Prof. Wu Te-Mei 吳德美
Name: | Prof. Wu Te-Mei 吳德美 | |
Home Institiution: | National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan | |
Duration of Stay: | June 24 – July 23, 2014 |
Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Development Studies, National Chengchi University (1996)
MA., Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Graduate Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, National Chengchi University (1985)
B.A. Department of Political Science, Soochow University (1981)
Professional Position
Professor & Director, Graduate Institute of Development Studies, College of Social Sciences, National Cheng-Chi University (2011,08-2013,07)
Member of Review Committee, Mainland Affairs Council, Executive Yuan in Taiwan. (2009,08-2013,07)
Member of Review Committee, The Journal of International Relations, Department of Diplomacy, National Cheng-Chi University (2011,08-2013,07)
Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Development Studies ,College of Social Sciences, National Cheng-Chi University, (1997-2009)
Visiting Scholar, Center for Chinese Research, University of British Columbia, Canada (1998 summer) (discuss and join with Professor Samuel P.S. Ho’s research project:”Leaving the Good Earth—The Transformation of Rural China”)
Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, USA. (1997-1998)
Lecturer, College of Social Sciences, National Cheng-Chi University, (1990-1996)
Adjunct Research Assistant Fellow, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taipei (1994-1995)
Book Chapter
1. Yen Wu Te-Mei; 黃志豪, 2014, 6" The Evolution of Chinese Labor Rights: from the Perspective of Policy Change," in《兩岸社會發展的挑戰與轉型》, 台北: 巨流出版社,pp.119-156。
2. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2012.12, " Water Privatization and the Development of Urban Water Sector in China:Policy, Trends and Impacts ", 《中國水治理與可持續發展研究》,北京: 社會科學文獻出版社。
3. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2011.12, " The Initiative and Referendum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the Referendum in Taiwan: A case study of ECFA ", 《孫中山思想與國家發展的理論與實踐》, 台北: 國父紀念館出版。
4. Yen Wu Te-mei; Lin Chi-Yu, 2009.03, " The Content Analysis of China Government’s Control on Novelists," in Literature as a Witness(《作為見證的文學》), Taipei: Free Culture Press.
5. Yen Liang-Kung; Berlin Wu; Yen Wu Te-mei, 2005.10, " Using Fussy Statistical Methods to forecast Military Budget Allocation,” in Chu Ke-Yi(ed), The New Strategic Situation Across Taiwan Strait, Taipei: TingMao Press.
1. Te-Mei Yen Wu, 2010.11, " The Practice of Foreign Direct Investment in the Principle of Livelihood:A Case Study of Taiwanese Businessmen’s Investment in China," Sun Yat-Sen Studies(孫學研究), No.9, pp.109-132.
2. Te-Mei Yen Wu; Liang Kung Yen, 2010.02, " Economic Growth、Poverty Reduction and Labor Migration:A Case in China," Asian Studies(亞洲研究), Vol.60, pp.3-24.
3. Ruo Lin Pan、Liang Kung Yen、Te-Mei Yen Wu, 2009.06, " Global Governance and Its Impact on Domestic Genetically Modified Foods Regulatory Policy-Making in Taiwan," Journal of Public Administration & Policy, No.48期. (TSSCI)
4. Te-Mei Yen Wu, 2009.03, " A Study of Development and Human Resource Statistical Analysis about the Employment for Civil Service in Department of Defense(USA) —and the Implications to the Institution in Taiwan," 國家菁英季刊, Vol.5, No.1, pp.141-148.
5. Te-Mei Yen Wu, 2009.03, " Private Finance Initiative in Britain: A Political Economy Analysis," 問題與研究, Vol.48, No.1. (TSSCI)
6. Sheng-wen Tseng、Te-Mei Yen Wu, 2005.11, "Has Open-Door Policy of China Influenced Southeast Asian Countries' Economic Growth," 育達商管學報, No.2, pp.1-22.
