

Feb 07 - Wang Fujun

Wang Fujun 王复俊 from the Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies, Xiamen University, presented his current research project on “Export Controls and the China-US Technology Dispute: Assessing the Impacts on Taiwan’s Trade” in the Taiwan Colloquium on February 6, 2025. 

Feb 03 - Hsia Hsiao-Chuan

Prof. Hsia Hsiao-Chuan 夏曉鵑 from the Graduate Institute of Social Work at National Chengchi University, taking part in the ERCCT Visiting Scholar Program from January 30 to February 10, 2025, spoke on the topic "From ‘Social Problems’ to ‘Social Assets’: Geopolitics, Discursive Shifts in Children of Southeast Asian Marriage Migrants, and Mother-Child Dyadic Citizenship in Taiwan" in the Taiwan Colloquium of February 3. 
In her presentation, Prof. Hsia critically assessed the evolution of Taiwan's immigration regime in regard to marriage migration, which laggs the public discourse on south-east asian marriage migration. 

Jan 27 - Yan Zhi-Jun

As a Visiting Fellow at the ERCCT, Dr. Yan Zhi-Jun 顏誌君 from the College of i, Feng Chia University, Taichung, spoke in the Taiwan Colloquium on January 27 and introducing his postdoctoral research project on "Urban Land Readjustment and Land Financing Networks in Local Finance: The Sale and Pre-Sale of Cost-Equivalent Land in Taichung".

Jan 27 - Wang Anne-Chie

On January 27, 2025, Visiting Fellow Dr. Wang Anne-Chie 王安琪 from the Institute of Health Behaviors and Community Sciences at National Taiwan University presented her research project on “Assembling Caringscape in End-of-life: Care Practices in Hospice Home Care” to ERCCT research fellows. The project, a continuation of her Ph.D. research, "addresses pressing societal needs as Taiwan enters a superaging society where multifaceted death issues become increasingly prevalent."


Dec 9 - Weng Lu-Chung

Visiting Scholar Dr. Weng Lu-Chung 翁履中, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at Sam Houston State University (in Huntsville, Texas) presented his recent research under the title “Strategic Reassurances and Deteriorating Ambiguity: Stabilizing the Taiwan Strait Détente” in the Taiwan Colloquium on December 9. Based on qualitative interview data Dr. Weng and his collaborator Sun Taiyi “scrutinize[…] the intricate dynamics within the Taiwan Strait, emphasizing the relationship between strategic reassurances and the diminishing scope of strategic ambiguity amidst escalating regional tensions." The presentation was received with great interest on the side of ERCCT Fellows who engaged in a very spirited - yet harmonious - discussion with the presenter. 

Oct 28 - Di Qing

On Oct. 28, Dr. Di Qing, an indepent scholar from Taipei, gave a talk in the Taiwan Colloquium on the topic of “Does traditional Chinese culture matter for Taiwan’s future? — Exploring Little Tradition and Great Tradition in Taiwan: History, Legacy, Liability and Taiwan’s Predicament”, in which he made use of Redfield's dichotomous distinction between layers of cultural traditions and argued that also the so-called Great Tradition (in Redfield's terminology) of Chinese culture has added to Taiwan's soft power, as in the example of Lin Huai-mins's Cloud Gate Theatre.

Jul 15 - Guo Jianfeng

ERCCT Resident Fellow Guo Jianfeng 郭剑峰 presented his research project 'European Think Tanks in the Process of China - Europe Relations: Research Design' in the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, July 15, which sets out from the observation that most European Countries have in recent years reevaluated their relationship with China, then posing the question what role think tanks may have played therein. 


Jul 15 - Lai Yu-Hsuan

In the Taiwan Colloquium of Monday, July 15, Visiting Fellow Dr Lai Yu-Hsuan 賴郁璇, who got her Ph.D. from the Graduate Institute of International Politics at Natioal Chung Hsing University, presented a research project on president Lai Ching-Te's foreign and security policy strategy, titling her presentation 'Hard Balancing Strategies and President Lai Ching-Te.'

Jul 01 - Lin Ya-Yin

Visiting Fellow Lin Ya-Yin 林疋愔 from the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies at National Chengchi University has presented her research project on 'The Typologies of China’s Cognitive Warfare: Data Analysis of Three Taiwan Strait Military Drill's 2022 – 2023' to ERCCT Fellows and other Ph.D. students from the Department of Chinese Studies in the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, July 1. The presentation was followed by a vivid discussion about methodology and relevant concepts. 

Jun 20 - Tseng Yen-Fen

As a participant in the Visiting Scholars Program of the summer term 2024, ERCCT Advisory Board Member Prof. Tseng Yen-fen 曾嬿芬 from the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University has presented her research project 'Settlement intention among white-collar migrants in Taiwan' to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium of June 20. 

Jun 10 - Huang Yu-Ling

Prof. Huang Yu-Ling 黃于玲 from the Department of Humanities and Social Medicine at National Cheng Kung University presented her research project on the regulation of reproductive medicine in Taiwan to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, June 10, 2024. Her presentation was titled 'Gender, Culture, and Reproductive Medicine: Comparative Research of Regulatory Logics, Clinical Care, and (Non)Anonymity Donation of Assisted ReproductiveTechnologies' and went deep into analysing the logic behind the regulation of reproductive cell-donation in Taiwan.

Jun 03 - Liang Chia-Yu

In the Taiwan Colloquium of 3 June, Dr. Liang Chia-Yu 梁家瑜 from the Department of International Relations at the University of Sussex introduced the audience to his project of building a Taiwanese IR-theory. His talk was titled 'Status Sacer: To Propose an International Relations Theory from Taiwan's Structural Marginality' and ensued by a lively discussion. 

Jun 03 - Alexandre Gandil

Also on 3 June, Dr. Alexandre Gandil from the Joint Research Unit D2iA (Dynamiques, Interactions, Interculturalités Asiatiques) at Bordeaux Montaigne University and an associated researcher and teacher at the Center for International Studies (CERI) at SciencesPo (Paris), presented his current research project, titled 'Taiwan beyond its own Strait: Assessing Taipei’s sovereignty claims over the South China Sea from below' in the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday.

