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Kolloquium Ältere Urgeschichte
Das Kolloquium Ältere Urgeschichte findet Donnerstags um 11 c.t. Uhr im Übungsgraum 119 des Schlosses statt.
WS 24/25
30.01.2025 | Ashley Sussmann (Universität Tübingen)
Noé de Segovia de Kraker (The Complutense University of Madrid)
Kotone Makino (Leiden University) |
23.01.2025 | Sebastian Pfeifer (Universität Jena) Hard bones, but no hard times. The osseous industry of the LGM site Cosaŭƫi (Republic of Moldova) |
16.01.2025 | Eline Demeulenaere (University of Tübingen) Storage practices in the Bronze and Iron Age Levant: An archaeobotanical perspective |
09.01.2025 | Manuel Will (University of Tübingen) How replicable is lithic analysis – and does it matter? |
19.12.2024 | Sibylle Wolf (University of Tübingen) Reassessment of the Aurignacian Lochstab of Geißenklösterle Cave and its Find Context |
12.12.2024 | Elena Moos (University of Tübingen) Flèchettes of the Ach Valley - a techno-functional analysis |
05.12.2024 | Francesco Valletta (University of Tübingen,University of Haifa) Insights into Swabian Late Aurignacian lithic technology based on digital 3D morphometry. |
28.11.2024 | Miriam Garcia Capin (UNED -National Distance University) A cognitive approach to the earliest visual culture in Cantabrian caves. Can it be a Neanderthal authorship excluded? |
21.11.2024 | Claudio Tennie (Universität Tübingen) Why can humans do so many things in so many domains? |
21.11.2024 | Dietrich Stout (Emory University) The Evolution of Technology |
14.11.2024 | Haoyue Hu (Peking University) Lithic Technology And Human Behaviors In The Late Middle Pleistocene South China: Studies Of The Taohuahe Site, Yanjiagou Locality |
07.11.2024 | Benjamin Schürch (Universität Tübingen) New perspectives on the chaîne opératoire and tool use in the Swabian Aurignacian through lithic refits |
31.10.2024 | Nicholas J. Conard A sketch of the path to the Neolithic in foothills of the Anti-Lebanon and Zagros mountains |
24.10.2024 | James F. O'Connell (University of Utah) Utah/UCLA Hadza Project, 1982-present: overview |
SS 24
18.07.2024 | Renée Martveldt (Leiden University) The Role of Bovidae in Pleistocene Hominin Subsistence from the Site of Schöningen, Germany |
18.07.2024 | Josh London (Universität Tübingen) A Stag-gering Proposal: Tracking UP Identity & Exchange Networks with Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) Maxillary Canine Ornaments |
11.07.2024 | Nina Stahl (Universität Tübingen) All the small things - The Robberg Assemblage of Layer 4 from Iron Pig Rockshelter (Mpumalanga, South Africa) |
04.07.2024 | Cheng Liu (Emory University) How do people in non-industrial societies learn to make tools? |
27.06.2024 | Margaux Jouines (Universität Tübingen) Set in Stone? A Closer Look on (Pre)Historical Attributions of the Engravings of the Larchant Golf, France, via an Experimental Approach |
27.06.2024 | Nico Magliozzi (Universität Tübingen) Continuities and differences between two MSA industries from East Africa: The Sanzako and Kisele layers from Mumba Rockshelter, Tanzania |
27.06.2024 | Shuqin Guo (University of Tübingen) Examining double perforated ivory beads - A glimpse into the social-economic life of Swabian Aurignacian inhabitants |
27.06.2024 | Vittorio Gallese The Artification of Habits: From Tools to Symbols |
20.06.2024 | Scholastic Watadza (University of Tübingen) The flake production in relation to macro scrapers technology during the Oakhurst of Bushman Rock Shelter |
20.06.2024 | Ayanda Mabuza (Universität Tübingen) Tracing archaeological heritage in the Kingdom of Eswatini: An exploration of rock art sites unveiling cultural significance, regional patterns, conservation challenges, and insights into preservation influences by community perceptions and local practices |
