Pharmazeutische Biologie


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  16. Kaysser, L., K. Eitel, T. Tanino, S. Siebenberg, A. Matsuda, S. Ichikawa, and B. Gust. 2010. A new arylsulfate sulfotransferase involved in liponucleoside antibiotic biosynthesis in streptomycetes. J Biol Chem 285:12684-12694.
  17. Kaysser, L., L. Lutsch, S. Siebenberg, E. Wemakor, B. Kammerer, and B. Gust. 2009. Identification and manipulation of the caprazamycin gene cluster lead to new simplified liponucleoside antibiotics and give insights into the biosynthetic pathway. J Biol Chem 284:14987-14996.
  18. Kaysser, L., S. Siebenberg, B. Kammerer, and B. Gust. 2010. Analysis of the liposidomycin gene cluster leads to the identification of new caprazamycin derivatives. Chembiochem 11:191-196.
  19. Kaysser, L., X. Tang, E. Wemakor, K. Sedding, S. Hennig, S. Siebenberg, and B. Gust. 2011. Identification of a napsamycin biosynthesis gene cluster by genome mining. Chembiochem 12:477-487.
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  21. Rackham, E. J., S. Gruschow, A. E. Ragab, S. Dickens, and R. J. M. Goss. 2010. Pacidamycin biosynthesis: identification and heterologous expression of the first uridyl peptide antibiotic gene cluster. Chembiochem 11:1700-1709.
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