

Feb 5 - Hsia Hsiao-Chuan

In the last the last public lecture of the winter term 2024/25, ERCCT Visiting Scholar Prof. Hsia Hsiao-Chuan 夏曉鵑 gave a talk on "The Tug of War over Multiculturalism: a reflection on the politics of ethnicities and the dialectic process of empowering marriage migrants in Taiwan" on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. Based on her long experience as an  praxis-oriented scholar who is active in the social movement for the rights of marriage migrants in Taiwan, Prof. Hsia described very vividly how the movement activists work to empower southeast asian women in Taiwan to stand up for their rights, and the various kinds of challenges that the movement is confronted with. 


Dec 04 - Weng Lu-Chung

Prof. Weng Lu-Chung 翁履中 from the Department of Political Science at Sam Houston State University, in his capacity as an ERCCT Visiting Schholar, gave a public lecture titled "The Myth of War in the Taiwan Strait: Can Beijing, Taipei, and Washington solve the Yizhou Dilemma?" on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. In the lecture, which was based on a book that Prof. Weng recently published with his co-author Prof. Sun Taiyi, he compared the political structure of China during the period of the Three Kingdoms to the current relation between the U.S., the PRC, and Taiwan, before reporting on the result of elite interviews in each of the three. His talk was followed by a spirited discussion with the audience. 

Jun 19 - Tseng Yen-fen

Prof. Tseng Yen-fen 曾嬿芬 from the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University, who stayed at the ERCCT as a participant in the Visiting Scholar program from June 16 to 28, gave a public lecture titled "Increase in immigration without settlement: How Taiwan skills-based immigration policy institutionalizes temporariness of skilled migrants" on Wednesday, June 19. The talk was well attended by ERCCT Fellows and students from the Department of Chinese Studies and inspired a lively discussion. 

Jun 12 - Huang Yu-Ling

Prof. Huang Yu-Ling 黃于玲 from the Department of Humanities and Social Medicine at National Cheng Kung University gave a public lecture on 'A Sociological Analysis of Egg Donation Regulation and Experiences in Taiwan' on Wednesday, June 12. In her talk, Prof. Huang first informed about the state of regulation of oocyte donation in Taiwan, before then analyzing the relationship between egg donators, which are mostly young women below the age of 25, and the assisted reproductive treatment clinics, and the relationship between donors and recipient infertile couples, based on her fieldwork in Taiwan. 

Jan 24 - Lin Shu-Hui

On Thursday, January 11, ERCCT Visiting Scholar Prof. Lin Shu-Hui 林淑慧 from the Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages, and Literature at National Taiwan Normal University, gave a public lecture titled "Discourses in Taiwan Travel Literature during the Cold War Era". Authors as Tseng Hsu-Pai, Chen Ji-Ying, Lin Hai-Yin, and Yin Hai-Kuang and the literature they made out of their visits to the US during the cold war featured prominently in this talk. 


Nov 09 - Alex Tan

Prof. Alexander Tan from the Political Science Department of the School of Language, Social and Political Sciences at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, has presented his paper ‘Taiwan: The Party System of a Young Consolidated Democracy’ in the Taiwan Colloquium on November 9. Reflecting on the effects of various factors as the 2004/2005 change of the voting system to the Legislative Yuan and the 2017 Political Party Law on the party system, and in turn of the party system on Taiwan's overall democratic development, the findings are going to be published in 2024 as a chapter in an Oxford University Press volume edited by Thomas Poguntke. 

Jul 27 - Lee Po-Han

Prof. Lee Po-Han 李柏翰 from Global Health Programme, the Institute of Health Policy and Management and associated to the Institute of Health Behaviours and Community Sciences at National Taiwan University gave a public lecture titled 'What's beneath ‘I'd rather not’? Disabled sexualities and crip ambivalence' at the ERCCT on Thursday, 27 July 2023. His talk was informed by a critical study of sexuality education for individuals with disabilities in Taiwan. Articulating crip theory and the sociology of nothing, the lecture explored the intersection of sexualities and disabilities in educational and activism contexts and interrogated how able-mind/bodiedness and heteronormativity have systematically denied people with disabilities their right to sexual agency.

Jul 06 - Anne Sokolsky

On Thursday, 3 July, Prof. Anne Sokolsky from the Department of East Asian Studies Program at Denison University, Ohio, gave a public lecture titled "A Taiwanese Girl 臺灣の少女 (1944): Imperialization, Language Education, and Woman's Voice in Japanese Ruled Taiwan". In her talk, Prof. Sokolsky presented the results of her research on the diary of Huang Feng-zi 黃鳳姿 who wrote in Japanese in the 1940s on life in war-time Taiwan. 

Jun 22 - Chen Yi-Ling

Prof. Chen Yi-Ling 陳怡伶 from the School of Politics, Public Affairs, and International Studies/Geography at the University of Wyoming held a public lecture at the ERCCT on 22 June 2023. In the talk, which was titled "From Globalizing Taipei to Referencing European Cities: Referencing as a politicalizing strategy in Taiwan’s urban development", she analyzed how housing policies transfer from one country to the other and focused on how Amsterdam’s social housing plays an important role in shaping social housing in Taiwan. In the 1990s, Globalizing Taipei was a new urban development strategy for the city that was undergoing economic restructuring and new democratic governance. The new goal shifted the logic of urban planning towards neoliberal urbanism. Housing speculation was intensified by pro-developer urban policies. In 2010, serious problems of housing affordability mobilized the social housing movement, inspired by Amsterdam, where 40% of the total housing stock is social housing. So, Prof. Chen’s lecture dealt with changing urban referencing and housing problems in Taipei City by applying theories of global cities and policy mobility. Prof. Chen argued that the geopolitical situation of Taiwan is a crucial factor in policy mobility in addition to the economic crisis. The desire to be global is often the underlying force for choosing a new model to emulate. 