May 13 - Lorenzo Andolfatto

On Monday, May 13, Dr. Lorenzo Andolfatto, Senior Researcher of the Human Georgaphy Research Unit at the Department of Geosciences at the Universtiy of Fribourg, came to Tübingen to present his latest research on the history of National Parks in Taiwan in the Taiwan Colloquium. His talk, titled 'In between Nature and the Nation: Defining National Parks in Taiwan, 1933-1972', was based on extensive archival research and delved into the history or employing national parks for nation building in Taiwan since the Japanese colonial era. Dr. Lee Kyonghee from the MPIWG in Berlin took over the role as a discussant and provided valuable feedback, upon which the Q&A also involved the wider audience. 

Feb 01 - Kuo Chao-Hsuan

Kuo Chao-Hsuan 郭兆軒 from the Department of Law at National Cheng Kung University, a participant in the ERCCT Visiting Fellow Programme from 20 January to 9 February, presented his doctoral research project 'The Child Rights in Taiwan's Parenting Law' in the Taiwan Colloquium of 1 February 2024. His talk focused on how children's rights are gradually developed and transformed through an increasing influence of public law, especially constitutional law, on the matter, which was traditionally a subject mainly of civil law. 

Jan 31 - André Beckershoff

Dr. André Beckershoff, ERCCT Associate Fellow, gave a talk titled 'The Dialectics of Hegemony and Resistance in the Re-Making of China-Taiwan Relations' in the Taiwan Colloquium on Wednesday, 31 January. This time the colloquium was co-hosted with the section of political econonomy of the Institute of Political Science's Prof. Hans-Jürgen Bieling. 
In his talk, Dr. Beckershoff applied a Gramscian analysis to make sense of the development of protest movements against the hegemonic project of Taiwan's economic and political opening vis-a-vis the PRC since the mid-2000s. The talk was based on his book  'Social Forces in the Re-Making of Cross-Strait Relations: Hegemony and Social Movements in Taiwan', which he published with Routledge in 2024. 

Jan 25 - Lin Shu-Hui

Visiting Scholar Prof. Lin Shu-Hui 林淑慧 from the Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature at National Taiwan Normal University presented her current research project on "Cross-cultural Dynamics and Applications of Taiwan Travel Literature" in the Taiwan Colloquium on Thursday, 25 January. By introducing the work of contemporary authors like Dadelavan Ibau, Liu Shao-Hua, and  Syaman Rapongan Lin Shu-Hui showed how literature can serve as means to heal trauma and reconstruct identity. 


Jan 18 - Lin Kai-Heng

Visiting Fellow Dr. Lin Kai-Heng 林凱衡 from the Institute of Sociology at Academia Sinica has presented his current research project in the Taiwan Colloquium on Thursday, January 18. His intriguing presentation war titled "Crafting Black Hands: Institutional Changes and Social Networks in Skill Formation within Taiwan’s Machine Industry".

2023 Taiwan Colloquium

Dec 07 - Alex Tan

On Dec. 7, 2023, Prof. Alexander Tan from the Political Science Department at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, presented his current research project "Taiwanese Youth Voting for Taiwan: Studying Identity Formation in Taiwanese Youth and its Impact on Voting Patterns in Taiwan" in the Taiwan Colloquium. 

Nov 30 - Di Qing

Speaking on the topic of 'Transcultural Exploration of Taiko: A Comparative Aesthetics Study between Europe and Taiwan,' Dr. Di Qing from Taipei presented his current research project at the Taiwan Colloquium on Thursday, November 30, 2023. Dr. Di captivated the audience with colorful illustrations and samples of Taiko culture mainly from Taiwan and Europe. In conclusion, he elevated his findings to a theoretical level by presenting a model of an infinite transcultural process loop derived from his exploration of different Taiko cultures.

Jul 10 - Wu Peng-Chi

On Monday, 10 July, 2023, Mr. Wu Peng-Chi 吳鵬基 from the Department of History at National Cheng Kung University presented his Ph.D. research to ERCCT Fellows and Visitors as well as a number of interested students from the Department of Chinese Studies in the Taiwan Colloquium. His fascinating talk was titled 台灣彰化王功沿海的林希元祖信仰及其海洋觀念研究 (Lin Xiyuan ancestral belief along the cost of Wanggong, Changhua, Taiwan, and Lin's Concepts of the Ocean).

Jul 03 - Daniel Davies

Dr. Daniel Davies who just received his Ph.D. from the Department of Political Science at Kao-hsiung's National Sun Yat-Sen University in May presented his research on electoral behavior of Taiwan's indigenous voters in the Taiwan Colloquium on 3 July 2023. 
His talk which was titled 'Ethnic Affinity, Proximity Voting and Indigenous Politics' presented an intriguing mixture of qualitatively and quantitatively collected data and research results and led to a lively dicsussion during the Q&A part of the evening. 

Jun 05 - Shen Hsiu-Hua

Prof. Shen Hsiu-Hua 沈秀華 from the Institute of Sociology at National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu presented her research project 'Kinmen as a Shifting Border' in the Taiwan Colloquium on 5 June 2023. With this project, at the junction of border studies and political sociology, Prof. Shen tries to understand processes of shifting identities among Kinmen's youth, (re-)shaping Kinmen's status as a border between Taiwan and China. 

Feb 06 - Chen Teng-Hsiang

On Monday, 6 February 2023, Dr. Chen Teng-Hsiang 陳登翔 from the Institute of Sociology at Academia Sinica presented the outline of his research project "The Transboundary Mission of the Chinese Buddhist Organisation Foguang Shan from Taiwan to Germany" in the Taiwan Colloquium. His presentation also included fascinating first-hand data from his most recent field-trip to the Fogugang Shan temple in Frankfurt during the 2023 Chinese New Year festival and from the Lantern Festival just the day before the colloquium and inspired a lively discussion with the audience.

Feb 02 - Cheng Ting-Wen

Cheng Ting-Wen 鄭婷文 from the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies at National Chengchi University presented her Ph.D. research project to the other ERCCT Ph.D. Fellows in the Taiwan Colloqium on Thursday, 2 February 2023. Her presentation was entitled "The impact of imaginative exchanges on promoting the integration and development of the Cross-Strait relations: an example of Cross-Strait youth student online exchange activities". The ensuing discussion focused on methodological questions and the projec's embedding in political realities. 


