
Dr Britt Starkovich's Complete List of Publications

Peer Reviewed

2023 McCartin, Madison, Britt M. Starkovich, Nicholas J. Conard. New insights into Magdalenian subsistence at Petersfels (Hegau Jura, southwestern Germany). Quaternary Science Reviews 322:108417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108417.
2023 Russo, Gabriel, Annemieke Milks, Dirk Leder, Tim Koddenberg, Britt M. Starkovich, M. Duval, J.-X. Zhao, Robert Darga, Wilfried Rosendahl, Thomas Terberger. First direct evidence of lion hunting and the early use of a lion pelt by Neanderthals. Scientific Reports 13: 16405. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-42764-0.
2023 Mata-González, Mario, Britt M. Starkovich, Mohsen Zeidi, Nicholas J. Conard. Evidence of diverse animal exploitation during the Middle Paleolithic at Ghar-e Boof (southern Zagros). Scientific Reports13:19006. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-45974-8.
2023 Verheijen, Ivo, Britt M. Starkovich, Jordi Serangeli, Thjis van Kolfschoten, Nicholas J. Conard. Early evidence for bear exploitation during MIS 9 from Schöningen 12 (Germany). Journal of Human Evolution 177:103294 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2022.103294
2022 Blanco-Lapaz, Angel, Mario Mata-González, Britt M. Starkovich, Mohsen Zeidi, Nicholas J. Conard. Late Pleistocene environments in the southern Zagros of Iran and their implications for human evolution. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14: 161. 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-022-01615-1 

Mata-González, Mario, Britt M. Starkovich, Mohsen Zeidi, Nicholas J. Conard. 2022. New zooarchaeological perspectives on the early Upper Paleolithic Rostamian sequence of Ghar-e Boof (southern Zagros Mountains, Iran). Quaternary Science Reviews 279: 107350. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107350

2022 Vermeersch, Shyama, Britt M. Starkovich, Adriano Orsingher, Jens Kamlah. Subsistence practices in Phoenicia and beyond: faunal investigations at Tell el-Burak, Lebanon (c. 725-350 BCE). Levant 1-19. DOI 10.1080/00758914.2022.2135869

Bertacchi, Alex, Britt M. Starkovich, Nicholas J. Conard. 2021. The Zooarchaeology of Sirgenstein Cave: A Middle and Upper Paleolithic site in the Swabian Jura, SW Germany. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology https://doi.org/10.1007/s41982-021-00075-8


Roditi, Effrosyni and Britt M. Starkovich. 2021. Investigating Middle Palaeolithic subsistence: zooarchaeological perspectives on the potential character of hominin climate refugia in Greece. Journal of Quaternary Science 1-13. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3371


Starkovich, Britt M., Patrick Cuthbertson, Nicholas Thompson, Keiko Kitagawa, George Konidaris, Veerle Rots, Susanne C Münzel, Viola Schmid, Domenico Giusti, Angel Blanco-Lapaz, Christian Lepers, and Vangelis Tourloukis. 2021. Minimal Tools, Maximum Meat: A Pilot Experiment to Butcher an Elephant Foot and Make Elephant Bone Tools Using Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Technology, Ethnoarchaeology https://doi.org/10.1080/19442890.2020.1864877


Veermersch, Shyama, Simone Riehl, Britt M. Starkovich, Katharina Streit, Felix Höflmayer. 2021. Animal husbandry from the Middle Bronze Age through the Iron Age in the Shephelah – faunal remains from the new excavations at Lachish. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 13:38 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-021-01289-1


Vermeersch, Shyama, Simone Riehl, Britt M. Starkovich, Jens Kamlah. 2021. Integrating faunal and botanical remains using multivariate statistics to reconstruct (pre)historic subsistence developments. MethodsX 8:101336


Veermeersch, Shyama, Simone Riehl, Britt M. Starkovich, Jens Kamlah. 2021. Developments in subsistence during the Early Bronze Age through the Iron Age in the southern and central Levant: Integration of faunal and botanical remains using multivariate statistics. Quaternary Science Reviews 253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106776


Baumann, Chris, Britt M. Starkovich, Dorothée G. Drucker, Susanne C. Münzel, Nicholas J. Conard, and Hervé Bocherens

Dietary niche partitioning among Magdalenian canids in southwestern Germany and Switzerland. Quaternary Science Reviews 227. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106032.


