Englisches Seminar

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hotz-Davies

Chair for English Literature and Gender Studies


Office Hours 

Room: 506

No need to pre-register.  

 Office Hours during the Summer Semester Break 2024
Thurs, 8 August, 16-18
Wed, 28 August, 16-18
Tues, 10 September, 16-18
Wed, 25 September, 15-17
Wed, 9 October, 14-16

 Office Hours during the Winter Semester 2024

Tuesdays, 15-17

 Please note that for the preparation or supervision of any kind of thesis (BA, BEd, MA, MEd) students need to come to the office hour

Thesis registration or supervision is not possible via e-mail.

Phone: +49-(0)7071-29-75254
Fax: +49-(0)7071-29-5760

ingrid.hotz-daviesspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Department of English
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstraße 50
72074 Tübingen


Ruvindra Sathsarani (M.A.)

Room: 462a
Phone: +49-(0)7071-29-76081

lehrstuhl.hotz-daviesspam prevention@es.uni-tuebingen.de

Fields of Interest and Research

Academic Pathway:

Additional Appointments and Functions:

Selected Recent Seminars  (HS/OS, since 2007):

Lecture Seminars (Vorlesungen):

List of Publications:


Adversarial Stances: Strategies of Resistance in Selected Renaissance Writers (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1995).

The Creation of Religious Identities by English Women Poets from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century: Soulscapes (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen, 2001).

Ingrid Hotz-Davies and Anton Kirchhofer eds., Psychoanalytic-ism: Uses of Psychoanalysis in Novels, Poems, Plays and Films (Trier: WVT Trier, 2000); darin: “What Freud Did for H.D.: The Story of an Appropriation”.

Ingrid Hotz-Davies and Schamma Schahadat, eds., Ins Wort gesetzt, ins Bild gesetzt: Gender in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur (Bielefeld: transcript, 2007), darin „Scham in den Romanen Jane Austens, oder: wie die Gender Studies auf den Affekt gekommen sind“, S. 181-206.

Ingrid Hotz-Davies, Anton Kirchhofer, Sirpa Leppänen eds., Internet Fictions (New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009). Darin: “Mirror Fictions: Babylon 5 and Its Dreamers” 84-104.

Ingrid Hotz-Davies, Stefanie Gropper eds., „Off Centre: Eccentricity and Gender”, Special Edition von Gender Forum 27 (2009). http://www.genderforum.org/issues/

Ed. with Georg Vogt and Franziska Bergmann, The Dark Side of Camp Aesthetics: Queer Economies of Dirt, Dust and Patina (London: Routledge, 2017).

Ed. with Gero Bauer and Regina Ammicht Quinn, Die Naturalisierung des Geschlechts: Zur Beharrlichkeit der Zweigeschlechtlichkeit. (Bielefeld: transcript, 2018).


“A Chaste Maid in Cheapside and Women Beware Women: Feminism, Anti-Feminism and the Limitations of Satire,” Cahiers Elisabéthains 39 (1991): 29-39.

“‘My Name is Finis’: The Lonely Voice of Stevie Smith,” In Black and Gold: Contiguous Traditions in Post-War British and Irish Poetry, ed. C.C.Barfoot, DQR Studies in Literature 13 (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994): 219-234.

“‘Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord’: Das Problem der Untertänigkeit der Frau bei William Gouge, Rachel Speght und Margaret Fell”, In Text und Geschlecht: Mann und Frau in der frühen Neuzeit, ed. Rüdiger Schnell (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1997): 197-213.

“Die Romanzen,” In Shakespeare-Handbuch, ed. Ina Schabert (Stuttgart: Kröner, 2000): 460-91.

“‘Nobly lighted while she sleeps’: Images of Desire in the Poetry of ‘Michael Field’,” In Bi-Textualität: Inszenierungen des Paares, eds. Annegret Heitmann, Sigrid Nieberle, Barbara Schaff, Sabine Schülting (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2001): 57-76.

“Feministische Literaturwissenschaft und Gender Studies,“ In Literaturwissenwschaft in Theorie und Praxis, ed. Ralf Schneider (Tübingen: Narr, 2004)117-140.

“Microtextual Cruelties and the Subversive Imagination in Ronald Firbank’s Novels,“ In Critical Essays on Ronald Firbank, English Novelist, 1886-1926, eds. Gill Davies, David Malcolm, and John Simons (Lewiston: Mellen, 2004): 61-80.

“'Plunged into chaos, obscure, contrary, unintelligible': Mary Shelley’s The Last Man und die Grenzen der symbolischen Ordnung“, In Krisen des Verstehens um 1800, eds. Sandra Heinen und Harald Nehr (Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2004): 277-296.

“Shakespeare Theology: A Polemic,“ Wissenschaftliches Seminar Online 2 (2004) publ. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. 