May 25 - Shen Hsiu-Hua

Prof. Shen Hsiu-Hua 沈秀華 from the Institute of Sociology at National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu held a fascinating talk on the PRC's united front work vis-a-vis Taiwan's younger generations. Her talk was titled "Infrastructuring Youth: the Chinese Government's Mobilization of Taiwanese Young People" and gave the audience quite some food for thought. 

May 11 - Jens Damm

On Thursday, 11 May 2023, Dr. Jens Damm from the Institute of Sinology at Albrecht-Ludwigs-University Freiburg gave a well attended public talk in the Taiwan Colloquium titled 'Contested and Negotiated Discourses: LGBTQI Issues in Taiwan's Media'. 
This lecture showed - by employing a Critical Discourse Analysis based on written texts and the involved persons (journalists, activists, writers, lobbyists, politicians) - the almost revolutionary changes within Taiwanese politics and society regarding LGBTQI issues by contrasting two contested and negotiated media discourses: 1) the “AIDSphobia” narrative found in Taiwan’s mass media in the late 1980s. 2) The more recent narrative on marriage equality. During the 1980s, public discussions on topics concerning same-sex desire and non-mainstream gender started in the popular media, in literature and in a variety of academic journals. Most of these media reports were written by so-called experts, psychologists, medical doctors. With the AIDS crisis this narrative was challenged by the activist Chi Chia-wei, and during the accelerating democratisation of Taiwan, LGBTQI issues became widely discussed in feminist magazines (Awakening) and glossy magazines (G&L).
In contrast, more recent discussions in the main-stream and in the LGBTQI-media focused on how same-sex marriage could be introduced. The LGBTQI advocates and their allies, but also the opponents (supported by various Christian lobbyist groups) used the media to bring forward arguments in favour of or against same-sex marriage. While the opponents scored a victory in the 2018 referendum, the media representation shifted after same-sex marriage was introduced. Taiwanese media then were eager to promote Taiwan as the most open and liberal Asian society.
Thus, this talk,  also shed light on the question which standards mass media needs to meet in order to provide a general forum for democratic contestation and democratic legitimacy.

Jan 26 - Wu Ying-Chu

Prof. Wu Ying-Chu 吳瑛珠 from the Department of Public Admininstration at Tamkang University, who stayed in Tübingen as an ERCCT Visiting Scholar from 16 January to 6 February 2023, held a public talk on Thursday, 26 January, titled 'Das Verhältnis zwischen politischen Parteien und Abgeordneten - Ausgehend vom Rotationsprinzip in Deutschland zur Überprüfung der Verfassungsauslegung Nr. 331 des Justiz-Yuan in Taiwan' [The Relationship between Political Parties and Members of Parliament - Based on the Rotation Principle in Germany to Review the Constitutional Interpretation No. 331 of the Judicial Yuan in Taiwan]. Her lecture proved impressively how a comparative law approach can be useful in judging tricky questions of Taiwan's constitutional law.

Jan 23 - Wu Ying-Chu

Visiting Scholar, Prof. Wu Ying-Chu 吳瑛珠 from the Department of Public Administration at Tamkang University gave a public talk on Monday, 23 January, putting into focus the "Umwandlung der verfassungsrechtlichen Stellung der politischen Parteien in Taiwan – vom Verfassungsentwurf in Jahr 1936 bis zur Verfassungsauslegung Nr. 793 im Jahr 2020 [Change of the constitutional position of political parties in Taiwan - from the constitutional draft of 1936 to the interpretation No. 793 in 2020]".



Dec 19 - Jonathan Sullivan

Prof. Jonathan Sullivan from the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham held a Ph.D. dialogue at the ERCCT open to all Ph.D. and also master students from the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI) on Monday, 19 December 2022. Under the headline ‚Making your way in Asian Studies – From PhD to profession[s]‘, Prof. Sullivan gave advice on career planning for Ph.D. students, which war gratefully taken up by a substantial number of them. 

Nov 24 - Ann Heylen

Prof. Ann Heylen (賀安娟) from the Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature at National Taiwan Normal University visited Tübingen from 24 to 28 November. On 24 November 2022 she gave a public talk on "Featuring Formosa: Historical narration and semantic prosody in newspaper corpora", in which she explained the theoretical and methodological digital humanities approach to researching how Taiwan, or rather Formosa, became a topic of newsworthiness in historical belgian newspaper discourse between 1830 and 1950, using big data methods. 

During her stay, Prof. Heylen also took part in the 16th Taiwan Documentary Film Festival, hosted by the ERCCT in Tübingen movie theater Kino Arsenal on 25 and 26 November 2022.