20.06.2024 | Valentin Blanchard (Universität Tübingen) Exploring the production sequence of Early Mesolithic armatures from an amateur excavation in Les Charmes, France |
13.06.2024 | Vi Fratta (Universität Tübingen) Mechanics, raw materials and methods: understanding Sibhudu's raw material economy during the MSA |
13.06.2024 | Dione Brown (Universität Tübingen) The production and use of ostrich eggshell beads from the Later Stone Age occupation at Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo South Africa |
06.06.2024 | Joshua Kumbani (University of Barcelona) An Introduction to Music Archaeology of Southern Africa |
16.05.2024 | Nicholas J. Conard (Universität Tübingen) 16 years of ROCEEH: Where we stand and where we're heading |
02.05.2024 | Bar Efrati (Tel Aviv University) |
25.04.2024 | Patrick Schmidt (Universität Tübingen) New results on the quality of raw material for stone tool making and use |
WS 23/24
08.02.2024 | Marieluise Hahn (Universität Tübingen) Definition and depictions of Males in the Paleolithic |
08.02.2024 | Kristin Cimmerer (Universität Tübingen) Investigating bioclimatic dimensions of plant use diversity in the Zagros Mountains |
01.02.2024 | Nora Pfeiffer (Universität Tübingen) Plant depictions in the Paleolithic art |
01.02.2024 | Viola C. Schmid (Austrian Academy of Sciences) Bushman Rock Shelter, and Rose Cottage Cave (South Africa) |
18.01.2024 | Reena Perschke (University of Leicester; Gerda Henkel Stiftung) Heinrich Himmlers Forschungsauftrag zu paläolithischen „Fettvenus“-Figurinen |
11.01.2024 | Elisa Luzi (Universität Tübingen) |
14.12.2023 | Angel Blanco Lapaz (Universität Tübingen) |
07.12.2023 | Peyton D. Carroll (University of Connecticut) |
30.11.2023 | Alexandros Fotios Karakostis (Universität Tübingen) Discovering ways to elucidate hominin daily life in the past: Previous research and future directions |
23.11.2023 | Robin Andrews (Universität Tübingen) |
16.11.2023 | Michela Leonardi (University of Cambridge) Evolutionary dynamics in prehistory: adding palaeoclimate to the picture |
16.11.2023 | Antoine Muller (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Computational approaches to reconstructing hominin toolmaking behaviours and skills throughout the Palaeolithic |
16.11.2023 | Jesper Borre Pedersen (Aarhus Universitet) From individual to culture in the Final Palaeolithic - questioning patterns and processes of dispersal, technological change and regional collapse in the Final Palaeolithic Hamburgian Culture |
16.11.2023 | Olga Palacios (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) |
09.11.2023 | Rimtautas Dapschauskas (ROCEEH, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences & Humanities, Universität Tübingen) Ritual as an engine of demographic expansion of Homo sapiens during the Middle Stone Age |
26.10.2023 | Ewa Dutkiewicz¹, Andrei Bălărie² (1-Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 2-National Museum of Banat, Timișoara) Exploring the Myth and Reality of Paleolithic Caves in Western Romania |
27.07.2023 | Firas Jabbour(ROCEEH, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences & Humanities, Universität Tübingen) A Comparative Analysis of the Upper Paleolithic Settlements of Aghitu 3 Cave in Armenia |
13.07.2023 | Johanna Jeschke (Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Thüringen) Analyses on selected lithic surface-find complexes in Thuringia |
13.07.2023 | Selma Hardegger (Universität Zürich) Neanderthal tool production: potential implications for language evolution |
06.07.2023 | Marcel Bradtmöller (Universität Rostock) Is it worth it? Five years of Feldberg “Steinacker ” Project - an Interim Balance |
29.06.2023 | Natasha Singh (Uni Tübingen) Functional analysis of the late Lower Palaeolithic lithic assemblage from Schöningen 12 II-1 |
