Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)

Research Group Ragni
Periderm Development and Wood Formation


Dr. Ragni Laura, P.I.

Since October 2013 Independent group leader at ZMBP

2009-2013 Post doc as EMBO and MHV fellow at the University of Lausanne, CH

2005-2008 Ph.D. in Plant cellular biology at INRA Versailles, FR

1999-2005 B.Sc.+ M.Sc. Università degli Studi di Milano, IT

laura.ragnispam prevention@zmbp.uni-tuebingen.de

Follow Laura on ResearchGate, Twitter, ORCID


Dr. Wei Xiao, Post doc

He joined our lab in September 2018 to study the role of auxin during periderm development

wei.xiaospam prevention@zmbp.uni-tuebingen.de

office: 76671

David Molina, PhD student

He joined our group in November 2018 to investigate the role of MYBs transcription factors during cork differentiation.

david.molinaspam prevention@zmbp.uni-tuebingen.de

office: 76671

Sara Horvath, PhD student

She joined our group in July 2022 to investigate suberin deposition during cork differentiation.

sara.horvathspam prevention@zmbp.uni-tuebingen.de

office: 76671

Dagmar Ripper, T.A.

T.A. at ZMBP

Expert in light and confocal microscopy and histology techniques

dagmar.ripperspam prevention@zmbp.uni-tuebingen.de

office: 76671

Richard Gavidia, T.A.

T.A. at ZMBP

Expert in genotyping and cloning

richard.gavidia-bricenospam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

office: 78880

Noah Ragab, Bachelor student/ Hiwi.

He joined our group in 2021 to investigate the Shenghen pathway during cork differentaition and to develop new bioluminescent tools

noah.ragabspam prevention@student.uni-tuebingen.de

office: 78880


Dr. Xudong Zhang, (Post doc), now Professor at

Dr. Mehdi Ben-Targem, (PhD student) now Post doc at HAWK, DE

Dr. Anna Wunderling, (PhD student)

Dr. Azahara Barra Jimenez, (Post doc)

Dr. Andreia Matos, (Visiting Ph.D Student EMBO short term fellow from Célia Miguel Lab)

Andrea Bock, (T.A.)

Dagmar Kolb, (T.A.)

Stefan Mahn, (Master student/HiWi)

Rebecca Richeter, (Master student/HiWi)

Kathrin Sajak, (Master student/HiWi)

Lucas Freidel, (HiWi)

Daniel Jeschke, (HiWi)

Marta  Boi, (Hiwi)

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