
TAP 2022 outcomes in Tübingen

Dr. Amélie Keyser-Verreault, lead of the Taiwan as Pioneer research project at Tübingen University has achieved the following results:

TAP related publications 

Peer reviewed 

Keyser-Verreault, A. (forthcoming 2023). Gender, self-transformation, and digital performance: female Taiwanese international students’ mediated communication with their parents. in B. Zani and I Cheng, Performing in two worlds: Intimacy, entrepreneurship and activism of East Asian migrants online and offline. Anthem Press.  

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022). “Your fatty bum is really ugly!”: Gender, parental pressure, and beauty-related tensions in contemporary Taiwanese families.Journal of Family Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2022.2132984

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022). On ne naît pas belle, on le devient: devoir maternel et formation transindividuelle de l’entrepreneure esthétique à Taiwan (English title: One is not born beautiful, one becomes beautiful: Motherly duty and transindividual transformation of the esthetic entrepreneur in Taiwan). Famille, Enfance, Génération.  

Non-peer reviewed 

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022). Fat-Shaming and Beauty Related Tensions in Contemporary Taiwanese Families. Taiwan Insight https://taiwaninsight.org/2022/04/14/fat-shaming-and-beauty-related-tensions-in-contemporary-taiwanese-families/  

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022). Modernizing Postnatal Care: Taiwan as Pioneer in the Professionalization of the Traditional yuezi in Taiwan: Melting Pot and Innovation Hub https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/oaw/slc/taiwan/taiwan_melting_pot_and_innovation_hub_third.html  

TAP related Conferences 

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022, August 24-27). Taiwan as pioneer in professionalizing traditional postnatal care practices: investing in human capital from the beginning through postnatal care centres. 24th Biennial Conference European Association for Chinese Studies, Olomouc, Czech Republic. 

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022, July 28). What is good human capital? From the quest for beauty to fat-shaming and the politics of desirability in contemporary Taiwan. European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan, Tübingen University, Colloquium. 

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022, July 11-15). Taiwan as Pioneer – a presentation of the new DLR funded joined research project. European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan, Tübingen University international workshop. 

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022, May 23-25). Entrepreneuriat de l’esthétique en milieu urbain et instruit taiwanais : une analyse transindividuelle du phénomène de la «yummy mummy». Assises des Études Taïwanaises Francophones, Paris, France. 

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022, April 6-8). Family as isle and fat activism as exile: fat-shaming and beauty related conflicts in contemporary Taiwanese families. University of Lancashire, Larnaka, Cyprus. 

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022, April 6-8). Taiwan as pioneer in professionalizing traditional postnatal care practices: investing in human capital from the beginning through postnatal care centres. University of Lancashire, Larnaka, Cyprus. 

Keyser-Verreault, A. (2022, March 24-25). Taiwan as pioneer in professionalizing traditional postnatal care practices: investing in human capital from the beginning through postnatal care centres.  Sinophone Studies in Europe and the Americas, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

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