Jan 23 - Wu Ying-Chu

Prof. Wu Ying-Chu 吳瑛珠 from the Department of Public Administration of Tamkang University (New Taipei City) presented her current reseach project to ERCCT Fellows and Master students from the Department of Chinese Studies on Monday, 23 Jan. 2023. Her presentation was titled "Umwandlung der verfassungsrechtlichen Stellung der politischen Parteien in Taiwan – vom Verfassungsentwurf in Jahr 1936 bis zur Verfassungsauslegung Nr. 793 im Jahr 2020" [Change of the constitutional position of political parties in Taiwan - from the constitutional draft of 1936 to the interpretation No. 793 in 2020].

2022 Taiwan Colloquium

Dec 15 - Jonathan Sullivan

Prof. Jonathan Sullivan from the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham presented  a paper, which he has submitted for publication, on Thursday, December 16, 2022, in the ERCCT’s Taiwan Colloquium: “Time matters in the Taiwan Strait”. In this paper, Dr. Sullivan departs from the observation that an intensification of the mainland Chinese multi-faceted efforts to urge Taiwanese society into accepting the alleged inevitability of (re)unification may have negative psychological effects on Taiwanese people’s capacity to envision their own future. And he gives a first answer to the question of ‘how Taiwanese elites and public think about Taiwan’s future in the shadow of Chinese coercion and threat’ by analyzing Tsai Ing-wen’s  attempts to prime Taiwanese to face the future. 

Nov 17 - Karoline Buchner

Short-Term Resident Fellow Karoline Buchner from the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin presented an empirical chapter, at this occasion titled 'Of "Quiet Medical Revolutions" and "Foreign Meddling": Covering Chinese Medicine in Taiwan Panorama' of her Ph.D. project to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium on 17 November 2022.

July 28 - Amélie Keyser-Verreault

Dr. Amélie Keyser-Verreault, postdoctoral Resident Fellow at the ERCCT since April 2022, has presented her research on the gendered body politics in Taiwan in the Taiwan Colloquium of 28 July 2022. Under the headline "From the quest for beauty to fat-shaming: Gender, body and the politics of desirability in contemporary Taiwan", Dr. Keyser-Verreault fascinated the audience by shedding light on the plight put on Taiwanese women by society's beauty standards and on fat women in particular, but also showed a perspective of fat women's strategies of resistance.  

July 07 - Judy Lee

In the Taiwan Colloquium session of 7 July, Judy Lee, ERCCT Resident Fellow, presented her Ph.D. research project to ERCCT Fellows and master student's from the Department of Chinese Studies. The title of her presentation was "Hong Kong exiles in Taiwan: an ongoing observation."


Jun 27 - Leon Kunz

As this summer's first Taiwan Colloquium speaker, Dr. Leon Kunz from the Center for Taiwan Studies at the University of Texas at Austin presented his current project "Space, leadership, and organization: Comparing the Sunflower and Umbrella movements" on Monday, 27 June 2022. His presentation was followed by vivid discussion with ERCCT fellows, and we are looking forward to seeing the publication of the article coming out of this research. 

Jun 02 - Guo Liqiao

Guo Liqiao 郭立橋, ERCCT short-term resident fellow from the Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies at Xiamen University, presented his Ph.D. research project "The Rivalry between Mainland China and Taiwan: how they view each other's application to join the CPTTP" in the Taiwan Colloquium on 2 June 2022. 

Feb 07 - Valentina Gamberi

Dr. Valentina Gamberi from the Research Center on Material Culture at the Fund for Ethnology Leiden, on Monday, February 7, 2022, presented her research project "Sacred Power as Spirituality Polluted: a Taiwanese Perspective on Sacred Waste" in the last session of the Taiwan Colloquium of the Winter Semester 2021/22. A cultural anthropologist by discipline and with a background in museology, her research project tackles the question of how "folk religion in Taiwan deal[s] with and conceptualize[s] sacred waste" and inquires into the possibilities of Chinese folk religion to offer new reconfigurations of the dynamic between heritage and 'sacred waste'. 

Jan 31 - Shen Yi-Chin

Shen Yi-Chin 沈宜瑾, Ph.D. student from National Chung Hsing University's Graduate Institute of International Politics, presentetd her research on the strategic choices of Australia in an international environment marked by the competition and increasing rivalry between the United States and the PRC to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, 31 January 2022. The presentation sparked a constructive discussion enfolding in the Q&A part of the session. 

Jan 17 - Huang Wei-Hao

Dr. Huang Wei-Hao 黄韋豪 from the Institute of Political Science at National Sun Yat-sen University presented his research on the influence of China's strategic bilateral partnerships on Taiwan's external relations under the title "Expanding China’s Partnerships Networks: How China Factors Affect Taiwan’s Bilateral Relations with Other Countries?" to ERCCT fellows in the first session of the Taiwan Colloquium in 2022.

2021 Taiwan Colloquium

Dec 13 - Pan Yi-Ling

In the last session of the Taiwan Colloquium before the Christmas break, our visiting fellow Pan Yi-Ling, who is joining the ERCCT from November 26 to December 23, presented a Ph.D. research project to the other felllows of the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, December 13, 2021. The presentation was titled "From Taiwan New Cinema to Post-New Cinema: The Transformation of Identity in today's Taiwan Cinema". Ms. Pan explained her research motivation, which lies with the issue of naming the present era of Taiwanese cinema as 'Post New Taiwanese Cinema', presented her research question and conceptual framework before bringing flesh to the bones by introducing a case study that is going to make up an important part of her Ph.D. dissertation. 

Dec 06 - Sirma Altun

Dr. Sirma Altun, who just received her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Geography at the University of Sydney earlier this year, gave a presentation of her current reserach project on "Global, Creative or Smart: City branding practices in Taipei in the 2000s" in the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, December 06, 2021. In her talk, Dr. Altun showed how various paradigms of city branding were applied in Taipei, each according to global trends, but also being influenced by the dynamics of the political economy in the Greater China region. 

Nov 08 - Liao Tsung-Hang

In the first on-site session of the Taiwan Colloquium in more than one-and-a-half years, visiting fellow Dr. Liao Tsung-Han 崇翰 from the Election Study Center at National Chengchi University presented his research project "The Personality Traits and Political Behaviors of Taiwan Voters" to ERCCT fellows and guests. The event format was in fact a hybrid one, combining the on-site presentation and discussion with the online participance of scholars currently not present in Tübingen, in this case, Dr. Sirma Altun. The presentation was ensued by a lively dicussion on the methodology and interpretation of the research results. 

