
Liu Tai-Ting 劉泰廷


Liu Tai-Ting 劉泰廷

Home Institiution:

Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung Hsing University

Duration of Stay:

June 22nd to July 19th, 2012


Research Interests:

International Political Economy; East Asia Regional Integration; Chinese Foreign Policy; Japanese Foreign Policy; Cross-Strait Relations.


Assistant Editor of Review of Global Politics (Quanqiu zhengzhi pinglun) (2010.9 - ).


Ph.D: International Politics (IPE), National Chung Hsing University (2010- )
M.A.: International Politics (IPE), National Chung Hsing University (2007-2010)
B.A.: International Relations, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) (2003-2007).

M.A. Thesis:

The Development of Northeast Asia Regional Cooperation: a Neo-liberalist Perspective (2010)

Awards and Notable Experiences:

2011.12 Graduate Institute of International Politics Alumni Association Paper Award (Japan’s Response to China Rise in the Post Cold War Period: Reconsidering Balance of Power)
2010.12 Graduate Institute of International Politics Alumni Association Paper Award (Japan’s Policy Changes in Northeast Asia Cooperation Development in the Post Cold War)
2010.6 Graduate Institute of International Politics Graduate Student Paper Award (Trends in East Asia Regionalism: Rise of the Dragon?)

Notable Experiences
2011.1 Research Institute for National Development (guojia fazhan yanjiuyuan) training camp
2009.7 International Affairs Training Program for Young Adults (selected for short term studies at University of California, Berkeley and internship at Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco).


International Studies Association (2009- )
Midwest Political Science Association (2010)
Modern Japan Studies Association (Taiwan) (2010- )
Taiwan Political Science Association (Taiwan) (2010- )
Asia Association for Global Studies (Japan) (2011)


1. Tsai Tung-Chieh and Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “China’s Strategy and Influence on the Development of the East Asian Community.” Japanese Journal of Political Science (completed first review).
2. Tony Tai-Ting Liu & Hung Ming-Te. 2012. “houlengzhan shiqi riben dui dongbeiya quyu hezuo zhengce zhi zhuanbian: cong xingudian xianshizhuyi fenxi” (The Transformation of Japan’s Cooperation Policy towards Northeast Asia in the Post Cold War Period: An Analysis from Neo-Classical Realism) Hsiuping Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (forthcoming March 2012).
3. Hung Ming-Te & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. 2012. “Sino-U.S. Strategic Competition in Southeast Asia: China Rise and U.S. Foreign Policy Transformation since 9/11.” Political Perspectives Graduate Journal 5 (3): 96-119.
4. Tony Tai-Ting Liu and Hung Ming-Te. 2011. “Hegemonic Stability and Northeast Asia: What Hegemon? What Stability?” Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 3 (2): 404-418.
5. Hung Ming-Te and Tony Tai-Ting Liu. 2011. “China’s Response to Climate Change: A Policy Analysis.” Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 3 (2): 362-375.
6. Tsai Tung-Chieh & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. 2011. “weiquyuzhuyi yu datumenjiangjihua fazhan zhi fenxi” (Micro-regionalism and Its Implication to the Development of Great Tumen Initiative) Review of Global Politics (35): 143-160.
7. Tony Tai-Ting Liu & Hung Ming-Te. 2011. “houlengzhan shiqi riben dui zhongguo jueqi zhi fanying.” (Japan’s Response to China Rise in the Post Cold War Period: Reconsidering Balance of Power) Zhishan (10): 35-50.
8. Tsai Tung-Chieh, Hung Ming-Te & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. 2011. “China’s Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia: Harmonious Worldview and Its Impact on Good Neighbor Diplomacy.” Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia 10 (1): 25-42.
9. Hung Ming-Te & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. 2010. “China’s Foreign Policy in Central Asia.” Journal of Central Asia and Caucasian Studies 5 (10): 92-118.

Book Chapters
1. Tsai Tung-Chieh & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. 2011. “China’s Relations with Latin America.” In The Ashgate Research Companion to Chinese Foreign Policy, edited by Emilian Kavalski (forthcoming August 2012).

