Pharmazeutische Biologie

Group Members

PD. Dr. Bertolt Gust


Tel.: +49 7071 29 75483
Fax: +49 7071 295250

e-mail: bertolt.gust[at]

Room: 6A34

Patrick Beller (PhD student)

MSc/BSc Biologist

Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kaysser (University of Leipzig)

Tel.: +49 7071 29 78798
Room: 6N31



Beller P, Fink P, Wolf F, Männle D, Helmle I, Kuttenlochner W, Unterfrauner D, Engelbrecht A, Staudt ND, Kulik A, Groll M, Gross H, Kaysser L. (2024) Characterization of the cystargolide biosynthetic gene cluster and functional analysis of the methyltransferase CysG. J Biol Chem. 300(1): 105507.

Bär D, Konetschny B, Kulik A, Xu H, Paccagnella D, Beller P, Ziemert N, Dickschat JS, Gust B. (2022) Origin of the 3-methylglutaryl moiety in caprazamycin biosynthesis. Microb Cell Fact. 21(1):232.


Benjamin Konetschny (PhD student)

MSc/BSc Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies

Tel.: +49 7071 29 76993

Room: 6N40



Bär D, Konetschny B, Kulik A, Xu H, Paccagnella D, Beller P, Ziemert N, Dickschat JS, Gust B. (2022) Origin of the 3-methylglutaryl moiety in caprazamycin biosynthesis. Microb Cell Fact. 21(1):232.

Wolfgang Kornberger (Staff)

Biological Technical Assistant
B.A. Philosophy & M.A. Philosophy

Tel.: +49 7071 29 73045
Room: 6A17

Sascha Seider (PhD student)

MSc/BSc Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies

Tel.: +49 7071 29 76993

Room: 6N40


Richard Sonnengrün (PostDoc)


Tel.: +49 7071 29 76993
Room: 6N40


Sarah Wilcken (PhD student)

MSc/BSc Biologist

Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kaysser (University of Leipzig)

Tel.: +49 7071 29 78798
Room: 6N31


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