
eSchool: Cultural and Social Transformations of Contemporary Korea, Prof. Eui Hang SHIN

in Cooperation with Seoul National University
Korea Foundation Global E-School Course

Oct. 23 - Dec. 18, 2013

This course explores the cultural economic, political and social changes of contemporary Korean society since 1945 from comparative, historical, and sociological perspectives. The course is divided into three parts.

The first part of the course examines the relationships between state and society, democratization movement, growth of nongovernmental organiyations, anti-Americanism, developmental state, chaebol-groups, labor movement and consumption behaviors. The second part focuses on an analysis of the demographic transition to extremely low fertility, aging, internal and external migration patterns. The third part takes a critical look at the currend conditions of the education system, folk beliefs, religious behaviour, Protestant churches, popular culture, and sports industry.

The primary aim of the course it to make students familiar with the historical paths that were evolvend in to the contemporary Korean society and to formulate critical, balanced, and comparative perspectives on the current issues of Korea

Den aktuellen Syllabus, Materialien zum Kurs und sonstige Informationen finden Sie auf ILIAS.

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