Pharmazeutische Biologie

Prof. Dr. Leonard Kaysser


1999 Studies in Technical Biology at the University of Stuttgart.
2005 Diploma (equiv. to M.Sc.) in Technical Biology at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, Topic: ´Changing the Cofactor-Specificity of CYP P450 BM3´, Supervisor: Prof. Rolf Schmid and Dr. Vlada Urlacher


PhD student and research assistant
Dr. rer. nat. (equiv. to Ph.D.) in Pharmaceutical Biology at the University of Tübingen
, Germany, Topic: ´Molecular Biology and Biochemistry in Caprazamycin Biosynthesis´, Supervisor: PD Dr. Bertolt Gust
2010-2013 Feodor-Lynen postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Prof. B. S. Moore at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (University of California San Diego, CA)
2013-2020 Junior Professor (W1) for Synthetic Biology of Antiinfective Agents with the German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF) at the University of Tübingen
since 2020

Full Professor (W3) for Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Leipzig, Germany
Co-leader of the 'Institut für Wirkstoffentwicklung', University of Leipzig



PD Dr. Kristian Apel


2009-2010 PostDoc at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Institute, University of Tübingen, Germany
2010-2016 Group Leader (Akademischer Rat a.Z.), Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Institute, University of Tübingen, Germany
2016 Habilitation in Pharmaceutical Biology: Heterologous Production of Antibiotics in Streptomyces: Opportunities and Challenges
since 2017 Teacher for Biotechnology and Chemistry at Albert-Schweitzer-Schule Bildungszentrum Villingen-Schwenningen


Prof. Dr. Shu-Ming Li


1992-1995 Postdoctoral fellowship, Pharmaceutical Biology, University Freiburg and Tübingen
1995-2004 Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Biology, University Tübingen
2004 Habilitation for Pharmaceutical Biology at University of Tübingen, Topic: 'Modifizierende Reaktionen (Tailoring reactions) in der Biosynthese von Aminocoumarin-Antibiotika'
2004-2006 Akademischer Rat, Pharmaceutical Biology, University Tübingen
2006-2008 W2-Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology, University Düsseldorf
since 2008 W3-Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Marburg


Prof. Dr. Andreas Bechthold



Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. H.G. Floss, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

1993-1994 Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. M. Tabata, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan
1994-1999 Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Tübingen
1999 Habilitation for Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Tübingen
1999-2001 Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Kiel
since 2001 Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology, University of Freiburg


Prof. Dr. Ernst Reinhard (1926-2005)


Studies in Biology, University of Würzburg
Dr. rer. nat. (equiv. to Ph.D.) in Biology at the University of Würzburg, Germany, Topic: ´Beobachtungen an in vitro kultivierten Geweben aus dem Vegetationskegel der Pisum-Wurzel´


Study of pharmaceutical sciences, University of Würzburg
1958-1959 Compulsory practical year for pharmacists (public pharmacy: Stadtapotheke in Kulmbach)

Postdoctoral Research Associate with Prof. Lang at the California Institute of Technology, CA, USA

1962 Licensed pharmacist (Approbation)

Habilitation (equiv. to D.Sc.) in 1963, Topic: ´Über Veränderungen des Gibberellingehaltes von Hyoscyamus niger´, subsequently he continued his stay at the University of Würzburg as ´Wissenschaftlicher Assistent´ and later on as ´Wissenschaftlicher Rat´

1967-1968 Außerordentlicher (equiv. to Assistant) Professor for Pharmacognosy, University of Tübingen
1969-1994 Full Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology (Head of Department, ´Ordinarius´), University of Tübingen
Ernst Reinhard is recognised as one of the pioneers in plant biotechnology. Initially interested in various aspects of plant hormone action and interaction he shifted to plant cell cultures and investigated their biotechnological potential in some detail. His scientific projects included the optimisation of alkaloid formation by Catharanthus and Berberis cell suspension cultures, forskolin production in submerged Coleus forskohlii root cultures, as well as biosynthesis and biotransformation of cardiac glycosides in Digitalis cell and shoot cultures, to name just a few. Ernst Reinhard is also famous for his textbook "Pharmazeutische Biologie, Band I". His qualities as an academic teacher are reflected in about 50 PhD theses which emerged under his supervision. His professional reputation together with an obliging but dynamic personality led him into a great number of functions. Ernst Reinhard was president of the Society of Medicinal Plant Research (1974-1978), served as a scientific counsellor to the Bundesapothekerkammer and was engaged in the work of the Commissions D (homeopathy) and E (phytotherapy) at the German Ministry of Health. Furthermore, Ernst Reinhard was chairman of the committee on manufacturing rules of the German homeopathic pharmacopeia. Professor Reinhard was awarded the Flückiger medal (1983), the Lesmüller medal (1991), and the Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse (1993), the latter in recognition of his tremendous and successful dedication in the realisation of the German homeopathic pharmacopeia.




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