Name | Vorname | Thema |
Mittelstädt | Katja | Mehr als Rost und Eisen - Materialanalytik an metallurgischen Funden aus dem Vicus von Eisenberg |
Habinger | Sophie | Camels in the Roman Empire - A new approach to life history and mobility of camels using stable carbon and oxygen isotopes |
Heck | Anika Luzia Hella | Investigating animal-human relationships in Northern Iraq - Faunal analysis of the sites Bassetki and Muqable III, Kurdistan |
Fratucello | Lioba | Dating of sediments from Pomongwe Cave, Zimbabwe: A first approximation |
Kunze | Jana | Ontogenetic three-dimensional analysis of the overall geometry and entheseal patterns of human hand bones |
Labra Odde | Catalina | Rediscovering the Fourth Settlement of Troy Through Organic Residue Analysis |
Lismann | Stephanie | Wenige Gräber und viele Fragen - Die anthropologische Untersuchung der Skelettreste aus dem frühbronzezeitlichen Friedhof von Ammerbuch - Reusten "Stützbrunnen" |
Mata-González | Mario | Subsistence Strategies during the Late Pleistocene at Ghar-e Boof (Southern Zagros Mountains, Iran) |
Pathé | Leonie | The women of the Saqqara Saite Tomb Project - Egyptian mummy investigations suggest a female tendency |
Roditi | Effrosyni | Revisiting the faunal remains from Asprochaliko rockshelter: Subsistence strategies in Middle and Upper Paleolithic Epirus, Greece |
Schöberl | Claudia | Archaeometric Investigations of Late Roman Nummi with XRF Analysis |
Seitz | Natascha | Franken oder Alamannen, Migration oder Akkulturation? Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld von Stuttgart / Bad Canstatt |
Tarusawa | Yumeko | Full mitochondrial genomes and Individual Based Model of the Upper Paleolithic red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) from the Swabian Jura, South-western Germany |