29.06.2023 | Hannah Huber (Uni Tübingen) Drilling down - Typo-techno-functional analysis of the lithic assemblage |
29.06.2023 | Qi Zeng (Uni Tübingen) |
22.06.2023 | Jan-Olaf Reschke (ROCEEH, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences & Humanities Senckenberg Forschungsinstitute Frankfurt) Modelling early hominin subsistence strategies - Using agent based modelling to study the past |
16.06.2023 | Frank Sirocko (Universität Mainz) The climate and environment of MIS2/3 (13.000-60.000 BP) in central Europe: |
25.05.2023 | Nicholas J. Conard (Universität Tübingen) Trackways from Schöningen and glimpses into the lake shore environments |
11.05.2023 | Anna Florin (University of Cambridge) The role of plant foods in the evolution and dispersal of early humans: |
04.05.2023 | Megan Saunders (Universität Tübingen) Counting Fragments: A New Holistic Approach to Quantifying Bones for Analysis |
27.04.2023 | David Boysen (Universität Tübingen) Serial handaxe production: Socio-economic behaviour in the late Middle Palaeolithic? |
09.02.2023 | Freya Riedel (Universität Tübingen) Osteological and isotopic analysis of Roman-Germanic Equids from Heddesheim (GER) |
09.02.2023 | Marco Nicoli (Universität Tübingen) Agriculture in Transition: An Archaeobotanical Study of Bronze Age Sites in the Southern Levant |
26.01.2023 | Alexis Russell (Universität Tübingen) Archaeobotanical Remains of the Early Bronze Age at Bassetki |
26.01.2023 | Eden Hill (Max-Planck-Institut für Geoanthropologie) Using ZooMS and Palaeoproteomics to Investigate the Evolution of Dairy Pastoralism in Eurasia |
25.01.2023 | Ron Shimelmitz (Universität Haifa) Mount Carmel Middle Paleolithic through the new excavations at Tabun, Skhul and Sefunim |
19.01.2023 | Henny Piezonka (Universität zu Kiel) Of taiga forts and reindeer houses: New archaeological and ethnoarchaeological |
12.01.2023 | Manuel Will (Universität Tübingen) Into the Open - introducing a new archaeological research project in the Jojosi dongas, South Africa |
15.12.2022 | Thibaut Devièse (Aix-Marseille Université, CEREGE) Investigating the co-occurrence of Neanderthals & Modern Humans in Europe using |
08.12.2022 | Xiangmei Kong (Universität Tübingen) The Variability of Bifacial Technology in the Middle Stone Age of Southern Africa |
08.12.2022 | Martyna Lech (Universität Krakau) Middle Paleolithic in Hohle Fels - An attempt to understand Neanderthal settlement in Swabian Jura |
01.12.2022 | Svenja Schray (Universität Tübingen) The lithic assemblages of the Aurignacian of Geißenklösterle Cave |
01.12.2022 | Benjamin Schürch (Universität Tübingen) Reassessing the cultural stratigraphy of Vogelherd Cave |
24.11.2022 | Tanner Kovach (University of Connecticut) Solak 1 and the Upper Paleolithic of the Southern Caucasus and Armenian Highlands |
17.11.2022 | Chris Baumann (Universität Tübingen) A view through raven’s eyes: |
10.11.2022 | Patrick Schmidt (Universität Tübingen) The role of experimental reference collections in understanding Stone Age birch tar making |
03.11.2022 | Nicholas Conard (Universität Tübingen) Research at Mumba Rock Shelter near the shore of Lake Eyasi, Tanzania |
03.11.2022 | Christian Tryon (University of Conneticut) Archaeological approaches to Late Pleistocene human diversity in eastern Africa and the Mediterranean basin |
27.10.2022 | Mohammed Babiker (Universität Tübingen) Plant exploitation in Post-Medieval Nubia: New Archaeobotanical Insights from Old Dongola (16th-19th Centuries AD) |
SS 22
28.07.2022 | Andreas Maier (Universität zu Köln) Analyzing lithic tools – on the deadlock of traditional approaches and ways to overcome it |
21.07.2022 | Garth Francis (Parkade Studio, South Africa) Embracing emotion. Honouring heritage: A discussion on architectures role in a city of neglect |
