Adrian Mellage

Dr. Adrian Mellage holds a BSc in Environmental Sciences (2012) of the University of Guelph, Canada, an MSc in Applied and Evironmental Geoscience (2014) of the University of Tübingen, and a PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences (2018) of the University of Waterloo, Canada. He has been research associate in the Hydrogeology workgroup at the Center for Applied Geoscience of the University of Tübingen since 2019.

Dr. Mellage's research combines soil and groundwater biogeochemistry and geophysics to non-invasively monitor subsurface reactive processes (e.g. organic carbon degradation, denitrification, microbial dynamics, and mineral precipitation/dissolution).

His research themes include:

  • Non-target geophysical monitoring of soil reactive hotspots in dynamic soil/aquifer environments
  • Reactive transport modeling of microbially catalyzed reactions: Carbon degradation and coupled elemental cycling (O, N, Fe, S)
  • Coupling reactive transport modeling with geophysical datasets
  • Using spectral induced polarization as a means to monitor microbial dynamics in porous media

Contact: adrian.mellage(at)

Link to publications