Bauer, Matthias, and Angelika Zirker. "Reflections on Co-Creativity in Early Modern Drama: Stylistic Adaptation and Practices of Collaboration."Critical Survey 36.1 (2024). DOI: 10.3167/cs.2024.360106
For Amanda B. Vernon the 200th birthday of the Scottish writer, theologian and literary scholar George MacDonald (1824-1905) is an invitation to reflect on old age and childlikeness. If you would like to read (and hear) how MacDonald combined these opposites, visit the Connotations website.
Join the Literary Advent Calendar 2024: Festive Music!
Our department's yearly advent calendar will return to the Connotations website with the theme “Festive Music”. If you enjoy reading literary texts aloud and would like to be featured in our calendar, you can submit a recording to capucine-marie.blancspam by November 24th. Select your own excerpt on this topic from your favourite piece or ask the team for suggestions! For further information, you can download the flyer.
13.12.24 - Workshop "From Imitatio to Inventio: Towards a Poetics of Diachronic Co-Creativity"
Project C5 “The Aesthetics of Co-Creativity in Early Modern English Literature” reconstructs an aesthetics of collaborative authorship in early modern English literature that is ‘different’ from concepts influenced by ideas of the author as an individual genius. In the context of our workshop, we would like to integrate a temporal dimension in our analysis of co-creative production processes. When early modern playwrights use sources and revise them in their own textual artefacts, these are not merely instances of intertextuality and imitation; the making of these texts reveals the various stages in their production and the agents involved in them. By moving away from the notion of imitatio towards a shared inventio, we hope and expect to learn more about the aesthetics of co-creativity in early modern English literature.
Further details you can find in our flyer. This workshop will be hybrid. To sign up, either in person or through Zoom, please contact our project.
Talk by Prof. Dr. Angelika Zirker at the French-German Cultural Institute: Transferts Culturels
On Thursday the 21st of November, at 7 pm, Prof. Dr. Angelika Zirker (Englische Philologie, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen) and Prof. Dr. Laurent Curelly (Littérature anglaise, Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse) will speak about cultural transfers between France and England between 1580-1650 (Transferts culturels entre la France et l’Angleterre à l’époque de la première modernité (1580-1650)) at the French-German Cultural Institute (L'Institut culturel franco-allemand, ICFA) in Tübingen. For more details on registration and the event itself, click here.
Frances Hodgson Burnett, The One I Knew the Best of All, illustr. Reginald B. Birch. 1893. Private Copy (AZ).
Discover Literary Anniversaries - October 2024
On the 100th anniversary of Frances Hodgson Burnett's death, Angelika Zirker reflects on the life of this prolific writer. To find out more about the author of The Secret Garden (1911),Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886), about fifty novels (not exclusively children's literature) and thirteen plays click here or visit the Connotations website.
05.09.24 - Upcoming Publication: Shakespeare’s First Folio 1623-2023 - Text and Afterlives
This wide-ranging collection edited by Matthias Bauer and Angelika Zirker reflects on the various motivations that caused the Folio to come into being in 1623, 7 years after Shakespeare's death, and on how the now iconic book has been continually reimagined after its initial publication to the present day.
In honour of its original publication, Shakespeare's First Folio 1623-2023: Text and Afterlives brings together a remarkable set of ground-breaking essays by an international group of scholars. From the beginning, the publication that came to be called the 'First Folio' was defined by the tension between the book as text and the book as a material object. In this volume, the individual contributions move between these two meanings in that they considerprecursors to the First Folio in the form of reader-assembled volumes; the poetic identity of Shakespeare; and how misfortunes and successes in the early modern printing house shaped Shakespeare's text. Find out more here.
Discover Literary Anniversaries - July 2024
E.M. Foster’s best-known novel A Passage to India is turning one hundred years old this year. Francesca Pierini helps us to explore this literary anniversary by offering a rereading of the trial scene, foregrounding colonial Britain’s perception of India. Find out more here on our Connotations website.
28.06.24 - Workshop: "Form und Inhalt"
Im Rahmen der Forschungsgruppe 2828 De/Sakralisierung von Texten finden eine Reihe von Workshops statt, die sich mit sogenannten Spannungsfeldern beschäftigen. Ein solches Spannungsfeld ist die Spannung zwischen Form und Inhalt, d.h. die Frage, wie die formalen Merkmale und die ästhetische Qualität mit der Bedeutung eines Textes interagieren. Gibt es dominante Sprechakte in einem Text? Lassen sich rhetorische Profile und Muster erkennen? Welche Gattung(en) ist (sind) vorherrschend? Lassen sich bestimmte intertextuelle Verbindungen oder Erzähltechniken identifizieren? Der Workshop wird diese Fragen aus einer Reihe von Perspektiven behandeln, die die an der Forschungsgruppe beteiligten Disziplinen widerspiegeln.
14.06.24 - Workshop: "Mediality and Virtuality - De/Sacralisation in Video Games"
Die Vorstellung von etwas Heiligem oder Sakralem ist oft tief in die Geschichte, Sprache und Welt eines Spiels eingebettet. Ob es sich um Quellen der Mythologie oder andere hoch verehrte religiöse und säkulare Texte handelt, Videospiele können sich auf solche Werke berufen und Elemente daraus verwenden, um ihre Welten zu konstruieren. Videospiele befinden sich daher, wie viele andere Medienformen auch, an der Schnittstelle zwischen sakralisierten Texten und zeitgenössischer Kultur. In diesem Workshop werden wir dieses Phänomen der Übertragung von Aspekten sakralisierter Texte in den virtuellen Kontext von Videospielen untersuchen. Wir gehen nicht von einer zwangsläufigen Entsakralisierung der Originaltexte aus, sondern argumentieren, dass die Verbindung des Sakralen in virtuellen Welten mit realen Gegenstücken auch zu einer Sakralisierung führen kann. Anhand von drei Vorträgen wollen wir die Strategien erörtern, mit denen materielle Objekte in der virtuellen Welt des Spiels sakralisiert werden, indem wir Bausteine des Sakralen in Videospielen mit Beispielen aus der realen Welt vergleichen. Wenn Videospiele uns helfen können, die Bedeutung sakralisierter Texte in der heutigen Welt zu verstehen, könnten sie sich auch als nützlich erweisen, um unser Verständnis der Prozesse der De-/Sakralisierung im Allgemeinen zu vertiefen.
Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse - Université de Strasbourg - Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
For almost ten years, a rich and productive disciplinary exchange within the field of English literature has existed between the Universities of Strasbourg (France) and Tübingen. Since 2021, an annual colloquium has been added to the spectrum of collaborative efforts between the two universities that is open to MA and PhD students. The Université de Haute Alsace in Mulhouse has recently joined the programme and will participate in this summer's colloquium for the first time. In June, four doctoral students from France will present their work in a one-day colloquium at Tübingen, joined by two doctoral students from Tübingen. They will be accompanied by their supervisors and spend the day with academic discussion and critical debate.
The CfP for the 18th International Connotations Symposium is online!
The 18th International Connotations Symposium on the theme “Comedy and its Borders” will take place on July 29th-31st, 2025, at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany.
For more information on the symposium's theme and how to submit your contribution, check out the CfP on the Connotations website.
Lecture Series "Digital Humanities: Applications, Possibilities, Tools"
Starting on 23 April, the University of Tuebingen will host a series of lectures covering the cutting-edge field of digital humanities. As scholars who have been active in this area for many years now, professors Bauer and Zirker will each give one lecture, with Angelika Zirker also co-hosting the opening session.
If you already want to mark your calendar, you can find the full programme of the lecture series here.