14.07.2022 | Svenja Schray (Universität Tübingen) Chronostratigraphy and Archaeological Context of the Aurignacian Deposits of Geißenklösterle Cave |
07.07.2022 | Valentina García Huidobro (Universität Tübingen) Diet and Subsistence of Hunter Gatherers in Cerro Benítez, Chilean Patagonia: a zooarchaeological perspective Luca Michaelis (Universität Tübingen) Going Holistic - Comparing ZooMS Generated Taxonomic Data with the Zooarchaeological Record at Geißenklösterle Cave (Swabian Jura, Germany |
30.06.2022 | Yueshu Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) The study of lithic assemblages and site formation process of the Donggutuo site - A case study of layer 6A2 |
23.06.2022 | Flavia Venditti |
02.06.2022 | Glenn Penny What objects do: Reflections on German Archeological and Ethnological Museums |
25.05.2022 um 18:15 | Claudine Cohen (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) Gender in Prehistory. Women's Roles through Palaeolithic Art |
19.05.2022 | Benjamin Schürch Raw material analysis by infrared spectroscopy: first results and implications from Vogelherd Cave |
12.05.2022 | Gregor D. Bader 70 years later - New multidisciplinary research at the Middle and Later Stone Age site Holley Shelter in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa |
05.05.2022 | Jacopo Niccolò Cerasoni (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History) |
28.04.2022 | Éva David (CNRS UMR 7041/ Nanterre) |
WS 21/22
17.02.2022 | Fei Yang Reanalysing the Mousterian faunal assemblage from the Swabian Jura by ZooMS. Megan Saunders Identifying and Contextualizing “Unidentifiable” Bone Fragments from the Swabian Jura Cave Sites. |
10.02.2022 | Maddy McCartin New Zooarchaeological Investigations at Petersfels (Brudertal, SW-Germany) |
27.01.2022 | Sibylle Wolf Hohle Fels "chisels" of the Swabian Aurignacian – new insights with experimental archaeology Co-Autoren sind K. Kitagawa, R. Walter, A. Fatz und N.J. Conard |
20.01.2022 | Prof. Nicholas J. Conard Excavations at HohleFels and a reassessment of the cultural variability during the late Middle Paleolithic |
13.01.2022 | Diana Marcazzan Are there differences in the way Middle and Upper Paleolithic hominins used fire at Hohle Fels, Ach Valley Germany? Melanie-Larisa Ostermann Vulpes vulpes or Vulpes lagopus? – A morphometric differentiation based on loose canines in the archaeological context |
16.12.21 | Laura Centi Nesher Ramla bulb retouchers and their role as mobile toolkit components |
09.12.21 | Heike Würschem und Harald Floss Return to an eponym site: The 2021 Excavation at the Grotte Effondrée in Châtelperron |
02.12.21 | Saskia Pfrengle A refined proposal for the origin of dogs: the case study of Gnirshöhle, a Magdalenian cave site |
25.11.21 | Prof. Nicholas J. Conard Early results from the TISARP excavation in the Paleolithic deposits at Qadi Barmshour Cave, Shiraz, Iran |
18.11.21 | Carli Peters Late Quaternary megafauna in Australia: Species identifications using peptide mass fingerprinting |
11.11.21 | Frances Gill, Francesco Valletta Frances Gill: Wild Sonic Debitage Francesco Valletta: Isolating individual variability in lithic manufacturing - Preliminary 3D-based data from Hohle-Fels Gravettian refitted sequences |
04.11.21 | Hans-Peter Uerpmann 80 Jahre Hans-Peter Uerpmann |
| Giulia Marciani, Andrew Sorensen (Marciani: University of Bologna, Sorensen: Leiden University) Marciani: High-resolution Late Mousterian and Uluzzian lithic assemblages in Italy Sorensen: You can’t start a fire without a spark: New findings concerning Aurignacian fire-making technology |
SS 21
26.08.21 | Ria Litzenberg The meaning of art in the Swabian Aurignacian - outline of a doctoral project |
29.07.21 | Firas Jabbour Comprehensive view of the stone artifacts of Aghitu-3 Cave, Armenia |