Jul 19 - Hung YiLing

Hung Yi-ling 洪宜伶 Ph.D. student at Wageningen University, has presented a her Ph.D. project on food practices as embodiments of the transnational living experiences of Taiwanese in the Netherlands in the final Taiwan Colloquium of the Summer Semester 2021 on Monday, July 19. 
The talk has been recorded and can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/Xu-f62pjCvY

Jul 12 - Alexandre Gandil

Alexandre Gandil, Ph.D. candidate in political science at the Centre for International Studies (CERI) at the Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po), made a very valuable contribution to the Taiwan Colloquium presenting on Monday, 12 July 2021, his research which aims at a re-conceptualization of the Taiwan Strait as border and a new understanding of cross-strait relations by focusung on the role that the Kinmen 金門 archipelago has played and continues to play in relations across the Taiwan Strait. His presentation was titled: 'Re-mapping the Taiwan Strait: Putting the "(Mainland) China / Taiwan" Framework to the Test Through the Lens of Kinmen.'

The talk has been recorded and can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/2UB1w6Vgi5I

Jul 05 - Linh Le-Phuong

Linh Le-Phuong from the Institute for Media Studies at KU Leuven gave a talk titled "Female migration to Taiwan in Vietnamese online media: 
changing representation, changing society?" in the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, July 5, 2021. 

Here is the video recording: https://youtu.be/nCy_FI_kzGo

Jun 28 - Eric CHENG Siu Kei

Associate Professor Eric Cheung 鄭肇祺 from the Department of Cultural Resources and Leisure Industries at National Taitung University presented his recent research project on cross-strait trade (failures) in the ERCCT Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, June 28. His presentation, titled "The Bony Milkfish Road: Cross-Strait Trade, Seafood Cultures, and Quality-Taste (Mis-)Punctuation", unraveled the story of how export of milkfish, which is a very popular food fish in southern Taiwan, failed as an export product on the mainland chinese market.  

Here is the video recording: https://youtu.be/XZ6ukO5XB_0

Jun 21 - Magdaléna Rychetská

On June 21, 2021, Dr. Magadaléna Rychetská from the Department of Chinese Studies at Masaryk University, Brno, gave an intriguing presentation on the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan, gaging the possibility of understanding the church's activities in a transnational perspective on interaction between both sides of the Taiwan strait. Her talk in this Taiwan Colloquium was titled: "Transnational perspective: Can research of the Presbyterian church enrich our understanding of cross-strait studies?"

The talk has been recorded and can be watched at the CCKF-ERCCT's youtube channel.

Jun 07 - Lev Nachmann

Dr. Lev Nachmann, the Hou Family Postdoctoral Fellow at the Harvard Fairbank Center, talked about  his research regarding political parties in contested states under the title "Everything in Moderation: The DPP's Role in Taiwan's Post-Sunflower Movement-Party Formation" in the Taiwan Colloquium session of 7 June 2021. 

May 17 - Julia Marinaccio

Dr. Julia Marinaccio from the Department of Foreign Languages (Chinese Studies) at the University of Bergen, Norway, was our guest speaker in the Taiwan Colloquium of Monday, 17 May 2021. Dr Marinaccio intrigued the audience with a presentation of her current research project on the consequences of Taiwan's lack of an absentee voting system ("The Taiwanese emigrant electorate: Studying transnational political mobilization in the context of cross-strait relations"), exploring the cases of Taiwanese in Austria and on the Chinese mainland. 

Here is the talk recording.

May 10 - Dafydd Fell

We are glad to have had our friend Dr Dafydd Fell from the Center for Taiwan Studies at SOAS presenting his new book "Taiwan's Green Parties: Alternative Politics in Taiwan" in the opening session of the summer semester 2021 ERCCT Taiwan Colloquium! It was a very lively presentation, made all the more interesting as the author not only described the research methodology and content of his book but also shared his personal motivation and connections to the field and talked about his related plans for the future. 

Here is the talk recording

Feb 22 - Tseng Hsun-Hui

In the final session of the Taiwan Colloquium of the winter semester 2020-2021, Prof. Tseng Hsun-Hui 曾薰慧 from the Department of Taiwan Literature at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, talked about her research project on Vietnamese mariage migrants engaged in Taiwan's sex entertainment industry and the ways in which they come to terms with being mothers and sex-workers at the same time. The presentation, based on longterm field research, was titled "Motherhood and Moral Economy: The Art of Negotiation of Marriage Migrants Engaged in the Sex Entertainment Industry in Taiwan".

Feb 15 - Gwennaël Gaffric

A side trip into the field of literature was made through the intriguing presentation on Monday, February 15, 2021, by Dr. Gwennaël Gaffric Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France). His topic was "Taiwan Literature in the Era of the Anthropocene", shedding light on how contemporary Taiwanese Literature (apart from imaginations about the Global South) engages with ecological crises. 

Feb 08 - Beatrice Zani

Dr. Beatrice Zani, visiting postdoctoral researcher at the ERCCT, on Monday, February 8, 2021, presented her fascinating research project on "Women Miggrants in Southern China and in Taiwan: Mobilities, Digital Economies, and Emotions" in the Taiwan Colloquium. 

Feb 01 - Zhan Min-xu

Prof. Zhan Min-xu  詹閩旭 from the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies at National Chung Hsing University (Taichung) made a very interesting contribution to the Taiwan Colloquium with his talk "Taiwan Literature from a Southern Perspective" on Monday, February 1, 2021. In his talk, Prof. Zhan gave interesting insights into the motivation of contemporary writers to spell out their imaginations of the Global South. 

Jan 18 - Lee Po-Han

Prof. Lee Po-Han 李柏翰 from the Global Health Programme of National Taiwan University's College of Public Health gave a talk in the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, January 18, 2021. Speaking on the topic of "Solidarity with whom? Repositioning Taiwan beyond the WHO's epidemiological (inter)nationalism", Prof. Lee first introduced the post-WWII international pandemic response regime with a particular focus on the International Health Regulations of 2005 and then discussed the multiple positions of Taiwan / the Republic of China in this context.

Jan 11 - Hsu Chieh

In the first Taiwan Colloquium of 2021, Ass. Prof. Hsu Chieh 徐婕 from the Global Asia Research Center at National Taiwan Universisty presented her research on experiences and changing self-conceptions of Taiwanese and and Chinese female marriage migrants to Germany in Zoom on Monday, 11. January 2021. Her presentation was titled 'The Path to an Occupation: The (Early) Experiences of Highly Skilled Taiwanese and Chinese "Wives" in Germany'. 