Jul 21 - Isabelle Cheng

On 21 July, Dr. Isabelle Cheng 程念慈 from the School of Area Studies, History, Politics, and Literature at the University of Portsmouth, who stayed at the ERCCT as a Visiting Scholar from July 4 to August 3, 2022, gave a talk titled "To flee is to be ‘free’? Irregular migrant farmworkers in Taiwan before and during the pandemic", in which she fascinated the audience with a very vivid account of the plight and hopes, the motives and living circumstances of migrant workers from Southeast Asian countries in Taiwan, who have left the employers and work contracts which they have been assigned to in Taiwan, in order to find more profitable jobs in Taiwan's agricultural sector. 


Feb 06 - Hsieh Hsin-Chin

Prof. Hsieh Hsin-chin 謝欣芩 from the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Culture at National Taipei University of Education gave a public talk at the ERCCT on Thursday, February 6, 2020. She talked about "Worlding Taiwan: Migration, Transnationality and Contemporary Cultural Production", a topic that also made for a wonderful introduction to our 14th Taiwan Documentary Film Festival


Jul 22 - Chiu Yubin

On Monday, 22 July 2019, Prof. Chiu Yubin 邱毓斌 from the Department of Social Development and National Planning at National Pingtung University presented his current research project to members of the ERCCT. The presentation was titled "Ways of Returning Home: Indigenous Youths, Jobs, and the Revitalisation of Tribal Community" and convinced everyone present that Prof. Chiu is indeed a scholar who is concerned with the issues and needs of Taiwanese society. 

Jul 17 - Lin Shu-Hui

Prof. Lin Shu-Hui 林淑慧 from the Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature at National Taiwan Normal University (Taipei) gave a public talk at the ERCCT on Wednesday, 17 July 2019. Titled "Experiencing Difference: The Metaphor of Travelogues during Taiwan's Martial Law Period (1949-1987)", the lecture gave a fascinating account of how writers like Yin Hai-kuang, Wu Zhuo-liu and Zhong Mei-yin used metaphors to express their criticism of Taiwan's politics and society before democratization. 

Jul 11 - Lan Pei-Chia

Prof. Lan Pei-Chia 藍佩嘉 from the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University held public talk at the ERCCT, titled "Global Parenting in Taiwan: How Globalisation Shapes Family Lives across Class Divides", on Thursday, July 11, 2019. The event was well attended by both ERCCT Visiting Scholars, Visiting Fellows, Short-Term Resident Fellows, ERCCT resident fellows, and, on the other hand, other scholars and students from the University. 

July 10 - Chu Jou-Juo

On Wednesday, July 10, 2019, our visiting scholar, Prof. Chu Jou-Juo 朱柔若 from the Department of Labor Relations at National Chung Cheng University in Chiayi, held a public talk at the ERCCT. The lecture was titled "Decoding the Chinese Socialist Market Economy: From the Experiences of Expatriate Taiwanese Firms".

Jan 31 - Tsai Michelle Hui-Ju

Dr. Tsai Hui-Ju 蔡蕙如, visiting fellow at the Mercator Institute of China Studies, Berlin, visited Tübingen to give a public lecture at the ERCCT on Thursday, January 31, 2019. Her topic was "An Anthropology of Taishang: Cross-Strait business, identity, and politics".

Jan 10 - Prof. Jonathan Sullivan

On Thursday, January 10, 2109, Prof. Jonathan Sullivan from the University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute gave a public lecture - What’s new about the New Southbound Policy? 25 years of talking about “going south” - at the ERCCT on Taiwan's current foreign policy strategy in historical comparison. Being known in Tübingen as a very entertaining speaker, he drew a large audience that was not dissappointed at all and learned a lot. 


Aug 03 - Prof. Yue-Dian Hsu

Prof. Yue-dian Hsu 許育典 from the Department of Law at Tainan's National Cheng Kung University has arrived in Tübingen on August 2, 2018, in order to work at the ERCCT for approximately four weeks until early September. The whole team of the ERCCT welcomes him warmly and wishes him a pleasant stay. 

Jul 23 - Prof. Lin KuoMing

On Monday, July 23, 2018, Prof. Lin Kuo-ming 林國明 from the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University gave a public lecture at the ERCCT, talking about "A Tale of Two Villages: Practice of Participatory Budgeting in Taiwan". In his lecture, Prof. Lin reported on the various phases of discourse on civil society in Taiwan, showed the historical link between today's practice of participatory budgeting and integrated community building (ICB) in the mid-nineties, before comparing the two cases of participatoy budgeting in Lingnan village of Tainan's 東山區 and 正覺里in Tainan's North District. 

Jul 17 - Prof. Lin KuoMing

We warmly welcome Prof. Lin Kuoming 林國明 from the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University. Prof. Lin has arrived in Tübingen yestday, July 16, 2018, and will stay at the ERCCT as a visiting scholar until July 28, 2018. We look forward to his public lecture on July 23 and his presentation in the Taiwan Colloquium on July 27, and wish him a pleasant and fruitful stay!

Jun 28 - Emerson Niou

On Thursday, June 28, 2018, Prof. Emerson Niou 牛銘實 from Duke University gave a pubic talk on "The China Factor in Taiwanese Politics" at the ERCCT, speaking to an audience composed of ERCCT research fellows, students of the M.A. programme on East Asian Politics and Society and from the Institute of Political Science. Talking very frankly from the beginning, Prof. Niou drew on his own pool of empirical research data on perceptions of China, stability and the future of cross-strait relations among the Taiwanese citizenship. 

