Review Articles
- Heide L (2014) New aminocoumarin antibiotics as gyrase inhibitors. Microbiol 304: 31-36
- Heide L (2009) The aminocoumarins: biosynthesis and biology. Nat Prod Rep 26:1241-1250.
- Heide L (2009) Genetic engineering of antibiotic biosynthesis for the generation of new aminocoumarins. Biotechnol Adv 27: 1006-1014.
- Heide L (2009) Prenyl transfer to aromatic substrates: genetics and enzymology. Curr Opin Chem Biol 13: 171-179.
- Saleh O, Haagen Y, Seeger K, Heide L (2009) Prenyl transfer to aromatic substrates in the biosynthesis of aminocoumarins, meroterpenoids and phenazines: The ABBA prenyltransferase family. Phytochemistry 70: 1728-1738..
- Heide L (2009) Aminocoumarins: Mutasynthesis, chemoenzymatic synthesis and metabolic engineering. Meth Enzymol. 459: 437-455
- Tello M, Kuzuyama T, Heide L, P. Noel JP, Richard SB (2008) The ABBA family of aromatic prenyltransferases: broadening natural product diversity. Cell Mol Life Sci 65:1459-1463.
- Heide L, Gust B, Anderle C, Li S-M (2008): Combinatorial biosynthesis, metabolic engineering and mutasynthesis for the generation of new aminocoumarin antibiotics. Curr Top Med Chem 8: 667-779.
- Li S-M, Heide L (2006) The biosynthetic gene clusters of aminocoumarin antibiotics. Planta Med 72, 1093-1099
- Li S-M, Heide L (2005) New aminocoumarin antibiotics from genetically engineered Streptomyces strains. Curr Med Chem 12, 763-771
- Li S-M, Heide L (2004) Functional analysis of biosynthetic genes of aminocoumarins and production of hybrid antibiotics; Curr Med Chem Anti-Inf Agents 3, 279-295
- Biegert C, Heide L (2004) Evidenz-basierte Phytotherapie bei Schmerzen? Ein aktueller Überblick. Z Phytother. 25: 97-106
- Wagner I, Biegert C, Heide L (2003) Phytoanalgetika. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zur Weidenrinde. Pharmazeut. Ztg. 143(13): 1153-1164
- Heide L, Li S-M (2002) Coumarin antibiotics. In: Fierro F, Martin JF (eds) Microbial Secondary Metabolites: Biosynthesis, Genetics and Regulation. Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India. pp. 63-83
- Wagner I, Heide L (2002) Bewertung klinischer Studien. In: Praxis der Arzneimittelinformation. S. Weinzierl (ed.). Govi Verlag, Eschborn, Germany. pp. 169-199.
- Heide L (2001) Leonhart Fuchs. Das New Kreüterbuch als Grundlage der modernen Phytotherapie. Pharmazeut. Ztg. 40, 3469-3476.
- Heide L, Biegert C, Wagner I (2001) Rheumatische Erkrankungen. In: Angewandte Arzneimitteltherapie. Klinisch-Pharmazeutische Betreuung in Fallbeispielen. Schneemann H, Young LY, Koda-Kimble MA (Hrg). Springer, Berlin. S. 343 – 361.
- Heide L (1999) Expression of the bacterial ubiC gene opens a new biosynthetic pathway in plants. In: Metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolism (Verpoorte R and Alfermann AW, eds). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Drordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 233-251
- Heide L (1998) Bio- und gentechnische Herstellung von Arzneimitteln. Dt Apoth Ztg 138, 557
- Heide L (1996) Phytotherapy in Germany. Its role in self-medication and in medical prescribing. Natural Medicine 50, 259-264
- Heide L (1994) Pharmazeutische Biologie im Blickpunkt. Pharmazie in unserer Zeit 23, 100-104
- Heide L (1988) Biotechnologie in Nordrhein‑Westfalen: Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie der Rheinischen Friedrich‑Wilhelms‑ Universität Bonn. BioEngeneering 4, 93‑96
- Heide L (1987) Kampo: Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin im modernen Japan. Deutsche Apotheker‑Zeitung 127, 2072‑2076.