“Dark Doors: The Exchange of Dangerous Knowledge Between Classes in Jacobean Drama”, In Realigning Renaissance Culture: Intrusion and Adjustment in Early Modern Drama, eds. Enno Ruge and Stephan Laqué (Trier: wvt, 2004).

“’No use Spoiling One’s Trip Worrying about Imaginary Police Men’: The Pleasures of the Closet in Patricia Highsmith’s Ripley Novels", In Anglistentag Proceedings 2004, eds. Lilo Moessner und Christa M. Schmidt (Trier: wvt, 2005): 183-193.

„Phantasien über das 17. Jahrhundert im zeitgenössischen historischen Roman Großbritanniens“, In Ethik und Ästhetik der Gewalt, eds. Julia Dietrich und Uta Müller-Koch (Paderborn: Mentis, 2006): 101-124.

„Verwerfungen des Closet in Joseph Conrads The Secret Sharer (1912)”, In Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), eds. Cordula Lemke und Claus Zittel (Berlin: Weidler, 2007): 201-226.

“Quentin Crisp und die Kunst der Schamlosigkeit”, In Kulturen der Leidenschaften, Leidenschaften in den Kulturen, eds. Dorothee Kimmich und Schamma Schahadat, spezial edition von arcadia 44 (2009): 94-106.

“Mirror Fictions: Babylon 5 and Its Dreamers”, In Internet Fictions, eds. Ingrid Hotz-Davies, Anton Kirchhofer, Sirpa Leppänen (New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009): 84-104.

“Not drowning but waving: On the Problem of Understanding Utterances in Henry James’s ‘The Pupil’”, In Dimensionen der Zweitsprachenforschung - Dimensions of Second Language Research. Festschrift für Kurt Kohn, eds. Michaela Albl-Mikasa, Sabine Braun, Sylvia Kalina (Tübingen: Günter Narr, 2009): 277-288.

„Quentin Crisp, Camp and the Art of Shamelessness“, In Sexed Sentiments: Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Gender and Emotion, eds. Willemijn Ruberg und Kristine Steenbergh (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011): 165-184.

“The 'Interzone' as a Place of the Mind”, Charting the Interzone: A Conference, eds. Didier Girard and Ingrid Hotz-Davies, publication “EMJD Programme: Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones”, (2011): 28-41. http://wwwdata.unibg.it/dati/bacheca/676/54571.pdf

“'Priests pray for enemies, but princes kill': Zu William Shakespeares Henry VI", In Willian Shakespeare, König Heinrich VI Teil 3, transl. Frank Günther (Cadolzburg: ars vivendi, 2011): 354-398.

„Flooding Faith: Forgetfulness in Robert Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy“, In Forgetting Faith?: Negotiating Confessional Conflict in Early Modern Europe, eds. Isabel Karremann, Cornel Zwierlein, Inga Mai Groote (Berlin: de Greuter, 2012): 99-116.

“When Theory is not Enough: A Material Turn in Gender Studies”, In Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies, eds. Martin Middeke, Christoph Reinfandt (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016): 135-150.

"Material Spirituality - Spiritual Materialsim: Women and the Problem of Matter", Ethik in den Kulturen - Kulturen in der Ethik. One Festschrift für Regina Ammicht-Quinn, ed. Cordula Brand et als. (Tübingen: Narr, 2017): 203-212.

"Gender: Perfomring Politics in Prose? Performativity - Masculinity - Feminism - Queer", Handbook of the English Novel of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, ed. Christoph Reinfandt (Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2017): 82-106.

Current PhD Students

Name Working Title of Thesis Research Interests

Comcar, Milad (M.A.)

Higby, Sharon (M.A.)    
Jung, Susanne (M.A.) Bouncing Back: Strategies of Queer Resilience in 20th Century English Literature and Culture Gender Studies; Queer Studies; Performance Studies; 20th Century English Literature and Culture; Early Modern English Literature and Culture; Creative Writing.

Ledbetter, Charles (M.A.)

Inhabiting the Monstrous: Trans* Posthumanism in Speculative Fiction

Feminist Posthumanism, Queer Theory, Critical Trans* Studies, Critical Race Theory, Afrofuturism, Speculative Fiction, Cultural Studies, Digital Cultures, Fanfiction and Fan Communities, Disability Studies, Critical Border Studies

Luther, Katharina

From Roots to Cosmos: A New Materialist Poetics of Contemporary Poetry

New Materialism; Thing Theory; Nature Writing; Body Studies; Environmental Criticism; Philosophy of Science; Contemporary Poetry; Modern & Contemporary English Literature; Creative & Academic Writing.

Roth, Hanne (M.A.)    

Schelkle, Rainer


Yousefi, Fereshteh (M.A.)

The Influence of Feminism on the Fiction of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.  Feminism, 20th Century Literary Studies