7. Liang Kung Yen、Te-Mei Yen Wu, 2005.09, "The State, Global Economy and Domestic Politics: Explaining Canada's Decision to Join the Free Trade Agreements," 東吳政治學報, No.21, pp.115-157. (TSSCI)
8. Te-Mei Yen Wu、Sheng-wen Tseng, 2005.05, "The Impact of an Emerging of China on ASEAN’s Economic Development," 問題與研究, Vol.44, No.3, pp.57-92. (TSSCI)
9. Te-Mei Yen Wu, 2003.10, "Urban-Rural Employment Disparity in China’s Urban Informal Sector," 中國大陸研究, Vol.46, No.5, pp.127-150. (TSSCI)
Conference Papers
1. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2013.07, " Marketization of Urban Water Sector in China: An Embedded Neoliberalism Perceptive ", 2013’中國土地資源開發利用與生態文明建設學術研討會, 中國自然資源學會土地資源研究專業委員會、中國地理學會農業地理與鄉村發展專業委員會主辦,青海民族大學公共管理學院承辦。
2. Yen Wu Te-Mei; 鄭勇志, 2013.07, "The Cooperation and Competition Between RECP and TPP Within East Asian Economic Integration: Implication for Taiwan ", 孫中山與東亞和平研討會, 日本愛知大學東亞同文書院主辦。
3. Yen Wu Te-Mei;黃志豪, 2012.09, " The Evolution of Chinese Labor Rights: from the Perspective of Policy Change ", 2012年兩岸社會創新與發展學術研討會, 政治大學國際關係研究中心第四研究所主辦。
4. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2012.08, "Cross-Strait Trade Relation and its Impact on Taiwan’s Industrial and Employment Transformation ", 兩岸關係:共識積累與政策創新研討會, 全國台灣研究會(北京)主辦。
5. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2012.07, " Water Privatization and the Development of Urban Water Sector in China:Policy, Trends and Impacts ", 2012’中國水治理與可持續發展——海峽兩岸學術研討會, 雲南財經大學主辦。
6. Yen Wu Te-Mei;蔡濟安, 2012.06, "The Impact of Cross-Strait Trade Relation on the Employment Structure in Taiwan’s Manufacture Sector: A De-industrialization Perspective ", 兩岸關係與兩岸治理學術研討會, 中國文化大學社會科學院主辦。
7. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2011.11, " The Initiative and Referendum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the Referendum in Taiwan: A case study of ECFA," 建國百年「孫中山思想與國家發展」國際學術研討會, 台北國父紀念館主辦。
8. Yen Wu Te-Mei;邱心怡, 2011.10, " The Governance Model of Infrastructure and Regional Development in China:A Comparison between Centralization and Decentralization," 第三屆發展研究年會, 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系主辦。
9. Yen Wu Te-Mei; Lin Shih-Yuan; Peng Li-Chung, 2011, “Spatial Dynamics of Industry Cluster:The Case of Taiwanese Businessmen’s Investment in China”, Immigration Societies:A comparative perspective on Austria and Taiwan International Seminar, 30 Sept-1 Oct 2011 in Vienna, Austria.
10. Te-Mei Yen Wu , 2011.07, " The Change and Prospect of the Economic and Trade Relationship across the Straits in the Post-ECFA Era," 第二十屆海峽兩岸關係學術研討會, 全國臺灣研究會、中華全國臺灣同胞聯誼會和中國社會科學院臺灣研究所主辦。
11. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2011.06, " The ECFA Referendum—from Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Perspective," 2011年第三屆區域史地學術研討會, 嘉義大學史地學系主辦。
12. Yen Wu Te-Mei; Helen Murphy, 2011.05, " Inclusive Development and Water Governance in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region: The Failure of Public/Private Partnerships in the Water Sector," 中華民國國際關係學會第四屆學術研討會:「國關理論與全球發展」學術研討會, 中華民國國際關係學會、淡江大學國際研究學院主辦。
13. Yen Wu Te-Mei; Helen Murphy, 2010.12, " The Evolution of Chinese Labour Rights from a Multi-governance Perspective," 第六屆「兩岸和平研究」學術研討會: ECFA之後的兩岸關係與東亞區域整合」, 政治大學東亞研究所, 亞太和平基金會。
14. Yen Wu Te-Mei; Helen Murphy, 2010.09, "The Evolution of Chinese Labor Rights from a Multi-governance Perspective," Taiwan and Austria Bilateral Conference: Justice and Injustice Problems in Transitional Societies, Taiwan Studies Center, NCCU.
