Letter of recommendation
Letter of recommendation for studies abroad or scholarships
For a letter of recommendation for a Master program outside Tübingen please comply with the procedure here.
Please hand in your request for a recommendation letter for studies abroad or scholarships at least four weeks prior to your submission deadline. Incomplete requests and requests that do not allow for at least four weeks of preparation cannot be considered.
Required documents:
- Curriculum vitae
- Supporting documents for the items mentioned in your CV (items without verification cannot be included in the letter of recommendation)
- Cover letter (at most 1 DIN A4 page)
- Transcript of records
Additionally required:
- Name, date of birth and place, study course, semesters in major, matriculation number
- When is your recommendation letter due?
- Who is the recipient of the recommendation letter?
(e.g. DAAD, Dezernat für Internationale Beziehungen, Studienstiftung etc.) - Clarify how the letter of recommendation should be forwarded to the recipient.
(Directly to respective institution, via student, …) - Are there specific guidelines for the letter of recommendation?
(Please include existing forms with as much information already filled in as possible) - Which language should the letter of recommendation should be in?
(Choose between English and German)
Please submit all your material and all relevant information in one e-mail to Ms. Dagmar Hegedüs (managerial-accountingspam prevention@wiwi.uni-tuebingen.de).