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Publications in refereed journals

Multilateral Tax Treaty Revision to Combat Tax Avoidance: On the Merits and Limits of BEPS’s Multilateral Instrument, forthcoming in Economic Policy (with Antonia Hohmann and Nadine Riedel)

A Structural Quantitative Analysis of Services Trade De-liberalizationJournal of International Economics, 137, 103605, July 2022 (with Sven Blank, Peter Egger and Georg Wamser)

The Impact of Thin Capitalization Rules on the Location of Multinational Firms' Foreign AffiliatesReview of International Economics, 28(1), 2020, 35-61 (with N. Riedel and G. Wamser) [RSIT Working Paper 01/2016]

The Commitment Role of Equity Financing, Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(4), pp. 1232-1260, August 2019 (with M. Fahn and G. Wamser) [RSIT Working Paper 01/2017]

Measuring the Interdependence of Multinational Firms' Foreign Investments, Economic Inquiry, 56(2), pp. 1064-1088, April 2018 (with Simon Bösenberg, Peter Egger and Georg Wamser) [RSIT Working Paper 03/2017]

Cross-country Services versus Manufacturing Activity of Multinational Firms in Response to Services versus Goods Policy, The World Economy, 40(3), pp. 490-498, March 2017 (with Peter Egger and Georg Wamser)

The Consequences of the new UK Tax Exemption System: Evidence from Micro-level Data, The Economic Journal, 125, pp. 1764-1789, December 2015 (with Peter Egger, Martin Ruf and Georg Wamser)

Unobserved Tax Avoidance and the Tax Elasticity of FDI, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 108, pp. 1-18, December 2014 (with Peter Egger and Georg Wamser)

On the Genesis of Multinational Foreign Affiliate Networks, European Economic Review, 65(1), pp. 136-163, January 2014 (with Peter Egger, Matthias Fahn and Georg Wamser) [Online Appendix]

Corporate Taxes and Internal Borrowing within Multinational Firms, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6(2), pp. 54-93, May 2014 (with Peter Egger, Christian Keuschnigg and Georg Wamser) [Online Appendix]

How Low Business Tax Rates Attract MNE Activity: Municipality-Level Evidence from Germany, Journal of Public Economics, 96(9-10), pp. 698-711, October 2012 (with Sascha Becker and Peter Egger)

BITs Bite: An Anatomy of the Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Multinational Firms, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(4), pp. 1240-1266, December 2012 (with Peter Egger)

Statutory Corporate Tax rates and Double Taxation Treaties as Determinants of Multinational Firm Activity, Finanzarchiv / Public Finance Analysis, 67(2), pp. 145-170, June 2011 (with Peter Egger)

The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on FDI – Dynamics, The World Economy, 30(10), pp. 1536-1549, October 2007 (with Peter Egger)

Working papers

Identifying Tax-Setting Responses from Local Fiscal Policy Programs, CESifo Working Paper No. 10473, May 2023 (with Andreas Schanbacher, Georg U. Thunecke and Georg Wamser), R&R American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Relational Contracts, the Costs of Enforcing Formal Contracts, and Capital Structure Choice - Theory and Evidence, RSIT Working Paper 02/2017 (with Matthias Fahn and Georg Wamser)

Taxes, Profit Shifting, and the Real Activities of MNEs: Evidence from Corporate Tax Notches, RSIT Working Paper 06/2022 (with Jaqueline Hansen and Georg Wamser)

The ITI Database: New Data on International Tax Institutions, RSIT Working Paper 05/2024 (with Georg Wamser et al)

Transfer Pricing Regulations Worldwide: A Survey, RSIT Working Paper 04/2024 (with Sabine Laudage Teles, Nadine Riedel and Kristina Strohmaier)

Profit-shifting elasticities, channels, and the role of tax havens: Evidence from micro-level data, CESifo Working Paper No. 11045 (with Georg Wamser)

Work in progress

  • Regional Implications of National Tax Policy, with Oliver Krebs, Peter Egger, and Georg Wamser.
  • The Heterogeneous Effects of Tax Policy along the Global Value Chain of MNEs, with Jaqueline Hansen, Nadine Riedel and Georg Wamser.
  • Taxation and Firm Productivity, with Svea Holtmann, Dominika Langenmayr and Georg Wamser.
  • Corporate Tax Rates, MNE Investment Links and Internal Capital Markets, with Peter Egger, Christian Keuschnigg, A. Nagengast and Georg Wamser.
  • Internal Capital Markets and the Agency Costs of Free Cash Flows, with Matthias Fahn, Stefan Goldbach, Arne Nagengast and Georg Wamser.
  • Internal Debt Markets and Profit Shifting of Multinational Corporations, with Stefan Goldbach, Jaqueline Jansen, Arne Nagengast and Georg Wamser.
  • The Allocation of Patents and Profits within Multinational Corporations, with Peter Egger, Stefan Goldbach and Georg Wamser.
  • Corporate dividend payments along the ownership chain: On repatriation taxes, owner outcomes, and the role of conduit entities, with Johanna Paraknewitz and Georg Wamser.
  • The role of Tax Incentives for Services Trade, with Johanna Paraknewitz and Georg Wamser.
  • Quantifying Abusive Transfer Pricing from Bilateral Trade Data, with Benedikt Heid, Frank Stähler and Georg Wamser.
  • Effective Corporate Income Taxation and Corruption, with Peter Egger, Sean Mc Auliffe and Georg Wamser.
  • Corporate tax incidence on consumers: Micro-evidence from Germany, with Arne Nagengast and Georg Wamser.


Other contributions

A costly Brexit? De-liberalisation of trade in services and its potential cost, Research Brief, 23rd Edition, Deutsche Bundesbank, December 2018 (with Sven Blank, Peter Egger and Georg Wamser)

The Effects of Corporate Income Taxes on the Location, Investment and Profits of Foreign Affiliates of Multinational Enterprises across EU Countries, IEB Report 2/2016, Barcelona

Tax reform and corporate behaviour: Evidence from the UK ,, February 2016 (with P. Egger, M. Ruf and G. Wamser)

Debt Shifting and Thin-capitalization Rules, CESifo DICE Report, Journal for Institutional Comparisons, Vol. 12 (4), Winter 2014 (with G. Wamser)

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