22.07.21 | Jonathan Scott Reeves (Max Planck Institut Leipzig) Investigating the Early Stone Age through Primate Behavior |
15.07.21 | Francesco Valletta (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Local Learning Communities During the Terminal Palaeolithic in the Southern Levant: A Quantitative Approach Based on Lithic Technology |
08.07.21 | Michaela Ecker (Universität Kiel) New insights into the early Middle Stone Age in interior South Africa |
01.07.21 | Shaddai Heidgen (Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment (SHEP) Department for Geosciences-Micropaleontology) Palaeobotanical and Palaeo-fire Records in the Ammer River Valley |
24.06.21 | Mathias Blessing, Aurore Va When the stars align |
17.06.21 | Irene Esteban (ERAAUB, University of Barcelona, ESI, University of the Witwatersrand) Unraveling aspects of the South African prehistory through phytoliths and FTIR |
10.06.21 | Jessica Schiller, Siah Beattie Schiller: Mehr als nur einfache Schaber: Zwei (Mittel-)Paläolithische Sammlungen aus Bissy-sur-Fley, La Clausure Beattie: Middle Palaeolithic Avian Fauna from Hohle Fels, Germany, and Neanderthal Lifeways |
20.05.21 | Kerttu Majander (Max-Planck-Institute, University of Zürich) Prehistoric Population Genetics from Western Russia to North-Eastern Fennoscandia |
06.05.21 | Judit del Río, Arianna Weingarten (del Río: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Weingarten: Universität Tübingen) del Río: Mapping the soils of Schöningen. An approach through archaeological micromorphology and environmental magnetism Weingarten: The role of genes at Schöningen: Using aDNA and ZooMS to explore human evolution |
29.04.21 | Elvira Martin Surviving at the edge of the inhabitable world or The diet of the hominids during OIS 3 in Northern Europe |
22.04.21 | Einführungsveranstaltung |
WS 20/21
25.02.21 | Corinna Rößner/Gabriele Russo Rößner: Waterlogged and charred plantremains from Oymaağaç Höyük (= Hittite Nerik), Northern Anatolia Russo: In the land of unicorns: Zooarchaeological investigation of Einhornhöhle in the Southern Harz, Germany |
18.02.21 | Camille Bourdier LSA rock art, cultural dynamics, and climate in Matobo (Zimbabwe). The MATOBART program |
11.02.21 | Robin Andrews Integrated osseous tool analysis - The Osseous Industry of the Grotte de la Verpillière |
28.01.21 | Alba Motes Rodrigo The Method of Local Restriction: Looking for signs of cumulative culture in great apes |
21.01.21 | Benjamin Schürch Molluscs of the Genus Glycymeris from Vogelherd Cave near Niederstotzingen (Lonetal, Southwestern Germany) |
14.01.21 | Guillaume Porraz (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) 300cm² in Provence at the end of the Gravettian |
07.01.21 | Claudio Tennie What we have done since arriving in Tübingen |
17.12.20 | Katja Douze (University of Geneva) Towards an understanding of human occupation in West Africa during the Pleistocene |
10.12.20 | Svenja Schray/Julia Zastrow im Rahmen der Dr. Daniel Schuhmann Stiftung Schray: The Palaeolithic occupation of Teux-Blancs cave (Saint-Denis-de-Vaux, Saône-et-Loire, France) - New results regarding the Magdalenian of Eastern France Zastrow: Microfauna from Ha Makotoko. A Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Phuthiatsana Basin, Lesotho, during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition |
03.12.20 | Ivo Verheijen (Schöningen Projekt Palaön/Senckenberg HEP) The Schöningen carnivore fauna and its relevance to hominin subsistence |
26.11.20 | Dr. Andrew W. Kandel An Overview of ROCEEH and the ROAD database - Key Concepts and Project Goals |
19.11.20 | Bárbara Rodríguez Álvarez (Schöningen Projekt Palaön/Senckenberg HEP) Schöningen: low density sites and human occupations: A technological and behavioral approach to the exploitation and use of the landscape |