15. Yen Liang-Kung; Hsieh Jun-Yi; Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2010.06, "Governance without Government: Emerging Private Environmental Authority in Taiwan's ICT Industry," 2010 Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration, Xiamen University, China.
16. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2010.06, " The Practice of Principle of People's Livelihood and Foreign Direct Investment: A Case of Taiwan’s Investment in China," 孫中山研究與兩岸關係學術研討會, 武漢理工大學、湖北社會科學院主辦。
17. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2010.05, " Can Taiwan Thrive again? Dilemma in the Two-Level Games of ECFA," 台灣研究與公共事務治理:個案研究與個案教學研討會, 政治大學台灣研究中心、國家文官學院主辦。
18. Hsieh Jun-Yi; Yen Liang-Kung; Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2010.04, "Policy Ideas, Environmental Management and Improvements: Taiwan Environmental Governance," 2010 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA).
19. Helen Murphy; Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2009.11, "Fundamental Infrastructure, Inclusive Development and Governance in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region: Public/Private Partnerships in the Water Sector," 第一屆發展研究年會, 政治大學國家發展研究所主辦。
20. Yen Liang-Kung; Yen Wu Te-Mei; Hsieh Jun-Yi, 2009.06, "Governance Without Government: Emerging Private Environmental Authority in Taiwan," Environmental Policy: a Multinational Conference on Policy Analysis and Teaching Methods, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.
21. Helen Murphy; Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2009.04, "Inclusive Development and the Provision of Infrastructure in Southeast Asia: the case of the Greater Mekong Sub-Region," 2009年台灣的東南亞區域研究研討會, 中央研究院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心.
22. Yen Wu Te-Mei, 2009.04, " Economic Growth, Poverty Reduction and Labor Migration: A Case in China," 城市新移民問題及其對策研究學術研討會, 香港珠海書院亞洲研究中心、廣州中山大學中國族群研究中心聯合主辦。
2008, “Gender Equality in Employment Institutional Change in Taiwan” paper presented at the Taiwan Association for Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (TASPAA), Taichung: Dong High University.
2009, “Governance without Government: Emerging Private Environmental Authority in Taiwan's ICT Industry," paper presented at Environmental Policy: a Multinational Conference on Policy Analysis and Teaching Methods, Seoul: South Korea, SKDI School of Public Policy and Management and Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.
2010, “Policy Ideas, Environmental Management and Improvements: Taiwan Environmental Governance," paper presented at 2010 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference.
2010, “Governance without Government: Emerging Private Environmental Authority in Taiwan's ICT Industry," paper presented at the 2010 Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration, Xiamen: China.
2010, “Deliberation about Composite Environmental Strategy: Political, Technological and Cultural Ideas,” paper presented at 2010 International Conference on Social and Public Affairs: Civil Society, Human Right and Rule of Law, Taipei: Taipei Municipal University of Education.
2011, "Politics Matters: An Assessment of Recent Citizenship Policy Toward Taiwanese Migrants in Mainland China," Paper presented at International Conference of “Immigration Societies: A comparative Perspective on Austria and Taiwan, Vienna: University of Vienna.
2011, “Cross-strait Science Parks Comparison: A Comparative Study of Taiwan's Neihu Technology Park and Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone in China,” paper presented at 2011 Conference on Cross-strait Relations, Shandong: Zaozhuang, China.
2012, “Forest Steward Council in China,” paper presented at 2012 International Conference on Social and Public Affairs: Enhancing Urban Competitiveness and Governance Capacity, Taipei: Taipei Municipal University of Education.
2012, "Emerging Private Environmental Governance in Taiwan’s ICT Industry," paper presented at International Conference on Social Movements, Rights Discourses and Citizenship: Social and Political Developments in Taiwan in a Regional Perspective, Taipei: National Chengchi University. November, 8-9.
2013, “Forest Stewardship Council in China: a Multilateral Collaborative Governance Perspective,” paper presented at Association for Asian Studies 2013 Annual Conference at San Diego, California, USA, March 21-24.
2013, “Global Governance and Domestic Forestry Policy Change in China: Examining Four Pathways of Influence,” paper presented at 2013 International Conference on Public Management among Cross-strait and Four Places at China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, Taipei: National Chengchi University, May 25-26.