Dec 14 - Cheng Chen Ching

On Monday, December 14, Ass. Prof. Cheng Chen Ching 鄭楨慶 from the Department of Journalism and Communication at Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong, made a most interesting contribution to the Taiwan Collquium in presenting his research on the specifics of Teresa Teng'S and Lo Da-yu's musical development in the larger context of the cold war and post-cold war eras and chinese national identities. 

Dec 07 - Zhu Yifei

On Monday, December 7, Mr. Zhu Yifei 朱奕飛  from the  Graduate School of East Asian Studies at Freie Universität Berlin presented his Ph.D. research project in the Taiwan Colloquium. His presentation was titled "Developmentalism Across the Strait: An Institutionalist Explanation of Taiwan’s Economic Policy toward China between 1990 and 2016" and lively discussed by the audience.



Feb 03 - Hsieh Hsin-chin

On Monday, February 3, 2020, our visiting scholar Prof. Hsieh Hsin-chin 謝欣芩 from the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Culture at National Taipei University of Education presented her current research on the intriguing topic of "Visualizing Migration: Family, Intimacy and Gender Politics of Southeast Asian Marriage Migration in Contemporary Taiwan". 

Drawing on the theoretical foundation of Transnational Feminism, Prof. Hsieh compared the potrayal of marriage migrants in documentaries by Taiwanese filmmakers on the one hand and by filmmaking marriage migrants like Nguyen Kim Hong on the other.

Jan 20 - Lin GuoTing (Visiting Fellow)

On Monday, January 20, 2020, our Visiting Fellow Lin Guoting 林果葶 from the Communication and Media Research Institute at the University of Westminster presented her Ph.D. research project "Indigenous Music and Social Media in Contemporary Taiwan: Rethinking the Identity of Taiwanese Indigenous people" to ERCCT Fellows. The presentation, featuring many interesting examples as well as detailing a sound research framework, fascinated the audience and led to a very fruitful discussion. 


Nov 18 - Zeng Yu-Qi

ERCCT Visiting Fellow Dr. Zeng Yu-Qi 曾裕淇 from the Department of Business Management at Tatung University (Taipei) presented her research project on "Building New Guanxi: How a Taiwanese-invested Factory Realizes Urban Regeneration in China" to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium, offering insights into to the fascinating results of her field-work in Shenzhen. 

Jul 22 - Chiu Yubin

On Monday, 22 July 2019, Prof. Chiu Yubin 邱毓斌 from the Department of Social Development and National Planning at National Pingtung University presented his current research project to members of the ERCCT. The presentation was titled "Ways of Returning Home: Indigenous Youths, Jobs, and the Revitalisation of Tribal Community" and convinced everyone present that Prof. Chiu is indeed a scholar who is concerned with the issues and needs of Taiwanese society. 

Jul 15 - Chu Jou-Juo

On July 15, 2019, Prof. Chu Jou-Juo 朱柔若 from the Department of Labor Relations at National Chung Cheng University presented her research on the role of legal consciousness in cases of labor disputes in Taiwanese companies investing in China. Emphasizing the methodological and theoretical aspects of her research, Prof. Chu at the same time gave an insightful presention of the complexities of industrial relations in Taiwanese firms on the mailand. 

Jun 27 - Lan Pei-Chia

Prof. Lan Pei-Chia 藍佩嘉 from the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University presented her research to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium on "Childrearing as Global Security Strategies: Comparing Middle-class Parenting in Taiwan and Immigrant America" on Thursday, June 27, 2019. 

May 13 - Mark Henderson

On Monday, May 13, 2019, our Short-Term Resident Fellow, Dr. Mark Henderson from the National Cheng Chi University's Programme of Asia Pacific Studies, presented his research project "Local Foreign Direct Investment Policy: The Case of Taiwan’s Major Cities" to the ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium.

Jan 28 - Kung Hsiao Pei

On January 28, 2019, Ms. Kung Hsiao-pei 龔小蓓 from the Graduate Institute of National Development at National Taiwan University presented her Ph.D. research project, titled "A Legal Phenomenological Reflection on the Talum Suqluman case ", to ERCCT Fellows in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium. 

Jan 25 - Liza Wing Man Kam

On January 24, 2019, Dr. Liza Wing Man Kam from the Department of East Asian Studies at Georg-August University, Göttingen, gave a very interesting public lecture on Japanese colonial era archtictural relics and how they are appropriated or neglected by Taiwanese local society's memory making, titled: "Obscured history, romanticised memory: commodification of the Japanese colonial past in Taiwan with urban heritage in Hengchun as case study" - a topic which drew quite a large audience.

Jan 24 - Liza Kam

Dr. Liza Wing Man KAM from the Department of East Asian Studies at Georg-August Universität Göttingen will give a public lecture at the ERCCT on January 24, 2019, at 6.15 p.m. 

Her topic is "Obscured history, romanticised memory: commodification of the Japanese colonial past in Taiwan with urban heritage in Hengchun as case study"

The lecture reflects on the concepts of heritage, history and memory through investigating three urban scenarios in Hengchun-- an extremely popular tourist sightseeing spot known as ‘Aka’s House’ fabricated after the popular Cape No. 7 film and its sequel; the discreet and non-captioned/explained Japanese colonial relics laying all over the Old Town; and the Western Gate of the Old Town embedded with its obscured history of the thousands of Taiwanese soldiers called into the army to fight for the Japanese during the Second World War. Through collecting and reflecting on the narratives from Hengchuners of different generations viewing their town through different objectives, the lecture attempts to explore the various connotations of colonial heritage in Hengchun in the contemporary era and hence its meaning to Taiwan.   

Venue is room no. 036 of Keplerstraße 2, 72074 Tübingen.

Liza Wing Man Kam works as Assistant Professor at the Department of East Asian Studies at the Georg-August Göttingen University and Research Fellow at Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. She trained in architectural schools and practices in Paris, London, Liverpool, Hong Kong and Singapore before she joined the Bauhaus in Weimar, Germany in 2009 for her doctorate, where she started investigating colonial space in Hong Kong with its unique post-colonial settings, and such colonial space’s inter-relation with historiography, identity formation and civic awareness.

