Institute for Research on Far Right Extremism (IRex)

Die Stärkung der Demokratie und Widerstandsfähigkeit (zivil-)gesellschaftlicher und staatlicher Strukturen gegen rechtsextreme Ideologien und Praktiken mit wissenschaftlichen Mitteln ist ein Leitmotiv des IRex.

Das Institut erforscht den Rechtsextremismus und seine gesellschaftlichen Einbettungen. Die Forschungsergebnisse sollen dazu beitragen, die Demokratie in Staat und Zivilgesellschaft zu stärken. Wissenschaftler*innen verschiedener Fachrichtungen untersuchen den Rechtsextremismus und seine gesellschaftlichen Einbettungen in Baden-Württemberg und darüber hinaus. Drei Professuren für Rechtsextremismusforschung werden dauerhaft vom Land Baden-Württemberg finanziert. Zusätzlich wird eine vierte Professur für sozialwissenschaftliche Antisemitismusforschung eingerichtet.

Die transdisziplinäre Forschung des IRex zielt auf ein Verständnis der politischen und lebensweltlichen Dimensionen des Rechtsextremismus ab. Die Forschungsergebnisse sollen eine gelebte und an den allgemeinen Menschenrechten ausgerichtete demokratische Grundhaltung fördern. Dialog und Wissenstransfer sind für das IRex zentral. Das Institut kooperiert mit Organisationen und Personen aus Wissenschaft, Staat und Gesellschaft in allen Phasen von Forschung und Vermittlung. Dafür werden Forschungsfragen im Dialog mit Partner*innen aus Forschung, Praxis, Staat und Zivilgesellschaft erarbeitet und die Ergebnisse auf verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Ebenen adressat*innengerecht kommuniziert.

Rechtsextremismus erforschen. 

Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft stärken!

Mission Statement

The Institute for Research on Far Right Extremism (IRex) is a permanent academic institution dedicated to conducting fundamental and applied research on the political and societal dimensions of far-right extremism and its integration within the broader social fabric. In doing so, IRex addresses one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

IRex combines excellent fundamental research, inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration, and societal relevance. Its mission is to:

  1. conduct high-quality, multi-method, inter- and transdisciplinary research on far-right extremism;
  2. provide infrastructure to support scientific inquiry and societal responses; and
  3. foster innovative platforms for dialogue with key stakeholders in politics and society, while advancing knowledge through university education and outreach activities.

The societal responsibility of science extends beyond upholding the highest academic standards; it also encompasses active promotion of democracy and human rights. A free and independent pursuit of knowledge depends fundamentally on an open and democratic society, which serves as an essential foundation for scientific inquiry.

As a strong partner in regional, national, and international academic networks, as well as in collaboration with societal initiatives, the Institute aims to foster a lived democratic mindset that is anchored in universal human rights. Through its research findings, it aims to strengthen the resilience of civil society and state institutions against the threats posed by far-right extremism.

The Institute is driven by the core principles of inter- and transdisciplinarity, dialogue, and international collaboration, all while adhering to the highest scientific standards. It is currently supported by three professorships, each contributing specialised expertise in political science, media and communication studies, and educational science. Together, they foster a cross-disciplinary understanding of far-right extremism. A fourth professorship focusing on social science research on antisemitism is currently being established.

Inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration within IRex and beyond is organised through cross-cutting thematic clusters that serve as hubs within a dynamic regional, national, and international research network. These clusters focus on

  1. analysing far-right extremist discourses, media, and public sphere strategies;
  2. researching far-right extremist actors, organisations, and networks; and
  3. advancing political education, knowledge dissemination and applied research.

Through these clusters, the institute serves as a central point of convergence, fostering stronger connections among both scientific and societal stakeholders alike.

IRex considers societal dialogue and knowledge transfer as core responsibilities. Engagement with politics and society is therefore embedded at multiple levels: through institution-wide events on cross-cutting themes; public events addressing current affairs; the dissemination of research findings through media and other platforms; and the development of a sustainable network of partners across civil society, politics, media, the judiciary, and the digital industry. The goal is not only to share knowledge but also to integrate practical insights into the Institute’s research agenda and initiate collaborative projects.

A comprehensive understanding of far-right extremism and its integration into society requires an international perspective. Beyond examining this phenomenon within regional and national contexts, the Institute therefore aims to actively establish a close-knit network of scientific partners in Germany and beyond, further embedding itself within the global research landscape.

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