Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

Incoming students to Tübingen

On these pages we offer step-by-step advice and information for incoming students on the Global Awareness for Future Teachers scholarships.

About Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

The Tübingen School of Education (TüSE) is a central scientific institution for teacher education at the University of Tübingen. The TüSE coordinates, organizes and implements the teaching degree program in close cooperation with all faculties offering teachable subjects.

Find out more about: Teacher Education at the University of Tübingen


Preparing your stay

For detailed information about preparing your stay in Tübingen, please refer to the fact sheet (academic year 2021/22) provided by the international office or our general website for Exchange to Tübingen.


Academic calendar

In general: Classes in the summer and winter semester start on the Monday of April (summer semester) or October (winter semester) which is closest to the 15th of that month. Classes end on the Sunday 13 weeks after the term starts (summer semester) and 18 weeks after the term starts in the winter semester.

Dates for the Winter Semester 2023/2024:

Oct. 16th 2023 - Feb.16th 2024

Winter break: no classes on Dec. 24th 2021 - Jan. 8th 2022


Dates for the Summer Semester 2024:

April 15th 2024 - July 26th 2024

No classes on: May 1st (holiday), May 8th, May 20th -May 26th (vacation period) and May 30th (holiday)


Study in Tübingen

The University Tübingen uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). You can check with your advisors and our cordinators, what kind of classes and how many credits would be suitable for your studies in Tübingen. 


Suggested number of credits (ECTS) or units  In general, two lectures and two seminars per semester are recommended (about 30 ECTS per semester). In addition, you can attend language classes in the area of German as a foreign language and intercultural programs.


Course catalog

As an exchange student you can usually choose courses across different subjects and faculties, however there might be some restrictions in certain departments (e.g. medicine). 

The main language of instruction at the University of Tübingen is German. All classes are listed on ALMA, the university's course portal, where you can access the public and the complete course catalog. Once you are enrolled, you will receive a personal log in ID to register for classes.

Check out the current Course catalog.


Classes taught in English

However the classes are mostly hold in German, there is a List of English-taught classes, offered throughout different faculties. It gets updated shortly before the start of each semester.


Living and staying in Tübingen


During your stay in Tübingen, there are different housing options for you. Exchange students can apply for the student residence halls (Studentenwohnheime) or rent a room/apartment individually available on the free housing market.


Getting around in Tübingen

Students will be able to purchase a reducet ticket for public transport around Tübingen, valid for one semester (April-September / Oktober-March).


For more information, housing application processes or cultural offers during your stay, visit the official website on Living and staying in Tübingen.


German as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Programs

Learn German in Tübingen

Division V - Section II German as a foreign language and Intercultural Programs offers German classes on different language levels during the semesters, but also as intensiv preparatory courses before the semester starts.


Preparation for your stay - Digital course programs

The University of Tübingen offers a unique digital course program to international students as a "Virtual Intercultural Pre-Package (Tü-VIPP)". The Tü-VIPP class includes various courses on topics such as German language, culture, politics and society, as well as intercultural communication and exchange. We encourage all incoming students from our project to participate in the Tü-VIPP program before coming to Tübingen to help you getting started with learning the language and also about living in Tübingen.