Kam currently works on the colonial Shinto Shrines in Post-war Taiwan as both religious and political symbolisms for enunciating the different powers in Taiwan throughout the last two centuries. Departing from analysing these shrines as colonial architectural icons she studies the shrines’ evolved/ evolving roles as driving force for the younger generations in Taiwan to negotiate the Taiwanese identity. She aspires to broaden the understanding of decolonization by comparing the seemingly antithetical ideas of colonial nostalgia and decolonization in the cases of various Asian polities such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Goa and more. She is also interested in the flow of intellectual and culinary ideas with empire expansions.

Jan 16 - Kwan Chung Yin

On Thursday, January 17, 2019, ERCCT Short-Term Resident Fellow Kwan Chung Yin 關仲然 presented his Ph.D. research project to ERCCT Fellows in the second session of 2019's Taiwan Colloquium. His presentation, titled "The Mechanism of Party-Movement Relations: The Relationship between DPP and social movements after 2008", drew much interest and gave rise to a lively and constructive discussion.

Jan 10 - Jonathan Sullivan

On Thursday, January 10, 2109, Prof. Jonathan Sullivan from the University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute gave a public lecture - What’s new about the New Southbound Policy? 25 years of talking about “going south” - at the ERCCT on Taiwan's current foreign policy strategy in historical comparison. Being known in Tübingen as a very entertaining speaker, he drew a large audience that was not dissappointed at all and learned a lot. 

Jan 09 - Jonathan Sullivan

On January 8, in the very first session of the Taiwan Colloquium in 2019, Prof. Jonathan Sullivan from the University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute presented the Taiwan Elite Communication and Behavior Study project, a huge plan to make use of the vast amount of textual political communication available in Taiwan for comparative political science research. 


Dec 17 - Jhou Sih-Ting

On Monday, December 17, 2018, Visiting Fellow Jhou Sih-ting 周思廷, Ph.D. student from the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University, presented her research under the title: "Is corruption related to gender? Research on Corruption Cognition of Public Servants" to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium.


Jul 27 - Lin Kuo-Ming

On Friday, July 27, 2018, Prof. Lin Kuo-Ming 林國明 from the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University presented his ongoing research project on participatory budgeting projects in Taiwan. As the title of his presentation - 'Institutionalizing Participatory Budgeting in Taipei City' - indicated, he laid particular emphasis on the the importance of the insitutional design for this practice of deliberative democracy and he explained how the Da'an district is the most successful in this regard among all 12 districts of the capital. 


Jul 26 - DR. Klotzbücher

Dr. Sascha Klotzbücher from the Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Vienna, who has been visiting the ERCCT during July as participant in our Short-Term Residen Fellow Programme, presented his research in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium Thursday, July 26, 2018. The project he talked about is entitled 'Social and virtual innovations of new "homes" for aged and super-aged societies in Taiwan and China: Own field studies and theoretical considerations'.  

Please click on the image to see all photos from the event.

Jul 16 - Chen Wei-Ren

On Monday, July 16, 2018, Visiting Fellow Chen Wei-Ren 陳偉仁, Ph.D. candidate from the College of Law at National Taiwan University, presented his research under the title: "The Effects of Laws Declared as Unconstitutional Due to Insufficient Coverage: A Study on the Grand Justice Declaration of the Civil Code as Unconstitutional for Failing to Protect Same-Sex Marriage". 

Jun 29 - Prof. Emerson Niou

On Friday, June 29, 2018, Prof. Emerson Niou 牛銘實 from Duke University will present his research project "How is Taiwan different from other small states in international politics?" to ERCCT Fellows in our very next session of the Taiwan Colloquium. 

Time: 10.15 to 11.45 a.m.

Venue: Room no. 0.36, at Keplerstraße 2

May 17 - Beatrice Zani

On Thursday, May 17, 2018, ERCCT Short-Term Resident Fellow Beatrice Zani from the TRIANGLE UMR 5206 Laboratory at Université Lumière Lyon II, has presented an important aspect of her doctoral research project to ERCCT Fellows, namely: "Trans-local, Trans-versal, Trans-gressive: Women's Circulations between China and Taiwan", in the second Taiwan Colloquium of the current summer term. 

May 14 - Deng XiaoDong

Deng Xiaodong, visiting the ERCCT as a guest doctoral fellow, has presented his research to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium on Monday, May 14, 2018. His doctoral research project focuses on the formation of attitudes towards China among Taiwan's younger generations and thus easily sparked a lively discussion among ERCCT Fellows. 

Feb 09 - DR. Ne SheeJay

On February 9, 2018, our Visiting Fellow Dr. Nee Sheejay 倪世傑 from the Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, presented his reseach on Taiwanese Discourses of economic inequality in the Taiwan Colloquium. After his presentation, Dr. Nee responded to the questions of the interested audience.

Feb 02 - Monika Arnoštová

Monika Arnoštová from the School of Sociology & Population Studies at Renmin University of China presented her Ph.D. project on the overtime work culture among white collar workers of Beijing and her plans of extension of this research to cover similar phenomena in Taiwan on Friday, February 2, 2018, in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium. 

Jan 26 - Chen Don-Yun

Visiting Prof. Chen Don-yun (Dept. of Public Administration, NCCU) presented his current research project in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium on Friday, January 26, 2018, to ERCCT Fellows, thus giving insight into the question of "Who Wants and Who Can Become Public Servants in Taiwan?" and illuminating this through "Empirical Observations from the Third Taiwan Government Bureaucrats Survey, TGBS III"

Jan 19 - Elisa Tamburo

On Friday, 19 January 2018, ERCCT Resident Fellow Elisa Tamburo presented her current research project in the Taiwan Colloquium to an interested audience. Her talk, titled "Moving Home: place, identity, and the politics of relocation in urban Taiwan", was followed by a lively discussion.

Jan 12 - Guo Sheng-Ping

On January 12, 2018, Short-Term Resident Fellow Guo Sheng-ping 郭勝平 from Emmanuel College of the University of Toronto presented his Ph.D. research project to ERCCT Fellows in this year's first session of the Taiwan Colloquium. His presentation was entitled "The Bread of Life Christian Church (Ling Liang Tang) in the Global Landscape of Christianity: Issues in Identity Negotiation, Spiritual Practice, and Cultural Accommodation, 1942-2017". 


