
Prof. Hsiao Nai-Yi 蕭乃沂


Prof. Hsiao Nai-Yi 蕭乃沂 

Home Institiution:

Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Duration of Stay:

July 2 – July 27, 2013


E-Mail: nhsiao@nccu.edu.tw, naiyi.hsiao@gmail.com
Phone: +886 (02) 2939 3091 ext. 51147
Cellphone: +886 (0935) 382071
Address: No.64, Sec.2, Zhi-Nan Rd., Wen-Shan District, Taipei, 11605,  Taiwan (ROC)


PhD, Public Administration and Policy
Concentration on Decision and Policy Sciences
State University of New York at Albany (SUNY at Albany), USA
Dissertation: Exploration of Outcome Feedback for Dynamic Decision Making

MBA/MIS, Information Management
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Thesis: Integration of System Dynamics and Rule-based Reasoning Mechanism

BS, Applied Mathematics
National Chao-Tung University, Taiwan

Professional Experience

2/2012 -
Director, Taiwan E-Governance Research Center, National Chengchi University, Taipei, TAIWAN

2/2011 -
Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, National Chengchi University, Taipei, TAIWAN

5/2009 -
Visiting Scholar, Case Study and Teaching Program

John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Boston, USA

2/2008 - 12/2011
Deputy Director, Taiwan E-Governance Research Center, National Chengchi University, Taipei, TAIWAN

8/2005 - 7/2007
Executive Editor, Journal of Public Administration, National Chengchi University, Taipei, TAIWAN

8/2004 - 1/2011
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, National Chengchi University, Taipei, TAIWAN

8/2000 - 7/2004
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy and Management, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, TAIWAN


Graduate level:
1. Systems Thinking and Policy Simulation
2. E-Governance and Government Information Technology Management
3. Public Organization Theory and Behavior
4. Environments for Public Governance
5. Multivariate Statistical Analysis
6. Research Methods (Quantitative and Qualitative)

Undergraduate level:

1. Systems Thinking and Decision Analysis
2. Decision Analysis with Computer Application
3. E-Governance and Government Information Technology Management
4. Public Administration
5. Government and Business
6. Cross-Sector Governance
7. Public Opinion Survey and Policy Analysis
8. Research Methods (Quantitative and Qualitative)

Professional training for public officials:
1. Systems Thinking and Decision Analysis
2. E-Governance and Government Information Technology Management
3. Government Performance Management
4. Program Management


1. E-Governance
2. Government Information Technology Management
3. Systems Thinking and System Dynamics
4. Public Policy Simulation

SELECTED PUBLICATION (* in Traditional Chinese)

PhD, Public Administration and Policy
Concentration on Decision and Policy Sciences
State University of New York at Albany (SUNY at Albany), USA
Dissertation: Exploration of Outcome Feedback for Dynamic Decision Making


