Tübinger Mikropaläontologische Mitteilungen
ISSN 0935-493 X
Editor: Prof. Dr Annett Junginger
The Tübinger Mikropaläontologische Mitteilungen has been published at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen since 1983. Volumes 1–21 can be purchased for 10€ each, all later volumes for 15€ each. The journal contains results of micropalaeontological research conducted at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen.
List of volumes
1|Rückert-Hilbig, A. (1983) Megalospheric Gamonts of Rosalina globularis d'Orbigny 1826, Cymbaloporetta bulloides (d'Orbigny 1839) and Cymbaloporetta milletti (Heron-Allen & EarIand 1915) (Foraminifera) with Differently Constructed Swimming-Apparatus
2|Labude, C. (1984) Sedimentologie, Subsidenz und die Verbreitung sandschaliger und planktonischer Foraminiferen im Maastricht des Zentralen Appennin (Italien) [Sedimentology, Subsidence, and Distribution of Agglutinating and Planktic Foraminifera from the Maastrichtian of the Central Appennins (Italy)]
3|Riegraf, W. (1985) Mikrofauna, Biostratigraphie und Fazies im Unteren Toarcium Südwestdeutschlands und Vergleiche mit benachbarten Gebieten [Microfauna, Biostratigraphy, and Facies of the Lower Toarcian of Southwest Germany and Comparison with Adjacent Areas] [no longer available]
4|Ziko, A. (1985) Eocene Bryozoa from Egypt. A Paleontological and Paleoecological Study
5|Durr, G. (1988) Palynostratigraphie des Kimmeridgium und Tithonium von Süddeutschland und Korrelation mit borealen Floren [Palynostratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian of Southern Germany and Correlation with Boreal Floras]
6|Brenner, W. (1988) Dinoflagellaten aus dem Unteren Malm (Oberer Jura) von Süddeutschland: Morphologie, Ökologie, Stratigraphie [Dinoflagellates from the Lower Malmian (Upper Jurassic) of Southern Germany: Morphology, Ecology, Stratigraphy] [no longer available]
7|Oelschlager, J. (1989) Die Ultrastruktur der nicht-mineralisierten Schalenbestandteile bei Foraminiferen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Rotorbinella rosea (d'Orbigny) (Rotaliidae, Foraminifera) [Ultrastructure of Non-Mineralised Test Components of Foraminifera, with Special Regard to Rotorbinella rosea (d'Orbigny) (Rotaliidae, Foraminifera)]
8|Blank, R. (1990) Die kalkschaligen benthonischen Foraminiferen des Ober-Bajocium bis Unter-Callovium der südwestlichen Schwäbischen Alb, Baden-Württemberg [Calcareous Benthic Foraminifers from the Upper Bajocian to the Lower Callovian of the Southwestern Swabian Mountains, Baden-Wuerttemberg]
9|Kleiber, G. W. (1991) Nummuliten der paläogenen Tethys in Axialschnitten [Nummulites from the Palaeogene Tethys in Axial Sections] [no longer available]
10|Schmalzried, A. (1991) Die Mikrofauna in Schwämmen, Schwammriff- und "Normal"- Fazies des unteren und mittleren Malm (Oxfordium und Kimmeridgium, Ober-Jura) der westlichen und mittleren Schwäbischen Alb [Microfauna of Sponges, Spongereef- and 'Normal' Facies of the Lower and Middle Malmian (Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian, Upper Jurassic) of the Western and Central Swabian Mountains] [no longer available]
11|Obaje, N. G. (1994) Coal Petrography, Microfossils and Paleoenvironments of Cretaceous Coal Measures in the Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria
12|Erbacher, J. (1994) Entwicklung und Paläoozeanographie mittelkretazischer Radiolarien der westlichen Tethys (Italien) und des Nordatlantiks [Development and Palaeoceanography of `Middle' Cretaceous Radiolarians in the Western Tethys (Italy) and the North-Atlantic]
13|Wielandt, U. (1996) Benthic Foraminiferal Paleoecology and Microfacies Investigations of Paleogene Sediments from the Farafra Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt [no longer available]