12.11.20 | Jordi Serangeli (Schöningen Projekt Palaön/Senckenberg HEP) Der Fundplatz Schöningen. Forschungsstand und Perspektiven |
SS 20
23.07.2020 | Chris Miller Identifying fire in the Paleolithic record | |
16.07.2020 | Svenja Schray / Samantha Brown Schray: The Palaeolithic occupation of Grotte des Teux-Blancs (Com. Saint-Denis-de-Vaux, Dep. Saône-et-Loire, France) / Brown: The search for new hominin remains at Denisova Cave using ZooMS | |
09.07.2020 | Sibylle Wolf New insight in personal ornaments of Vogelherd Cave near Niederstotzingen (southwestern Germany) and their context | |
02.07.2020 | Pathrick Schmidt und Matthias Blessing Birch tar as the Atlantis of prehistoric archaeology: new insights into its potential as a proxy for Neanderthal behaviour | |
25.06.2020 | Aurore Val Human exploitation of nocturnal felines at Diepkloof Rock Shelter, South Africa, provides further evidence for symbolic behaviours during the Middle Stone Age. | |
18.06.2020 | Manuel Will Diachronic changes in the Howiesons Poort of Sibudu and southern Africa | |
28.05.2020 | Armando Falcucci A pre-Heinrich Event 3 assemblage at Fumane Cave, Northeast Italy | |
14.05.2020 | Radu Iovita Finding caves from space and on the ground: new methods and preliminary results of the PALAEOSILKROAD project | |
07.05.2020 | Gregor D. Bader Lions Cavern.The oldest mine in the world? New results from ongoing research in Eswatini | |
30.04.2020 | Heike Würschem The Archaeology of the Eastern Châtelperronian. Preliminary results of an ongoing doctoral thesis | |
23.04.2020 | Nicholas J Conard A Throwing Stick from Schöningen: Middle Pleistocene Lifeways in Northern Europe |
WS 19/20
6.2.2020 | Förderpreisverleihung | ||
30.1.2020 | David R. Braun (University of Cape Town) Technological Origins: perspectives from East Africa | ||
23.1.2020 | |||
16.1.2020 | Phil Glauberman (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University) Middle Paleolithic technological organization and land use in Armenia, regional technological trends, and implications for hominin population dynamics | ||
9.1.2020 | |||
19.12.19 | Andreas Pastoors (FAU Erlangen/ Nürnberg) Episoden aus dem Leben eiszeitlicher Wildbeuter im Südwesten Frankreichs | ||
12.12.19 | Jonathan Reeves (ERC STONECULT/ Tübingen) Digital Stone Age Visiting Cards: Quantitative Approaches to Early Pleistocene Hominin Land Use | ||
5.12.2019 | Frido Welker (University of Copenhagen) Proteins from the Past: Human evolution through the lens of ancient proteins | ||
28.11.2019 | Alexandros-Fotios Karakostis (Universität Tübingen) New Horizons for the Reconstruction of Physical Activity in the Past | ||
21.11.2019 | Svenja Arlt, Ria Litzenberg, Mario Mata-Gonzalez (Daniel Schumann-Stiftung Absolvent*innen Universität Tübingen)
| ||
14.11.2019 | Simon Fröhle, Stefan Wettengl, Harald Floss (Universität Tübingen) Ein neues Großprojekt - Zur Erfassung des Freilandpaläolithikums in Baden-Württemberg | ||
7.11.2019 | Viola C. Schmid, Michel Rasse, Laurent Lespez, Chantal Tribolo, Brice Lebrun, Alice Leplongeon, Katja Douze, Maria Lorenzo Martinez, Eric Huysecom News from the West – technological insights into the West African MSA during MIS 3 from Toumboura III Alex Mackay (Universitiy of wollongong/ Austrlia) Recent research on the Doring River, South Africa: Implication of the late Pleistocene archeological record | ||
31.10.2019 | Javier Sánchez Martínez (CEPAP Barcelona) Between great plains: New interdisciplinary archaeological investigations of the palaeolakes and caves in the Gobi-Altai, Mongolia | ||
24.10.2019 | Claes Andersson (Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg) The social protocell hypothesis - are we the outcome of a cultural Evolutionary Transition in Individuality? | ||