Junior Professor Dr Tseng Yu-chin 曾育勤, the ERCCT's new Co-Director chaired the talk and thanked Prof. Niou for his contribution. 

Jun 18 - Emerson Niou

We warmly welcome Prof. Emerson Niou 牛銘實 from Duke University, who has arrived in Tübingen today and will stay at the ERCCT as a visiting scholar until July 12, 2018. We look forward to his public lecture on July 28, his presentation in the Taiwan Colloquium and wish him a pleasant and fruitful stay!

Jan 26 - Prof. Chen Don-Yun

On Friday, January 26, 2018, our Visiting Scholar, Prof. Chen Don-yun 陳敦源 from the Department of Public Administration, National Chengchi University, will present his research to ERCCT Fellows in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium. 

The research project he wil present is titled: "Who Wants and Who Can Become Public Servants in Taiwan? Empirical Observations from the Third Taiwan Government Bureaucrats Survey, TGBS III."

Jan 17 - Prof. Chen Don-Yun

Prof. Chen Don-yun 陳敦源 from the Department of Public Administration, National Chengchi University, has arrived on Wednesday, January 17, 2018, as the first visiting scholar of this year. He will stay until January 31, and give a public lecture on Thursday, January 25, as well as a presentation in the Taiwan Colloquium on Friday, January 26. 

We wish him a pleasant stay in Tübingen! 


Nov 09 - Lee Chia-Wen

Our Visiting Scholar Professor Lee Chia-Wen 李佳玟 from the Department of Law at National Cheng Kung University (Tainan) held a public talk on November 9, 2017. Under the title "Taiwan’s Death Penalty in Local-Global Dynamics" Prof. Lee traced the development of political factors influencing the practice of the death penalty in Taiwan from the authoritarian era to the Ma Ying-jeou-Presidency, drawing a large audience and inciting a very spirited debate afterwards. 

Oct 30 - Lin Rui-Hua

Prof. Lin Rui-hua 林瑞華 from the School of Public Economics and Administration at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics gave a fascinating lecture at the ERCCT on Monday, October 30, 2017. Her talk was entitled "Reunion with the Old Folks: The Intergroup Contact between Taiwanese and Chinese in Mainland China" and presented the results of a quantitative research project on causal factors on attitudes of Taiwanese in China towards people there. 

Oct 24 - Prof. Lee Chia-Wen

Last night, Prof. Lee Chia-Wen 李佳玟 from the Department of Law at Tübingen University's Taiwanese partner university, National Cheng Kung University in Tainan arrived in Tübingen, in order to stay at the ERCCT for one month as visiting scholar. The ERCCT team warmly welcomes Prof. Lee and wishes here a pleasant stay!

Jul 18 - Prof. Chen Lu-Huei

Visiting Scholar, Prof. Chen Lu-huei 陳陸輝, gave a public talk at the ERCCT on Tuesday, July 18, 2017. The lecture was entitled "Emotions and Electoral Politics in Taiwan" and analysed the infuence of voters' emotions toward candidates of the last taiwanese presidential elections on voting behaviour.

Jul 10 - Chen Lu-Huei

The ERCCT team warmly welcomes Prof. Chen Lu-Huei 陳陸輝 from the Department of Political Science at National Chengchi University to Tübingen. Prof. Chen joins us under the ERCCT Visiting Scholar Programme and will stay until July 29, 2017. We wish him a pleasant and productive stay at our center! 

Jun 22 - Yang Wan-Ying

On Thursday, June 22, 2017,Prof. Yang Wan-Ying 楊婉瑩 from the Department of Political Science, National Chengchi Univversity, Taipei, gave a public lecture on "When Identity Clashes with Interest: the China Complex in Taiwan" at the ERCCT. Prof. Yang is currently staying in Tübingen as a Visiting Scholar. She will also present her research in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium on Friday, June 30, which ERCCT Fellows are already looking forward to. 

Jun 12 - Yang Wan-Ying

The ERCCT Team warmly welcomes Prof. Yang Wan-Ying 楊婉瑩 from the Department of Political Science of National Chengchi University (Taipei)! Prof. Yang has arrived in Tübingen on Saturday, July 10, and will stay here under the framework of the ERCCT Visiting Scholars Programme until July 9. We wish her a pleasant stay in Tübingen!

May 04 - Chen Yi-Ling

On Thursday, May 4, 2017, Prof. Chen Yi-Ling 陳怡伶 from the Department of Geography at the University of Wyoming gave a public talk at the ERCCT. Her topic "The Rise of the Social Housing Movement and the Obstacles of the Homeowner Society in Taiwan" drew quite a large audience. 

Feb 07 - Chien Shiuh-Shen

On Tuesday, February 7, visiting scholar Prof. Chien Shiuh-Shen 簡旭伸 from the Department of Geography of National Taiwan University held a public lecture on the topic of "Understanding Post-Socialist Authoritarian Local / Environmental China in Transition: A Party-State Perspective", that drew a large audience and inspired a very vivid round of Q & A afterwards. 


