Research Unit

The School Psychology Department focuses on cognitive, behavioral, and emotional development from preschool to adulthood. It emphasizes counseling for all participants in school life and addressing students' learning and behavioral difficulties.

Current News in School Psychology



Verbindungen beim Lesen lernen - Sensibilität für Kollokationshäufigkeit verbindet Wortschatzgröße und Leseverständnis im mittleren Kindesalter

Die Kollokationshäufigkeit von Wörtern in der Sprachumgebung trägt zur frühen Wortschatzentwicklung bei. Die Größe des Wortschatzes wiederum sagt die Leseverständnisfähigkeiten der Kinder im späteren Entwicklungsverlauf voraus. Publication


12.12. 2023

Practice Makes Perfect: Heightened Control of Restrained Eaters for Food Images
Restrained eaters (RE) exhibit unregulated eating behaviors, often explained by a deficit in inhibitory control. Despite evidence suggesting...Publication

Vortragende  (von links nach rechts):  Prof. Dr. Tobias Renner,  Dr. Andreas Rapp,  Prof. Dr. Thomas Rieke-Baulecke,  Dr. Anke Leuthold-Zürcher,  Dipl.-Psych. Anne Henchen,  Dr. Fabian Lang,  Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow,  Prof. Dr. Monika Daseking,  Prof. Dr. Johanna Löchner,  Prof. Dr. Thilo Stehle
Vortragende (von links nach rechts): Prof. Dr. Tobias Renner, Dr. Andreas Rapp, Prof. Dr. Thomas Rieke-Baulecke, Dr. Anke Leuthold-Zürcher, Dipl.-Psych. Anne Henchen, Dr. Fabian Lang, Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow, Prof. Dr. Monika Daseking, Prof. Dr. Johanna Löchner, Prof. Dr. Thilo Stehle

Review of the Anniversary Symposium: 10 Years of School Psychology 2023

"Opportunities and Challenges of Modern Schools"

On June 23, 2023, more than 100 guests, including representatives from education policy, the University of Tübingen, the University Hospital (UKT) Tübingen, and school psychologists from across Germany, attended the symposium organized by Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow at the University of Tübingen. The event celebrated 10 successful years of the School Psychology program in Tübingen, which remains the only Master of Science in School Psychology program in Germany, having facilitated over 160 graduations during this period. The celebration took place in the Old Auditorium of the university. Read more