Nov 17 - Lee Chia-Wen

On Friday, November 17, 2017, Prof. Lee Chia-Wen 李佳玟 (Department of Law, National Cheng Kung University) will present her current research on Taiwan's criminal justice system under the title "Conscience and Convenience: Taiwan’s Rocky Road to Adopting the Adversarial System in Criminal Procedure" in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium. 

Jul 28 - Ye XiaoDi

On Friday, July 28, Ye Xiaodi 葉曉迪, from the Department of Political Science at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, presented his research in the Taiwan Colloquium. His talk was titled "China's Rising and its Evolutionary Interest Narrative: Power Structure and Transition Perspective".

Jul 21 - Dr. Tseng Yi-Tsui

On Friday, July 21, 2017 Visiting Fellow Dr. Tseng Yi-tsui 曾倚萃 from the Institute of Political Science at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, presented her current research project on the topic of "Norm and Discourse of Sustainable Development for China" to ERCCT Fellows in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium.

Jul 14 - Prof. Chen Lu-Huei

On Friday, July 14th, Visiting Scholar Prof. Chen Lu-huei 陳陸輝 from the Department of Political Science of National Chengchi University and a leading figure of the Election Study Center at NCCU, presented his book project on Cross-Strait Relations and Electoral Politics in Taiwan during a session of the Taiwan Colloquium. 

Jun 30 - Prof. Yang Wan-Ying

On June 30, current ERCCT Visiting Scholar, Prof. Yang Wan-Ying 楊婉瑩 from the Department of Political Science at National Chengchi University, presented her current research in the Taiwan Colloquium. Based on the analysis of data obtained through questionnaires, her talk titled "The Gender Value Differences across the Taiwan Strait" suggested that attitutes towards gender roles in China and Taiwan were converging. Her presentation was followed by a lively discussion.

Jun 23 - Dr. Tatiana Komarova

Our Short-Term Resident Fellow Dr. Tatiana Komarova presented her reserch on "Taiwan's role in the Asia-Pacific Chessboard: Political Dialogue and Economic Cooperation among the Main Actors in the Region" during a session of the Taiwan Colloquium on Friday, June 23, 2017.

Jun 16 - Dr. Tseng Yu-Chin

On Friday, June 16, 2017, ERCCT Resident Fellow, Dr. Tseng Yu-Chin 曾育勤, presented the proposal of a new research project of hers to ERCCT Fellows. Under the working title of "One Belt, One Road: the Tansnational Social Space of Chinese Entrepreneurship in Southern Europe in Times of Economic Crisis" she is going to investigate the influence of chinese economic immigrants to southern/south-eastern Europe on the receiving societies. 

May 12 - Dr. Mon Ya-Feng

Our Short-Term Resident Fellow Mon Ya-Feng 毛雅芬  will present her current post-doctoral research project on "Technological Mysticism: On the Moving Image as a Medium of Prophecy" in the next session of the Taiwan Colloquium on Friday, May 12, 2017. 

May 05 - Huang Hui-Tzu

On Friday, May 5, 2017, ERCCT Short-Term Resident Fellow Huang Hui-Tzu 黃慧慈 presented her research on the the de-centralization of production of renewable energies in Japan in the Taiwan Colloquium.


Feb 10 - Prof. Chien Shiuh-Shen

On Friday, February 10, 2017, Visiting Scholar Prof. Chien Shiuh-Shen 簡旭伸 from the Dept. of Geography at National Taiwan University introduced ERCCT Fellows to his research on the Kunshan Taishang's Matsu-Temple (Taiwan Investment and China Local Government - the Case of Kunshan) in the Taiwan Colloquium.

Feb 03 - Lee Yi-Ching

On Friday, February 3, 2017, Lee Yi-Ching introduced her current research project on energy transition governance in comparative perspective between Taiwan and Germany to ERCCT Fellows in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium. Interestingly, she has chosen the cities of Berlin and Freiburg (in the state of Baden-Württemberg) as sites for her fieldwork on the topic in Germany. 

Jan 20 - Huang Kai-Shen

On Friday, January 20, 2017 Short-Term Resident Fellow Huang Kai-Shen 黃凱紳 introduced one part of his Ph.D. research project to ERCCT Fellows in the first session of the Taiwan Colloquium this year. His presentation was headed "Environmentalism and its Political Confrontations in Taiwan". 


Dec 22 - Dr. Remmert

On December 22, 2016, ERCCT Research Fellow Dr. Désirée Remmert presented her postdoctoral research project titled "Fate and the Life Course - An International Comparison of the Impact of Notions of Fate, Choice and the Agency on Subjective Well-Being among Urban Taiwanese" in the year's final Taiwan Colloquium. 

Dec 16 - Dr. Chen Yueh-Ching

Dr. Chen Yueh-Ching 陳月卿 from the Institute of Political Science at National Sun Yat-Sen University in Kaohsiung has presented her research project "The Impact of Social Movements on Constitutional Systems - A Comparison between Taiwan and France" to ERCCT Fellows in a session of the Taiwan Collloquium on Friday, December 16, 2016. Upon presentation, the fellows discussed it very vividly with Dr. Chen. 

Nov 11 - Prof. Wang Hong-Zen

Under the headline "Small Signals fomr the Alienated Land: labour regimes in Taiwanese factories in Vietnam" Visiting Scholar Professor Wang Hong-zen 王宏仁 from the Department of Sociology at National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung presented the theoretical and epistemological approach to his research on labour control and resistance in Taiwanese-owned factories in Vietnam to the ERCCT fellows in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium on Friday, November 11, 2016. 

Oct 28 - Chang Ti-Han

On October 28, 2016, Ms. Chang Ti-Han 張迪涵 from the Institute of Transtextual and Transcultural Studies at Université Lyon III Jean Moulin presented her Ph.D. reserach project on "The Role of the Ecological Other in Contesting Postcolonial Identity Politics: Postcolonial Eco-literature of J.M. Coetzee and Wu Ming-yi" to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium. 

Jul 25 - Prof. Shen Cen-Chu

On Monday, July 25, Prof. Shen Cen-chu from the Gradaute Institute of National Policy and Public Affairs, spoke about his current research project on theoretical framing of macro-economic developments in East Asia in the Taiwan Colloquium, and discussed it with ERCCT visiting and resident fellows. 