Oct 31 - Prof. Wang Hong-Zen

Prof. Wang Hong-zen 王宏仁 from the Department of Sociology at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, who is currently staying at the ERCCT as a visiting scholar, will hold a public lecture on Thursday, November 3rd, 2016 at room no. 004, Keplerstraße 2, 72074 Tübingen. 

The talk is entitled "Global Production Chains and Labour Control: Taiwanese capital in Vietnam"

Oct 21 - Prof. Wang Hong-zen

The ERCCT warmly welcomes Prof. Dr. Wang Hong-zen 王宏仁 from the Department of Sociology at National Sun Yat-Sen Universtiy, Kaohsiung. Prof. Wang arrived Thursday, October 20, 2016, and will stay until November 15. He will give a public lecture and present his current research to ERCCT Fellows in the Taiwan Colloquium, to be announced here in more detail soon. 

Jul 14 - Kuo Cheng-Tian

On Thursday, July 14, Professor Kuo Cheng-tian 郭承天 from the Political Science Department and Graduate Institute of Religious Studies of National Chengchi University, Taipei, held a talk titled "New Religious Nationalism in Chinese Societies". His presentation combined the latest insights in the field of Neuro-Theology with a sociological approach to the study of religions. The talk was followed by a lively discussion.

Jul 12 - Shen Cen-Chu

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016, Prof. Shen Cen-chu 沈玄池 from the Graduate Institute of National Affairs and Public Policy at Taichung's National Chung Hsing University held a talk at the ERCCT entitled "Die Politik von Taiwans neuer Staatspräsidentin Tsai Ing-wen [The Policies of Taiwan's New President Tsai Ing-wen]". In his lecture, Prof. Shen gave a broad overview over the policy fields and the problems, which confront Taiwan's government therein. 

Jul 05 - Prof. Shen Cen-Chu

We extend our warmest welcome to Prof. Shen Cen-Chu 沈玄池 from the Graduate Institute of National Policy and Public Affairs, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung. Prof. Shen stays at the ERCCT as a Visiting Scholar from July 1 to August 31. 

Jun 24 - Huang Chang-Ling

Prof. Huang Chang-Ling from National Taiwan University's Department of Political Science gave public lecture at the ERCCT on Friday, June 24. Her talk was entitled "Remembering Dictators: The Politics of Bronze Statues in South Korea and Taiwan" and drew a substantial audience even on this hot summer day. Look at the pictures! 

Jun 23 - Dr. Yu Yi-wen

Dr. Yu Yi-wen, School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiaotong University 
Public Talk: “Political Economy of Cross-Strait Relations: “Political Economy of Cross-Strait Relations: is Beijing’s patronage policy on Taiwanese business sustainable?”


Dec 15 - International Workshop on the Ma Ying-Jeou Era

On December 12 and 13, the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan hosted an international workshop titled "Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jeou", an event co-organised with the China Policy Institute at the University of Nottingham.

Over the two days, renowned scholars from Taiwan and Europe discussed the developments of the past eight years from a variety of angles. The papers and discussions covered the political, economic and social changes and challenges that marked the Ma era since the Presidential elections in 2008.

The paper presentations incited intensive debates. Central themes included Taiwan's relation to the People's Republic of China, transformations of Taiwan's political spectrum and civil society, and an outlook on the upcoming presidential and legislative elections in January 2016.

Dec 10 - Prof. Chen Te-sheng

Prof. Chen Te-sheng 陳德昇 Institute of International relations, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Institutional Innovation and Economic Cooperation: A case study of Cross-strait Economic Development Dec. 10th, 6 p.m., Room 135, Keplerstr. 2, 72074 Tübingen

Dec 08 - Dr. Paul R. Katz

On Tuesday, December 8, 2015, Dr. Paul R. Katz gave a public talk at the ERCCT, titled "Religious Life in Western Hunan during the Modern Era: Some Preliminary Observations". Dr. Katz presented facts and photos from his fieldwork in China and also shared insights on methodological issues.

Dec 04 - Dr. Paul R. Katz

On Friday, December 4, 2015, Dr. Paul R. Katz gave a public talk at the ERCCT, titled "State and Local Society in Colonial Taiwan: The Ta-pa-ni Incident of 1915". The interesting talk covered the social, political and religious dimensions that contributed to the revolt against the Japanese Colonial power by a coalition of ethnic Han and aboriginal Taiwanese. Dr. Katz also shared a detailed look into his methodology, providing unique insights into his archival research on recruitment patterns and mortality rates related to the incident.

Dec 02 - Dr. Chen Te-Sheng

The CCKF-ERCCT warmly welcomes Dr Chen Te-sheng from the Institute of International Relations at National Chengchi University, Taipei. Dr Chen arrived in Tübingen today and will stay here as ERCCT Visiting Scholar until December 15th. 

During his stay, Dr Chen will present his research project in a session of the Taiwan Colloquium under the headline of "Institutional Innovation and Economic Cooperation: A case study of Cross-strait Economic Development" on Thursday, December 10, 2015. 

Nov 30 - Dr. Paul R. Katz

Dr Paul R. Katz, Distinguished Research Fellow at the Institute of Modern History at Academia Sinica, Taipei, is going to arrive in Tübingen on Thursday, December 3, to visit the ERCCT until December 9, 2015. During his stay at the center, Dr Katz will give two public lectures.

