Ernst von Sieglin Forschungspreis für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen der Klassischen Archäologie

Between 1898 and 1902, Dr. Ernst von Sieglin (1848-1927), entrepreneur and patron of the arts, funded expeditions to Alexandria and excavations on the island of Cos. He not only acquired various Egyptian, Ancient Greek and Roman antiquities for the collection of the Department of Classical Archaeology at the University of Tübingen, but also provided substantial funds in order to study and publish significant objects in the collection. In the tradition of Dr. Ernst von Sieglin’s generous support, the Sieglin family is happy to offering for the first time the annual Ernst von Sieglin Forschungspreis für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen der Klassischen Archäologie.

The grant aims at supporting internationally highly recognized scholarship in the core area of Classical Archaeology. It will cover up to 5.000 EUR for the printing cost of a monograph to be published in the series “Tübinger Archäologischer Forschungen”.

Submissions are envisaged to overlap with the main areas of Dr. Ernst von Sieglin’s interests in Mediterranean archaeology and material culture, but are not confined to the subjects of Alexandria and Cos.

International young scholars are invited to submit their proposals including a cover letter and the manuscript of the book project. The deadline for submission is 26.11.2023. All materials should be sent to: Hanni Töpfer, Institute of Classical Archaeology (sekretariatspam