14|Olugbemiro, O. R. (1997) Hydrocarbon Potential, Maturation and Paleoenvironments of the Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Santonian) Series in the Bomu (Chad) Basin, NE Nigeria
15|Pross, J. (1997) Aquatische Palynomorphe im Rupel des Mainzer Beckens (Oligozän, Südwestdeutschland): Paläoökologie, Biostratigraphie und Taxonomie [Aquatic Palynomorphs from the Rupel of the Mainz Basin (Oligocene, Southwest Germany): Palaeoecology, Biostratigraphy, and Taxonomy] [no longer available]
16|Geleta, S. (1998) Biostratigraphy, Depositional Environment, Basin Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Late Triassic to Late Jurassic Succession, Ogaden Basin, Ethiopia
17|Geiselhart, S. (1998) Late Quaternary Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatologic History of the Red Sea during the Last 380.000 Years: Evidence from Stable Isotopes and Faunal Assemblages
18|Bruch, A. A. (1999) Palynologische Untersuchungen im Oligozän Sloweniens – Paläo-Umwelt und Paläoklima im Ostalpenraum [Palynological Investigations in the Oligocene of Slovenia—Palaeoenvironment and Palaeoclimate in the Eastern Alps]
19|Gyldenfeldt, A.-B. (1999) Modelling the Recent and Glacial Oceanography of the Red Sea
20|Heinz, P. (1999) Response of Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifera to Simulated Phytodetritus Pulses under Laboratory Conditions
21|Klotz, S. (1999) Klimarekonstruktionsmethoden auf der Grundlage paläobiologischer Proxies und deren Anwendung auf mittel- bis spätquartäre Pollenalysen aus der französichen Nordalpen und ihrem Vorland [Methods to Reconstruct Climate on the Basis of Palaeobiological Proxies and their Application on Middle to Late Quaternary Pollen Analyses from the French Northern Alps and their Foreland] [no longer available]
22|Zeltner, A. (2000) Monsoonal Influenced Changes of Coccolithophore Communities in the Northern Indian Ocean – Alteration during Sedimentation and Record in Surface Sediments
23|Scherbacher, M. (2000) Rekonstruktion der oligozänen Umweltveränderung im Ostalpenraum anhand von Foraminiferen [Reconstruction of Oligocene Environmental Change in the Eastern Alps on the Basis of Foraminifers]
24|Muhlstrasser, T. (2001) Paleoceanographic History of the Northwestern Tethian Realm for the Late Oligocene through Miocene
25|Lechterbeck, J. (2001) "Human Impact" oder "Climatic Changes"? Zur Vegetationsgeschichte des Spätglazials und Holozäns in hochauflösenden Pollenanalysen Laminierter Sedimente des Steißlinger Sees (Südwestdeutschland) [Human Impact or Climate Change? On the Vegetation History of the Late Glacial and Holocene on the Basis of High-Resolution Pollen Analysis from Laminated Sediments of the Steißlinger Lake (Southwest Germany)]
26|Weldeab, S. (2001) Geochemical Investigations of Surface and Core Sediments from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Implication for Productivity Changes and Climate Conditions in the Catchment Areas during Sapropel Formation
27|Herrle, J. O. (2001) Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Implications on Mid-Cretaceous Black Shale Formation in the Vocontian Basin and the Atlantic: Evidence from Calcareous Nannofossils and Stable Isotopes
28|Badawi, A. (2003) Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Red Sea: Evidence from Benthic Foraminifera
29|Schmiedl, S. (2008) Rekonstruktion der spätglazialen und holozänen Vegetations- und Klimaentwicklung der Serra Geral (Brasilien) anhand palynologischer Daten [Reconstructing Late Glacial and Holocene Vegetation and Climate Development of the Serra Geral (Brazil) using Palynological Data]