On Friday, December 4, 10:15 a.m. he will talk about "State and Local Society in Colonial Taiwan: The Ta-pa-ni Incident of 1915" at Wilhelmstraße 26, room no. 111 

and on Tuesday, December 8, 6:15 p.m. he will speak about "Religious Life in Western Hunan during the Modern Era: Some Preliminary Observations" at Keplerstraße 2, room no. 038.

Nov 15 - Dr. Simona A. Grano

On Wednesday, November 15, 2015, Dr. Simona A. Grano gave a public talk at the ERCCT with the title "Environmental Governance in Taiwan: A New Generation of Activists and Stakeholders". The talk, which attracted a large audience, depicted the strategies employed by environmental activist groups in Taiwan by analyzing four case studies and was followed by a lively discussion.

Nov 19 - Prof. Maté Szabó 

On Thursday, November 19, 2015, Prof. Maté Szabó gave a public talk at the ERCCT, which was entitled "Transition to Democracy: Taiwan / South East Asia-Hungary/Eastern Europe - a Comparison" and attracted a large audience from among ERCCT visiting and resident fellows as well as students from the Department of Chinese and Korean Studies and the wider public. 

Nov 18 - Prof. Maté Szabó

Prof. Maté Szabó from the Institute of Political Science at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, who is currently staying at the CCKF-ERCCT from November 16 to 20 as a visiting scholar, gave a public talk that was entitled "Sunflower Movement under Western Eyes: from the Perspective of Social Movement Research" and inspired a lively discussion on topics like party involvement, structural determination of Taiwan politics and the like. We are thus much looking forward to Prof. Szabó's second public lecture, to be given on Thursday, November 19, 2015, on 6 p.m. at Keplerstraße 2, 72074 Tübingen, room no. 038, entitled: '"Transition to Democracy: Taiwan / South East Asia-Hungary/Eastern Europe - a Comparison"

Nov 12 - Prof. Dr. Maté Szabó

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Maté Szabó as a Visiting Scholar at the CCKF-ERCCT. Prof. Szabó from the Department of Political Science at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, will stay from November 16 to 20. During his stay, Prof. Szabó, will give a public lecture titled Sunflower Movement under Western Eyes: from the Perspective of Social Movement Research on November 17, and another titled Transition to Democracy: Taiwan/South East Asia – Hungary/Eastern Europe: A Comparison on November 19.

Nov 05 - Dr. Linda Gail Arrigo

On Thursday, November 5, Dr. Linda Gail Arrigo gave a public lecture titled "A Critical History of the Taiwan Independence Movement in long term perspective". The very insightful talk covered the development of the independence movement from its origins during the Japanese colonial era, the authoritarian KMT era, and closed with the implications for contemporary democractic Taiwan.

Nov 03 - Dr. Linda Gail Arrigo

On Tuesday, November 3, Dr. Linda Gail Arrigo gave a public lecture titled "Combining an understanding of the Democratic Movement and the Advance of Feminism in Taiwan”. From a perspective of political economy, the talk analysed the relation of traditional Chinese family structures in Taiwan to the political economy of Taiwan’s industrialization as well as the country’s democratization movement.

Oct 27 - Dr. Linda Arrigo

Dr. Linda Arrigo will visit the ERCCT from 2 to 7 November and give to lectures to ERCCT Fellows and the interested public.

On Tuesday, 3 November, 6 p.m., Dr. Arrigo will talk about Taiwan Women in Long-Term Perspective: From 1950's 'Adopting a Daughter to Marry a Son (as Household Slave)' to 2000's Refusal of Marriage and Childbearing at room 30 of the Department of Chinese and Korean Studies, Wilhelmstr. 133, 72074 Tübingen  (view abstract)

and on 

Thursday, 5 November, 6 p.m., she will talk about The Taiwan Independence Movement in Long-Term Perspective: Will the Sunflower Student Movement Make Any Impact on US Indifference and Chinese Bullying? at seminar room 38 of Keplerstraße 2, 72074 Tübingen. (view abstract)

We are looking forward to welcoming her in Tübingen and wish her a pleasant stay.

Jul 10 - Prof. Dr. Hsu Tzong-li

On Friday, July 10th, Prof. Dr. Hsu Tzong-li (College of Law, NTU) held a Taiwan Colloquium during which he talked to ERCCT Fellows about the organisation and function of Taiwan's Constitutional Court and the role it played during the period of transitional democracy in the 1990s.

Jul 07 - Prof. Dr. Hsu Tzong-Li

Prof. Dr. Hsu Tzong-Li from the College of Law at National Taiwan University, currently staying in Tübingen as ERCCT Visiting Scholar, gave a public lecture on Tuesday, July 7. His talk was entitled "The Legal Relationship between the two Sides of the Taiwan Strait - From the Perspective of Taiwan's Constitution" and drew an audience from Germany and both sides of the the Taiwan Strait. 

Jun 30 - Prof. Dr. Hsu Tzong-Li

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Hsu Tzong-Li as Visiting Scholar at the CCKF-ERCCT! Prof. Hsu from the College of Law at National Taiwan University, will stay from June 29th to July 26th. 