Conference Papers
1. Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “Clash of Titans? Sino-U.S. Strategic Competition in Southeast Asia and its Implications for East Asian Order.” Midwest Political Science Association 70th Annual Conference, Chicago, U.S.A., April 12-15, 2012.
2. Hung Ming-Te & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “China’s Soft Power Diplomacy in Africa: Culture, Economics, Forum and State Exchange.” Midwest Political Science Association 70th Annual Conference, Chicago, U.S.A., April 12-15, 2012.
3. Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “The Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership and its Implications for China’s Role in East Asia Regional Integration.” Asian Political and International Studies Association 5th Congress “Regional Integration in Europe and Asia in the 21st Century,” Overseas Chinese University, Taichung, Taiwan, November 24 - 25, 2011.
4. Timothy Rich & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “pingrang yanzhong de hezi yexin: yi zidonghua neirong fenxi jiedu 2010 chaoxian zhongyangtongxinshe xinwen baodao” (Nuclear Ambitions through Pyongyang’s Eyes: An Automated Content Analysis of KCNA News Coverage in 2010) 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Political Science Association, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 11-13, 2011.
5. Tsai Tung-Chieh and Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “A New Idea of the World: Development of Regions and Its Impact on Geopolitics.” International Studies Association Asia-Pacific Regional Section Inaugural Conference, Brisbane, Australia, September 28 – 30, 2011.
6. Tony Tai-Ting Liu & Kaiming Chang. “An Analysis of Cross-Strait Relations: Realism and Liberalism Entangled.” International Studies Association 52nd Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 16 - 19, 2011.
7. Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “Three Images of East Asia: Balance of Power, Hegemonic Stability and the Cold War Legacy.” International Studies Association 52nd Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 16 - 19, 2011.
8. Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “Hegemonic Stability and Northeast Asia: What Hegemon? What Stability?” Asia Association for Global Studies 2011 Annual Conference, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, March 12 - 13, 2011.
9. Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “An Analysis of China’s Development Strategy towards Regional Cooperation in the Post Cold War.” Symposium on Contemporary Global Issues: A Dialogue of International Younger Scholars, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, December 20, 2010.
10. Tsai Tung Chieh & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “houlengzhan shiqi riben dui dongbeiya quyu hezuo fazhan zhengce zhi zhuanbian” (Japan’s Policy Changes in Northeast Asia Cooperation Development in the Post Cold War) The First Joint Annual Conference of National Collegiate Center for Japanese Studies and the 2010 International Conference on East Asian Regional Development, Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, November 25 – 26, 2010.
11. Hung Ming-Te & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “Trends in East Asia Regionalism: Rise of the Dragon?” Midwest Political Science Association 68th National Conference, Chicago, U.S.A., April 22 - 25, 2010.
12. Hung Ming-Te & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “An Analysis of China’s Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia.” International Studies Association 51st Annual Conference, New Orleans, U.S.A., February 17 - 20, 2010.
13. Hung Ming-Te & Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “An Analysis of U.S. Strategy towards Southeast Asia.” International Studies Association 50th Annual Conference, New York, U.S.A., February 14 - 17, 2009.

Book Reviews and Others
1. Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “What’s in an Anthem? Tsai Ing-wen’s Difficulty with the National Song.” Taiwan 2012 Blog “Ballots and Bullets” (January 6, 2012) available online at:
2. Tony Tai-Ting Liu. “Flying Bananas and a European Styled Mansion: the Agricultural Debate in Taiwan 2012.” Taiwan 2012 Blog “Ballots and Bullets” (November 3, 2011) available online at:
3. Tony Tai-Ting Liu. 2011.
“shikong de weilai jiekai quanqiu zhongchanjieji bei taokong de zhengxiang” (Freefall: America, Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy) Review of Global Politics (33): 163-168.
4. Tony Tai-Ting Liu. 2009. “yabanqiu daguo jueqi” (The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistable Shift of Global Power to the East.) Political Science Quarterly (23): 9-11.

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