
eSchool :: Cultural and Social Transformation of Contemporary Korea

in Zusammenarbeit mit Seoul National University / Korea Foundation Global E-School
Stand: 10.02.2013

Prof. Eui-Hang SHIN / Prof. You Jae LEE
Blockseminar: 25./25.10.2012, 18-21 Uhr, R. 30 in Anwesenheit von Prof. Shin
Kurszeiten: Montag, 10 - 12 Uhr ab dem 29.10.2012 - 28.01.2013,
Ort: ZDV - Wächterstr. 76

Course Description

This course introduces students to sociological research on cultural and social changes in Korea since 1945 from a comparative-historical perspective. It focuses first on how cultural and social traditions, generational differences in values, and population redistribution have been affected over the long-term by the Korean War, economic, and political developments. The course then looks more closely at the relationships between the state, society, and popular culture, including the film, music, and sports industries.

2. Textbook and references:

A collection of journal articles and book chapters written by the instructor will be used. Please see the reading list.
Anleitung zum Herunterladen der Artikel und Aufsätze

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3. Course Schedule:

4. Suggestions for Students:

Students should expect to actively participate in the class discussion about the various issues of the Korean culture and society.

5. Examinations:

1. Computation and Final Examination (Take-Home)

2. Research-Paper

6. Determination of Final Grade:

An “absolute evaluation method” will be applied.

7. Research Paper:

A Two-Person Group Project
Length: 7-8 pages, single-spaced
Contents: TBA
Due Dates: February 2, 2013

8. Guidelines for Research Paper:

  1. Topic: Selected by student groups in consultation with the instructor
  2. Proposal Due Date: November 14, 2012
  3. Contents of the Proposal

4. List of possible research topics:

a. The structures and activities of a selected NGO: Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice (CCEJ), People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD), Korean Foundation for Environmental Movement (KFEM), Korean Teachers Educational Workers Union (KTEWU)

b. The globalization of the Korean Chaebol groups: Samsung Electronics. Hyundai Motors, LG Electronics, SK Telecom, Hanwha Group, Doosan Group, POSCO

c. The fever of English language education

d. The consumption behavior of the Korean middle class

e. The Korean middle class and the housing market

f. Religious organizations: churches, temples, religious sects and cults

g. Social network structures of the Korean film industry: directors and actors/actresses

h. The characteristics of the Korean soap-operas

i. The rise and fall of the “idol groups” in Korea

j. The effects of cellular phone use on interpersonal relationships

k. The changing patterns of naming culture

l. The changing patterns of brand naming in selected products


  1. Shin, Eui Hang, and Joong Hwan Oh. 2002. “Changing Patterns of Social Network Structure in Composer-Singer Relationships: A Case Study of the Korean Popular Music Industry, 1927-1997.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 20 (1): 24-53.
  2. Park, Sangyoub, and Eui Hang Shin. 2004. “Patterns of Market Polarization and Market Matching in the Korean Film Industry.” Journal of East Asian Studies 4: 285-300.
  3. Shin, Eui Hang. 1999. “Social Change, Political Elections, and the Middle Class in Korea.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 17 (3): 27-59.
  4. Shin, Eui Hang. 2003. “The Role of NGOs in Political Elections in Korea: The Case of the Citizens’ Alliance for the 2000 General Election.” Asian Survey 43 (4): 697-715.
  5. Shin, Eui Hang. 2001. “Political Demography of Korea: Political Effects of Changes in Population Composition and Distribution.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 19: 171-204.
  6. Shin, Eui Hang. 2004. “Correlates of the 2002 Presidential Election in South Korea: Regionalism, the Generation Gap, Anti-Americanism, and the North Korea Factor.”
    East Asia: An International Quarterly 21 (2): 18-38.
  7. Shin, Eui Hang. 2005. “Election Democracy, Populism, and Generational Politics: The Case of the April 15, 2004 General Election in South Korea.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 22 (1): 51-81.. .
  8. Shin, Eui Hang. 2005. “Presidential Elections, Internet Politics, and Citizens’ Organizations in Korea.” Development and Society 34 (1): 25-48.
  9. Shin, Eui Hang. 2003. “Legacies of the Korean War: A Sociological Analysis.” Pp. 150-162 in Understanding and Remembering, 50th Anniversary of the Korean War, edited by William J. Davis, Mary G. Denyes, and Charles R. Knight. Norfolk, VA: The General Douglas MacArthur Foundation.
  10. Graham, Roderick, and Eui Hang Shin. 2005. “Sport and Social Solidarity: The Case of Red Devils in the 2002 FIFA World Cup.” Korea Journal. Revise and Resubmit.
  11. Shin, Eui Hang. 2007. “State, Society, and Economic Development in Sports Life Cycles: The Case of Boxing in Korea.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 27 (1): 1-22.
  12. Shin, Eui Hang, and Edward Nam. 2004. “Culture, Gender Roles, and Sport: The Case of the Korean Players on the LPGA Tour.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 28 (3): 223-244.
  13. Kyong Dong Kim and The Korea Herald, editors. 2008. Social Change in Korea. Seoul, Korea: Jimoondang.
  14. The Korea Herald, editor. 2008. Insight into Korea. Seoul, Korea: Herald Media.
  15. Shin, Eui Hang. 2009. “The Interplay of Economy and Ethnicity: The Case of the Textile and Apparel Industry and Korean Immigrant Communities.” Pp. 315-347 in Korean American Economy and Community, edited by E.Y. Yu et al. Los Angeles, CA: Korean American Economic Development Center.

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