During his stay, Prof. Hsu, who also speaks excellent german, will hold a public talk entitled: "The Legal Relationship between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait - From the Perspective of Taiwan's Constitution" on Tuesday, July 7th, and a Taiwan Colloquium (Friday, July 10th) about his research on  the organisation and function of the Constitutional Court and the role it played during the period of transitional democracy in the 1990s.

Jun 18 - Dr. Leung Wing Fai

On Thursday, June 18th, Dr. Leung Wing Fai, Head of the Department of Asian Studies at University College Cork, Ireland, gave a public lecture at the ERCCT. Her - very interesting - talk was entitled "A Tech Sector in Transition: Taiwan’s Internet and Mobile Startup Eco-system". 

Jun 11 - Prof. Sun Mine-Ping

On Thursday, June 11, 2015, Prof. Sun Mine-Ping from the School of Journalism at the College of Communication at National Cheng Chi University, held a public lecture at the CCKF-ERCCT. The topic "Citizen Journalism: Local voices and social actions in Taiwan" attracted a huge audience of interested students and inspired a lively Q&A.

Jun 01 - Prof. Sun Mine-ping

We are delighted to announce the arrival of our visiting scholar Prof. Sun Mine-ping who will stay at the CCKF-ERCCT until June 15th, 2015. Prof. Sun is affiliated to the School of Journalism at the College of Communication,National Cheng Chi University. 

During her stay Prof. Sun will hold a public lecture on "Citizen Journalism: Local voices and social actions in Taiwan" on Thursday, June 11th and she will also present a research project of her's in the Taiwan Colloquium (June 9th). 

We warmly welcome Prof. Sun and wish her a nice and productive stay in Tübingen.

May 21 - Prof. Lee Zong-Rong

Prof. Lee Zong-Rong, from the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, who is currently visiting the CKKF-ERCCT, gave a public lecture entitled "Kinship, Class and Political Cohesion among Business Elites in Taiwan" on Tuesday, May 19th. Prof. Lee presented his research findings and gave the audience an insight into his work. The talk was followed by a lively discussion with the audience.

May 18 - Prof. Lee Zong-Rong

We warmly welcome Prof. Lee Zong-Rong, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, as the first visiting scholar of the summer semester 2015. Prof. Lee is arriving from Leiden today, where he spends a semester as visiting scholar as well. During his stay (May 18th to 24th) he will give a public talk and also present his current research in the Taiwan Colloquium. 

Feb 10 - Book: "Immigration Societies: Taiwan and Beyond" - Dr. Astrid Lipinsky

CCKF-ERCCT Visiting Scholar Dr. Astrid Lipinsky's edited volume entitled Immigration Societies: Taiwan and Beyond has been published just this month with LIT Wien:

The book addresses immigration within and towards Taiwan from the perspectives of the state, immigrant organizations, the Taiwanese NGO movement and youth literature, among others. Contributions are both based on empirical research and interviews and on the application of international theoretical frameworks to the case of Taiwan, while highlighting the specific Taiwanese example and experience. Papers include a comparative perspective. 

CCKF-ERCCT Associate Fellow Lara Momesso and is also among the authors with her chapter "Between Official and Concealed: Reconsidering the Status of Mainland Spouses in Contemporary Taiwan". 

Further information can be found on the advertisement flyer (download).

Astrid Lipinsky (Ed.)

Immigration Societies

Taiwan and Beyond 

Reihe: Vienna Taiwan Studies Series

Bd. 1, 2015, 232 S., 34.90 EUR, 55.90 CHF, br., ISBN 978-3-643-90618-2

Feb 06 - Dr. Astrid Lipinsky

Dr. Astrid Lipinsky, Administrative Director of the Vienna Center for Taiwan Studies, currently staying at the ERCCT as Visiting Scholar, gave a public lecture entitled "Taiwans Frauenbewegung in China: die Rolle der Kontakte über die Taiwanstraße" (Taiwan’s Women’s Movement in China: The role of cross-strait exchanges) on Thursday, February 5th at the Department of Chinese and Korean Studies. 

Both the person of the lecturere as well as the topic attracted a larga audience, who engaged in a vivid discussion after the talk. 

The Power Point Presentation used during the lecture can be downloaded here.

Jan 22 - Dr. Astrid Lipinsky

We are delighted to announce the arrival of our visiting scholar Dr. Astrid Lipinsky. Dr. Lipinsky, who will stay at the CCKF-ERCCT until February 12th, 2015, is affiliated to the Department of East Asian Studies/Sinology at the University of Vienna, where she also runs the Vienna Center for Taiwan Studies

During her stay Dr. Lipinsky will hold a public lecture on the topic of "Taiwan’s Women’s Movement in China: The role of cross-strait exchanges" on Thursday, February 5th and she will also present a research project of her's in the Taiwan Colloquium (February 9th). 

We warmly welcome Dr. Lipinsky and wish her a nice and productive stay in Tübingen.


Dec 04 - Prof. Wang Jenn-Hwan

On Thursday, December 4th, Prof. Wang Jenn-Hwan from the Graduate Institute of Development Studies gave a lecture on the topic of "The Transformation of the Taiwanese Developmental State and its Role in the Bio-pharmaceutical Industry" to CCKF-ERCCT Fellows and the wider public. The lecture was well attended and inspired a lively discussion.