Starkovich, Britt M. and Nicholas J. Conard

What were they up against? Lower Paleolithic hominin meat acquisition and competition with Plio-Pleistocene carnivores. In Human behavioural adaptations to interglacial lakeshore environments, eds. A. Gacia-Moreno, J. M. Hutson, G. M. Smith, L. Kindler, E. Turner, A. Villaluenga

Wong, Gillian L., Dorothée G. Drucker, Britt M. Starkovich, Nicholas J. Conard

Latest Pleistocene paleoenvironmental reconstructions from the Swabian Jura, southwestern Germany: Evidence from stable isotope analysis and micromammal remains. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 540: 109527


Rhodes, Sara E., Britt M. Starkovich, and Nicholas J. Conard

Did climate determine Late Pleistocene settlement dynamics in the Ach Valley, SW Germany? PLoS One, 14(5): e0215172. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0215172


Kitagawa, Keiko, Susanne C. Münzel, Petra Krönneck, Britt M. Starkovich, Nicholas J. Conard

Explaining Diachronic Trends in Paleolithic Subsistence in Central Europe, pp. 209-246. In Foraging in the Past: Archaeological Studies of Hunter-Gatherer Diversity, edited by Ashley Lemke. Colorado University Press, Colorado.


Starkovich, Britt M., Paraskevi Elefanti, Panagiotis Karkanas, and Eleni Panagopoulou

Spatial differences in site use in the Middle Paleolithic of Lakonis I (Peloponnese, Greece). Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, doi.org/10.1007/s41982-018-0006-x.


Toniato, Giulia, Susanne C. Münzel, Britt M. Starkovich, and Nicholas J. Conard

Middle and Upper Palaeolithic bone retouchers from the Swabian Jura: Raw materials, curation and use. In, The Origins of Bone Tool Technologies, edited by J. Hutson et al. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie, 251-267.


Starkovich, Britt M., Natalie D. Munro, Mary C. Stiner

Terminal Pleistocene Subsistence Strategies and Aquatic Resource Use in Southern Greece. Quaternary International 465:162-176.


Rhodes, Sara, Britt M. Starkovich, Reinhard Ziegler, Nicholas J. Conard.

Small mammal taxonomy, taphonomy, and the paleoenvironmental record during the Middle and Upper Paleolithic at Geißenklösterle Cave (Ach Valley, southwestern Germany). Quaternary Science Reviews 185:199-221.


Britt M. Starkovich

Paleolithic Subsistence Strategies and Changes in Site Use at Klissoura Cave 1 (Peloponnese, Greece). Journal of Human Evolution 111:63-84.


Frost, Stephen R., Charles Saanane, Britt M. Starkovich, Hilde Schwartz, Friedemann Schrenk, Katerina Harvati

New cranium of the large cercopithecid primate Theropithecus oswaldi leakeyi (Hopwood, 1934) from the paleoanthropological site of Makuyuni, Tanzania. Journal of Human Evolution 109:46-56.


Starkovich, Britt M. and Marina Ntinou

Climate change, human population growth, or both? Upper Paleolithic subsistence shifts in southern Greece. Quaternary International 428:17-32.


Aluwé, Kim L. M., Britt M. Starkovich, and Jeroen Van Vaerenbergh

A noble diet at the Hof van Leugenhaeghe (Steendorp, Belgium): pig skulls as a 14th-15th century delicacy? Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg DOI 10.1007/s12520-016-0349-5.


Starkovich, Britt M., Simone Riehl, Mohsen Zeidi, and Nicholas J. Conard

Subsistence Strategies in the Aceramic Neolithic at Chogha Golan, Iran. In Bones and Identity: Zooarchaeological Approaches to Reconstructing Social and Cultural Landscapes in Southwest Asia, edited by Nimrod Marom, Reuven Yeshurun, Lior Weissbrod, and Guy Bar-Oz. Oxbow Books, 45-71.


Sauer, Daniela, Anette Kadereit, Peter Kühn, Michael Kösel, Christopher E. Miller, Taeko Shinonaga, Sebastian Kreutzer, Ludger Herrmann, Wolfgang Fleck, Britt M. Starkovich, Karl Stahr

The loess-palaeosol sequence of Datthausen, SW Germany: Characteristics, chronology, and implications for the use of the Lohne Soil as a marker soil. Catena 146:10-29.


Aluwé, Kim L. M., Britt M. Starkovich, and Jeroen Van Vaerenberg

The diet of the Portuguese merchant family Ximenez at the “Blauwhof” (Belgium): Between tradition and display in the 16th-17th centuries. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 3:581-590.


Conard, Nicholas J., Jordi Serangeli, Utz Böhner, Britt M. Starkovich, Christopher E. Miller, Brigitte Urban, Thijs van Kolfschoten

Excavations at Schöningen and paradigm shifts in human evolution. Journal of Human Evolution, in press.