Jun 14 - Liu Yi-Ning

On Tuesday, June 14, 2016, Ms. Liu Yining 劉怡寧 from the Department of Sociology at the National Taiwan University presented her research project in the Taiwan Colloquium. Her talk, titled "Framing the cultural interpretation of 'Oldness': The contribution of Taiwan Humanistic Buddhism in the aging society", discussed the the role of Buddhism and Buddhist organisations in Taiwan's ageing society.


Dec 12-13 - Workshop: Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-Jeou

Workshop: Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jeou

closed format.

Dec. 12th, 8:45 a.m. Fürstenzimmer, Burgsteige 11, 72070 Tübingen

Dec 10 - Dr. Chen Te-Sheng

In the latest session of the Taiwan Colloquium Dr. Chen Te-sheng from the Institute of International Relations at National Chengchi University, Taipei, presented his ideas on Institutional Innovation and Economic Cooperation across the Taiwan Strait on Thursday, December 10th, 2015. 

Nov 27 - Dr. Lee Yi-Li

Visiting Fellow Dr. LEE Yi-Li from the College of Law at National Taiwan University, who is staying at the ERCCT from October 29 to December 7, 2015 under our Visiting Fellow Programme, has presented a paper on "Reexamining Transitional Justice in Taiwan: A Lost Opportunity?" (written together with Chang Wen-Chen) in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium on Friday, November 27, 2015. Her presentation and the discussion that ensued interestingly showed the very different approaches of jurisprudence and the social sciences. 

Nov 26 - Victoria LinChong

On Thursday, November 26, the ERCCT screened the documentary film "Almost Home Taiwan" by actor, screenwriter, and filmmaker Victoria Linchong 林鍾維春 from New York. The film drew a large audience and inspired a lively discussion on questions of Taiwanese history, politics, and society.

Jun 12 - Ian Rowen

Ian Rowen, Ph.D. candate at the University of Boulder, Colorado, will present his research (Tourism, territoriality, and protest in Taiwan and China) to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium on Friday, June 12, 2015. 

Feb 09 - Dr. Astrid Lipinsky

On Monday, February 9th 2015, Dr. Astrid Lipinsky from the Department of East Asian Studies/Sinology at the University of Vienna, will present her current research project Unmarried Women, Marriage and Law in China, Taiwan and Asia in the next session of the ERCCT's Taiwan Colloquium. 

If interested in Dr. Lipinsky's research, don't miss her website at http://www.sinojus-feminae.eu/chinesisches-recht-gender-sinologie-forschung.html (in german).


Dec 16 - Keng Kim-Yung

Our Visiting Fellow Keng Kim-Yung 何景榮 from the Graduate Institute of Development Studies at National Cheng-Chi University and also affiliated to the University of Hawaii's Department of Sociology presented his Ph.D. research project on the school achievements of immigrant children in Taiwan in the last session of the Taiwan Colloquium of 2014 on Tuesday, December 16th.  

Nov 27 - Wang Jenn-Hwan

On Thursday, Nov. 27th, Prof. Wang Jenn-Hwan from the Graduate Institute of Development Studies at National Cheng-Chi University, Taipei, gave a fascinating public lecture on the topic of "The Paradox of Small Hydropower: Local Government and Environmental Governance in China". Based on field work done in 2009, 2011 and 2013 in Yunnan, the lecture gave a very vivid analysis of the political economy behind the many small scale hydroelectric stations in rural China. The talk thus sparked a lively discussion between the audience and the expert. 

Oct 16 - Theodore Charm

On Thursday, October 16th, Theodore Kai Yue Charm, Masters student at the Centre of Taiwan Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, presented his research project on "Measuring and Explaining the Success and Failure of the Small Parties in Taiwan" to ERCCT Fellows during the first session of the Taiwan Colloquium of this winter semester. 

Theodore visited the ERCCT on the Library Grant he has been awarded for the presentation of his paper "The Transformation of the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Legislative Candidate Selection System after 2008at the 2014 annual conference of the European Association for Taiwan Studies. 

Oct 21 - Prof. Shih Chih-Yu

As part of the Virtual Taiwan Lecture Series project, the weekly lecture on "China and International Relations Theory: The Perspective from Taiwan", held by Prof. Shih Chih-yu at the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University is broadcast to the ERCCT (4F, Wilhelmstr. 19, 72074 Tübingen), where it can be followed at room 3.28 on Tuesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 1:20 p.m.

Jul 17 - Prof. Wu Te-Mei

On Thursday, July 17th, Prof. Wu Te-Mei from the Graduate Institute of Development Studies at National Cheng Chi University, Taipei, Taiwan, presented a research project of her's during the CCKF-ERCCT Colloquium.

Jan 30 - Fan Hsiu-Yu

Our Visiting Fellow, Ms Fan Hsiu-Yu 范秀羽 from University of California, Berkeley (School of Law) presented her research in our Taiwan Colloquium yesterday (Jan. 30). In her talk, entitled “Migrant Trophy Wives in a Strategic Courtroom”, Ms. Fan described the different images of Foreign Migrant Spouses (FMS) that have been created in Taiwan over the course of the last few decades, and how those stereotypes have been subjected to different changes. Further, Ms. Fan approached the question of how those images have been used as litigation strategies employed by female migrant spouses and their adversaries in Taiwanese courtrooms.

The talk, which represents one part of Fan Hsiu-Yu’s three-pillar research project “Three dimensions of Forming Immigration Law and Policy”, was  followed by a fruitful and interested debate by the audience.

Jan 21 - Mr. Sia Ek-Hong

In this week’s ERCCT colloquium, our ERCCT Research fellow, Mr. Sia Ek-hong, presented one further chapter of his ph.D. research project: “Émigré Authoritarianism: The Nature of ROC’s Rule over Taiwan”. Starting from a conceptional  classification autochthonous and allochthonous types of authoritarianism, Mr. Sia classifies the KMT’s early rule over Taiwan as a “minority rule mode” of settler colonialism.

Jan 14 - Prof. Dr. Gunter Schubert

Tonight, Prof. Dr. Gunter Schubert will give a lecture: "Föderalismus – das Problem oder die Lösung? Die Volksrepublik China – ein föderaler Einheitsstaat?" (in German). If you are interested in this topic, you are welcome to attend. The lecture will begin at 6 p.m. in HS 21, Kupferbau, Hölderlinstraße 5, 72074 Tübingen. Please follow this link. link for further information.