1.     *Hsiao Nai-yi, Don-yun Chen and Chia-ying Lu (2013). “Opinion Survey for Public Officials: Design and Implementation,” Public Management and Policy Review, in press.
2.     *Pin-yu Chu, Naiyi Hsiao and Li-jung Yang (2013). “An Evaluation Framework for G2B Programs in E-governance,” Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 56: 1-41.
3.     Chen, Don-yun, Tong-yi Huang, Naiyi Hsiao, Yu-chin Chien. (2012) “The Effects of E-Government on Political Trust and Efficacy: A Case Study of Taiwan’ in Trust and Governance Institutions: Asian Experiences, Sun, W.T.W, C.G. Wescott & L.R.Jones eds., pp.109-123, Information Age Publishing.
4.     *Hsiao, Naiyi and Pin-Yu Chu (2011). Overall Evaluation for E-governance Programs- Framework, Implementation, and Impact Assessment. Granted by Research Development and Evaluation Commission, TAIWAN.
5.     Hsiao, Naiyi, Pin-Yu Chu, and Chung-Pin Lee (2011). “E-governance Impact on Businesses – Model Development and Case Study,” edited by Pin-Yu Chu and Yu-Che Chen, Cross-Boundary Collaboration and Electronic Governance: Innovations and Advancing Tools, NY: CRC Press.
6.     Huang, Tongyi, Naiyi Hsiao, and Chung-Pin Lee (2011). “Using Internet Survey to Evaluate the Effects of E-Government: The Case of Taiwan’s Tax Return Filing System,” edited by Pin-Yu Chu and Yu-Che Chen, Cross-Boundary Collaboration and Electronic Governance: Innovations and Advancing Tools, NY: CRC Press.
7.     *Hsiao, Naiyi and Chung-Pin Lee (2010). Constructing and Evaluating E-Governance Impact on Nonprofit Organizations (G2N). Granted by Research Development and Evaluation Commission, TAIWAN.
8.     Chao-Yin Lin, Don-yun Chen, I-Chun Liu and Naiyi Hsiao (2010). “Political Feasibility Analysis of the New Financing Scheme for the National Health Insurance Reform in Taiwan: An Application of Stakeholder Analysis,” Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 4(3): 163-183.
9.     Shiang, Jing, Naiyi Hsiao and Jin Lo (2010) “E-government in Taiwan,” edited by Evan Berman, M. Jae Moon and Heungsuk Choi, Public Administration in East Asia, NY: CRC Press, pp. 627-648.
10.   *Hsiao, Naiyi and Jin Lo (2010).  “Value Chain Analysis for E-government,” Journal of Public Administration, 36: 1-37.
11.   *Hsiao, Naiyi (2009). Information Technology Governance for the Public Sector. Granted by National Science Council, TAIWAN.
12.   *Hsiao, Naiyi and Pin-Yu Chu (2009). Constructing and Evaluating E-Governance Impact on Private Businesses (G2B). Granted by Research Development and Evaluation Commission, TAIWAN.
13.   Huang,  Tong-yi,  Naiyi  Hsiao,  Don-yun  Chen,  and  Chia-ying  Lu  (2009).“Laying Groundwork for Evidence-based Public Management: Methodological Issues in Surveying Civil Servants in a Newly Democratized Country.” Paper Prepared   for   the   Annual   Meeting   of   the   American   Society   of   Public Administration- Governance in the Midst of Diversity, Miami, FL, USA, March 20-24, 2008.
14.   Chen, Don-yun, Tong-yi Huang, Naiyi Hsiao, Tze-Luen Lin and Chung-pin Lee. (2009) “Experimental E-Deliberation in Taiwan: A Comparison of Online and Face-to-face Citizens’ Conferences in Beitou, Taipei” Strategies for Local E-Government Adoption and Implementation: Comparative Studies, Christopher G. Reddick, ed., IGI Global.
15.   *Chiang Li-Chun and Hsiao, Naiyi (2008). Government IT Workforce and Budgeting Management. Granted by Research Development and Evaluation Commission, TAIWAN.
16.   Hsiao, Naiyi (2008). “Budget Management for Government IT Functions - Retrospect and Prospect,” Asia Academy of Management Sixth Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, December 14-16, 2008.
17.   Shiang, Jing, Naiyi Hsiao and Jin Lo (2007). “Democratization of Government Websites: Indicators and Comparing Perceptions of Citizens and Public Officials in Taiwan,” The 7th European Conference on e-Government held at Haagse Hogeschool, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 21-22 June 2007.
18.   Chen, Don-yun, Tong-yi Huang, and Naiyi Hsiao (2006). “Reinventing Government through On-line Citizen Involvement in the Developing World: A Case Study of Taipei City Mayor’s E-mail Box in Taiwan,” Public Administration and Development, 26(5): 409-423.
19.   Chen, Don-yun, I-Chun, Liu, Chao-yin, Lin and Naiyi Hsiao (2006).  " Stakeholder Participation in the Formation of Policy Solutions: An Exploratory Assessment of Political Feasibility in the Second Generation National Health Insurance Reform in Taiwan, 2000-2003,"  Paper accepted for the Comparative Health Policy session in the International Political Science Association (IPSA), Fukuoka, Japan.
20.   Chu, Pin-Yu, Naiyi Hsiao, Fung-Wu Lee, and Chun-Wei Chen (2004). “Exploring Success Factors for Government Electronic Tendering System: Behavioral Perspectives from End Users,” Government Information Quarterly, 21(2): 219-234.
21.   Chen, Don-yun, Tong-yi Huang, and Naiyi Hsiao (2003). "The Management of Citizen Participation in Taiwan: A Case Study of Taipei City Government's Citizen Complaints System," International Journal of Public Administration, 26(5): 525-547.
22.   Hsiao, Naiyi, Tong-yi Huang, and Don-yun Chen (2002).  "Implementing Electronic Government in Taiwan: A Case Study on Taipei City Mayor's Email-box."  Paper presented in International Conference of Electronic Government, Seoul, Korea, by Electronic Government Research Institute (EGRI), University of Seoul / Seoul Metropolitan Government.


1.     Hsiao, Naiyi (2012-2014). E-governance towards Cross-sector Collaboration – Case Studies and Capacity Building. Granted by National Science Council, TAIWAN.
2.     Liao, Zou-Peng, Naiyi Hsiao, Don-yun Chen and Hsin-chungLiao (2013). Big Data Analysis for Good Governance – Application of Web-based Opinion Mining for Public Decision-making. Granted by Research Development and Evaluation Commission, TAIWAN.


1.     Hsiao, Naiyi and Chun-min Chen (2013). “Foresight Study on Digital Convergence and E-Governance,” Revised for Journal of E-Government Studies and Best Practices.
2.     Hsiao, Naiyi, Chung-Pin Lee and I-Hung Liu (2013). “E-governance for the Civil Society: Capacity Building for Nonprofit Organizations,“ Revised for Government Information Quarterly. USA.

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