Riehl, Simone, Eleni Asouti, Doga Karakaya, Britt M. Starkovich, Mohsen Zeidi, and Nicholas J. Conard

Resilience at the transition to agriculture: The long-term landscape and resource development at the aceramic Neolithic tell site of Chogha Golan (Iran). BioMed Research International Article ID 532481:1-22.


Serangeli, Jordi, Thijs van Kolfschoten, Britt M. Starkovich, Ivo Verheijen

The European Saber-toothed cat (Homotherium ladidens) found in the “Spear Horizon” at Schöningen (Germany). Journal of Human Evolution, in press.


Starkovich, Britt M. and Nicholas J. Conard

Bone Taphonomy of the Schöningen “Spear Horizon South” and its Implications for Site Formation and Hominin Meat Provisioning. Journal of Human Evolution, in press.


Starkovich, Britt M.

Optimal Foraging, Dietary Change, and Site Use during the Paleolithic at Klissoura Cave 1 (Southern Greece). Journal of Archaeological Science 52:39-55.

2013 Starkovich, Britt M. Appendix V: Mount Lykaion Faunal Report Synopsis. In Mount Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, Upper Sanctuary: Preliminary Report 2004-2010, by David Gilman Romano and Mary E. Voyatzis. Hesperia, 83:644-648.
2013 Starkovich, Britt M., Gregory W.L. Hodgins, Mary E. Voyatzis, David Gilman Romano. Dating Gods: Radiocarbon Dates from the Sanctuary of Zeus on Mt. Lykaion (Arcadia, Greece). Radiocarbon, 55(3-4):501-513.
2012 Starkovich, Britt M. Intensification of Small Game Resources at Klissoura Cave 1 (Peloponnese, Greece) from the Middle Paleolithic through Mesolithic. Quaternary International. 264:17-31.
2012 Stiner, Mary C., Natalie D. Munro, Britt M. Starkovich. Material input rates and dietary breadth during the Upper Paleolithic-Mesolithic at Franchthi and Klissoura 1 Caves (Peloponnese, Greece). Quaternary International. 275:30-42.
2009 Starkovich, Britt M. Dietary Changes during the Upper Paleolithic at Klissoura Cave 1 (Prosymni), Peloponnese, Greece. Before Farming [online version]. 2009/3(4):1-14.
2009 Starkovich, Britt M. and Mary C. Stiner. Hallan Çemi Tepesi: High-ranked Game Exploitation alongside Intensive Seed Processing at the Epipaleolithic-Neolithic Transition in Southern Turkey. Anthropozoologica 44(1):41-61.

Edited Volumes/Commentaries

2023 Starkovich, Britt. M. Perception versus reality: Implications of elephant hunting by Neanderthals. Science Advances Focus 9, eadg6072. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg6072 (invited)

Starkovich, Britt M.

The Development of Hominin Subsistence Strategies in the Eurasian Quaternary, a Review. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 27:29-86.


Wong, Gillian L., Britt M. Starkovich, Nicholas J. Conard.

Human subsistence and Environment during the Magdalenian at Langmahdhalde: Evidence from -> a new Rock Shelter in the Lone Valley, Southwest Germany. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 26:103-123.


Boger, Ulf E., Britt M. Starkovich, Nicholas J. Conard

The latest excavations at Vogelherd Cave: New insights from the faunal remains. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 23:57-81.


Serangeli, Jordi, Jens Lehmann, Gerlinde Bigga, Thijs van Kolfschoten, Britt M. Starkovich, and Nicholas J. Conard

Neue Ergebnisse zum Speerhorizont der paläolithischen Fundstelle Schöningen 13 II-4. Nachrichten aus Niedersachsens Urgeschichte 83:11-17.


Starkovich, Britt M.

A Fresh Look at Old Meat: Book Review of Reassessing Paleolithic Subsistence by Eugene Morin. Current Anthropology, 54(5):653-655.

2012 Manne, Tiina and Britt M. Starkovich. Common Problems, Uncommon Solutions: Zooarchaeological Contributions to Understanding Dietary Change in Mediterranean- Type Environments. Quaternary International. 264:1-3.
2012 Starkovich, Britt M. Fallow deer (Dama dama) hunting during the Late Pleistocene at Klissoura Cave 1 (Peloponnese, Greece). Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. 21:11-36.
2010 Starkovich, Britt M. and Mary C. Stiner. Upper Paleolithic Animal Exploitation at Klissoura Cave 1 in Southern Greece: Dietary Trends and Mammal Taphonomy. Eurasian Prehistory. 7(2):107-132.

Edited Volumes


Manne, Tiina and Britt M. Starkovich. Quaternary International guest editors. Vol. 264.

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