Head of Group

Jun. Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Setareh Maghsudi

Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6
72076 Tübingen
3rd Floor, Room 30-31/A10
setareh.maghsudispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de​​​​​​​

Office hours on appointment

Scientific Assistants
Name E-Mail Room
Sofiane Dhouib, Ph.D. sofiane.dhouibspam prevention@inf.uni-tuebingen.de 30-31/A8, MvL 6
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kortke andreas.kortkespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-31/A10, MvL 6
Dr. Saeed Ghoorchian saeed.ghoorchianspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-18/A7, MvL 6

M.Sc. Mariam Yahya

mariam.yahyaspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-28/A21, MvL 6
M.Sc. Behzad Nourani Koliji behzad.nourani-kolijispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-28/A21, MvL 6
M.Sc. Xiaotong Cheng xiaotong.chengspam prevention@inf.uni-tuebingen.de

20-11/A5, MvL 6

M.Sc. Steven Bilaj steven.bilajspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 20-11/A5, MvL 6
M.Sc. Ioannis Tsetis ioannis.tsetisspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-28/A21, MvL 6
M.Sc. Melodi Caliskan mine-melodi.caliskanspam prevention@wsii.uni-tuebingen.de 20-11/A5, MvL 6
M.Sc. Amir Rezaei Balef amir.balefspam prevention@inf.uni-tuebingen.de 20-11/A5, MvL 6
M.Sc. Hanyieh Barghi hanyieh.barghispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-18/A7, MvL 6
M.Sc. Michela Petriconi michela.petriconispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-18/A7, MvL 6
M.Sc. Qiang He qiang.hespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-18/A7, MvL 6
M.Sc. Ahmad Ehyaei ahmad.ehyaeispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-18/A7, MvL 6
M.Sc. Yunwen Wang yunwen.wangspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-18/A7, MvL 6
M.Sc. Seyed Majid Razavi seyed.razavispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 30-18/A7, MvL 6


External Members
Name E-Mail
Dr. Sabrine Chebbi sabrine.chebbi[AT]fst.utm.tn


Cheng Pan Research assistant, 06.2022 - 04.2023
Francesco Chini Post-Doc, 10.2021 - 01.2023
Binayak Ghosh External Ph.D. student, 10.2020 - 01.2023
Anna Vlot External Ph.D. student, 10.2020 - 01.2023
Evgenii Kortukov Student assistant, 10.2021 - 01.2023
Johannes Steinle B.Sc. Thesis student, 3.2022 - 11.2022
Glenn Angrabeit Student assistant, 10.2021 - 10.2022
Alexander Conzelman Student assistant, 04.2022 - 10.2022
Kevin Jeuter B.Sc. thesis student, 04.2022 - 09.2022
Alireza Nejat M.Sc. thesis student, 01.2022 - 09.2022
Robert Klassert Research assistant, 04.2022 - 09.2022
Mohammad Matin Jalaeian Salmany B.Sc. thesis student, 10.2021 - 07.2022
Yigit Can Akcay M.Sc. thesis student, 09.2021 - 03.2022
Stefan Thieringer B.Sc. thesis student, 10.2021 - 02.2022
David Barrera M.Sc. thesis student, 3.2021 - 11.2021
Alireza Masoumian Intern, 5.2021 - 9.2021
Lena Lörcher Research assistant, 5.2021 - 9.2021
Alireza Javanmardi Research assistant, 1.2021 - 4.2021
Sebastian Zimmerman B.Sc. thesis student, 3.2020 - 12.2020, Technical University of Berlin
Yang Chen M.Sc. thesis student, 2.2020 - 12.2020, Technical University of Berlin
Samira Yarollahi M.Sc. thesis student, 1.2020 - 11.2020, Technical University of Berlin
Ummy Habiba DAAD Scholar, 1.2019 - 7.2019, Technical University of Berlin
Max Davy Intern, 5.2019 - 6.2019, Technical University of Berlin
Ali Hlayel M.Sc. thesis student, 6.2018 - 1.2019, Technical University of Berlin


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