Nov 27 - Prof. Wang Jenn-Hwan

Prof. Wang Jenn-Hwan 王振寰
Professor, Institute of International Relations, National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan

Public Lecture: The Paradox of Small Hydropower: Local Government and Environmental Governance in China
Nov. 27th, 8:00 p.m. Room 28, WilhelmStrasse 133, 72074 Tübingen

Nov 13 - Prof. Hsu Yue-Dian

On Nov. 13th Prof. Hsu Yue-Dian 許育典 who is currently staying at the ERCCT as a visiting scholar held a lecture on the topic "Die Religionsfreiheit und die staaltiche Neutralität in Taiwan" (Freedom of Religion and State Neutrality). In his talk Prof. Hsu described the laws in Taiwan regarding religious freedom and demonstrated their implementation with a few cases. The talk was followed by a lively discussion with the audience.

Aug 12 - Prof. Hsu Yue-Dian

We warmly welcome Prof. Hsu Yue-Dian from our partner institution, the Department of Law and the Graduate Institute of Law in Science and Technology at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, as Visiting Scholar at the ERCCT. Prof. Hsu, who has gotten a research fellowship of the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, will stay here from August 2014 until mid January 2015, certainly contributing a lot to academic and social life at the centre. 

Jul 17 - Prof. Yen Liang-Kung

On Thursday, July 17th, 4 to 6 p.m., our visiting scholar Prof. Yen Liang-Kung of the Faculty of Public Administration at National Cheng Chi University, gave a public talk at the CCKF-ERCCT Colloquium in order to share his insights into the "Forest Stewardship Council in China".

Jul 16 - Prof. Wu Te-Mei

Prof. Wu Te-Mei 吳德美 
Professor, Department of Public Administration, National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan

Taiwan Colloquium: Marketization of the Urban Water Sector in China: An Embedded Neoliberal Perspective

July 16th, 10:00 a.m. Room 28, WilhelmStrasse 133, 72074 Tübingen

Jun 26 - Prof. Shih Chih-Yu

Yesterday evening Prof. Shih Chih-Yu 石之瑜, visiting scholar at the ERCCT held a public talk at the Department of Chinese and Korean studies. The talk was entitled

"The Will of the Weak to Confront the Strong: Theoretical Implications from a Taiwan Poll".

Prof. Shih presented the findings of his recently conducted poll in Taiwan, and thus is gave an answer to the question as to why it happens that weaker states occasionally dare to confront stronger states. He concludes that there is a different theoretical framework in which these states operate.

The talk was followed by a discussion with the audience.

Jun 25 - Prof. Alex Tan

Our Visiting Scholar Prof. Alex Tan 陳永福, Professor of Political Science at the University of Canterbury, held a public lecture yesterday, entitled 'Tipping the Scale: PLA's Modernization and Cross-Straits. In his talk, Prof. Tan gave a detailed and in-depth analysis of recent developments in the modernization process of the PRC’s armed forces. The implications of this upgrading of China’s military power reach far beyond China-Taiwan relations, but have a serious impact on the whole military and geostrategic balance of the Asia-Pacific region. The talk was followed by a lively discussion. 

Jun 25 - Prof. Shih Chih-Yu

We are glad to announce that Prof. Shih Chih-Yu 石之瑜  from the Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University, will stay at our facility from June 25th to June 28th. We welcome him and wish him a pleasant time in Tübingen.

Prof. Shih will give a public talk entitled

"The Will of the Weak to Confront the Strong: Theoretical Implications from a Taiwan Poll"

on June 25th, 6 p.m. in the Department of Chinese and Korean Studies, Room 62. The talk will be followed by a discussion with the audience.

We very much look forward to the lecture.

Jun 25 - Prof. Yen Liang-Kung and Prof. Wu Te-Mei 

The ERCCT-Team warmly welcomes Prof. Yen Liang-Kung 顏良恭 from the Faculty of Public Administration, National Cheng-Chi University Taiwan, and Prof. Wu Te-Mei 吳德美 also from the National Cheng-Chi University. Both will stay in Tübingen from June 24th to July 23th. We wish them a pleasant and fruitful stay at our facility.

Jun 18 - Prof. Alex Tan

On June 18th, our visiting scholar Prof. Alex Tan 陳永福 gave an intriguing lecture on the topic 'Hard habit to break: Organizational Learning of the KMT in Democratic Taiwan'. In his talk he described the changes and continuities in the inner structure of the KMT. The talk was followed by a discussion with the audience.

Jun 16 - Prof. Alex Tan

We welcome our visiting scholar Prof. Alex Tan. He is Professor of Political Science at the University of Canterbury and will stay at Tübingen from June 13th to June 29th.

We wish him a pleasant stay and hope he enjoys the time at the ERCCT.

Jan 24 - Prof. Chung Chi

On January 24, our visiting scholar Prof. Chung Chi 鍾騏, assistant research professor at the Institutum Iurisprudentiae of Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, gave a lecture to ERCCT Fellows and the interested public at the Department of Chinese and Korean Studies in Tübingen. In his talk, which was entitled "The Bilateral Investment Treaty between China and Taiwan and Its Historical Background", Prof. Chung explained the background of the signing of said agreement from the perspective of international law, and explored influence it might have on cross strait relations. Prof. Chung's talk provided a lot of different viewpoints to the debate on cross-strait economic integration around the ECFA and related agreements.