase in the future, with academic quality and organisational support constituting the major criteria for their collaborative integration.