
Lee Yi Nga 李爾雅

Name: Lee Yi Nga Judy 李爾雅 
  Resident Fellow
E-Mail-Address: yi-nga.leespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Project Title:  Beyond integration: Collective community engagement and subtle “re-branding” of post-2019 Hong Kong migrants in Taiwan
Phone: +49 (0) 7071 2973110
Room: 308


After graduating from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor degree in Social Sciences (Government and Laws) specialising in international relations, Judy Lee obtained a Diploma in Hispanic Studies and Master in Latin American Studies at the University of Salamanca, Spain. Having participated in translation and editing work related to Sino-US relations, policy research and constitutional reform in Hong Kong and produced an M.A. project analysing political contents of Argentine tango lyrics, her field of interest is diverse and multidisciplinary. Her most recent publications include the Traditional Chinese translation of the memoir of Chris Patten, the last British Governor of Hong Kong, published in Taipei in 2023, and of To Kill a Democracy: India's Passage to Despotism, authored by Debasish Roy Chowdhury and John Keane.

Current research
In her project, Judy Lee explores how post-2019 Hong Kong immigrants in Taiwan navigate across the spectrum of identity and integration and looks into the collective efforts of the Hong Konger community in embedding themselves in the local Taiwanese context while going the "extra mile" to maintain and promote their identity in an amiable manner.