17.10.2019 | Semestereröffnung |
SS 2019
18.07.2019 | Anna Rösch (Universität Tübingen) Das archäologische anorganische eisenreiche färbende Fundmaterial von St. Martin-sous-Montaigu Château-Beau La Mourandine (Saône-et-Loire, Frankreich) |
11.07.2019 | David Boysen & Elina Nordwald (Universität Tübingen) "EN: La Sénétrière - Eine prähistorische Freilandfundstelle im südlichen Burgund (Stone-et-oire, Frankreich). Morphologische und technologische Untersuchung der lithischen Artefaktinventare mit Fokus auf gravettienzeitliche Klingenkerne; DB: Chronologisches und geografisches Auftreten von Faustkeilen - Technologie und Funktion vs. Kultur/Tradition. Fallbeispiel: Fundstelle Charbonnières, Mâconnais und Beaujolais |
4.07.2019 | Li Li (ERC STONECULT/ Universität Tübingen) Do different rocks fracture in the same way? |
27.06.2019 | Ravindra Devra (IISER/ Mohali) New Palaeolithic Assemblages from the Arid Core of the Thar Desert, India. Yezad Pardiwalla (IISER/ Mohali) Challenges of Identifying the Early Middle Palaeolithic with a Focus on Central India. Shashi B. Mehra (IISER/ Mohali) The Palaeolithic and Microlithic Records of the Lower Son Valley, Uttar Pradesh: A review, new data, future prospects and implications with special reference to the Indian Upper Palaeolithic. |
6.06.2019 | Carel van Schaik (Universität Zürich) Cultural intelligence and cumulative culture |
23.05.2019 | Meeting Group Alsace |
16.05.2019 | Ellery Frahm (Yale University) From Heidelbergensis to the Roman Empire: Recent studies of social connectivity via obsidian artifact sourcing |
9.05.2019 | Gregor Bader (HEP Tübingen) Current results from the MSA of Umbeli Belli, South Africa |
2.05.2019 | Florent Rivals (IPHES/Tarragona) Teixoneres Cave: from a hyena den to a Neanderthal camp |
25.04.2019 | Obermaier-Tagung |
18.04.2019 | Semestereinführung |
WS 2018/2019
18.02.2019 | Paul Goldberg (Universität Tübingen) "Microstratigraphic contexts at Denisova Cave" |
31.01.2019 | Gerd-Christian Weniger (Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann) The archaeological context of early rock art in Cueva Ardales (Spain) |
24.01.2019 | William Snyder (Tübingen) & Jordy Orellana Figueroa (Tübingen) |
17.01.2019 | Annika Rebentisch (Tübingen) Die Grottes d'Agneux I und II in Rully, Saône-et-Loire, Frankreich Svenja Arlt (Tübingen) Die Verwendung von Bergkristall im europäischen Paläolithikum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Burgunds |
10.01.2019 | Frances Gill (Växjö/Kalmar) Songs from a Swan: the Evolutionary Agency of Aurignacian Melody in Human Material Culture Pertaining to Flutes in Caves Geissenklösterle and Hole Fels in the Swabian Jura in South West Germany |
20.12.2018 | Marco Peresani (Ferrara) |
13.12.2018 | Paula Ortega-Martínez (MONREPOS/Neuwied) The use of the spaces during the Cantabrian Upper Paleolithic: the role of the sites in the landscape Benjamin Schürch (Tübingen) Das Aurignacien der Vogelherdhöhle - technologische Analysen und Rohmaterialnutzung |
06.12.2018 | Marlen Fröhlich (Zürich) Gesture aquisition and development in wild chimpanzees: the effect of social exposure |
29.11.2018 | Diana Marcazzan (Ferrara) Paleolithic pyrotechnology and human behavior: a comparison between Fumane cave (Italy) and Hohle Fels (Germany) Irina Kajtez (Belgrad) Observing Behavioural Patterns of Upper Palaeolithic Populations through a Micromorphological Approach: Case Studies in the Lower and Upper Danube Basin |
22.11.2018 | Mathias Blessing (Tübingen) Variabilität und konvergente Phänomene im MSA und LSA Südafrika Eleonora Gargani (Ferrara) Rebuilding past technology, activities and economy: techno-functional analysis on animal hard material. Combination of analytical methodologies with an experimental approach |
15.11.2018 | Thorsten Uthmeier (Erlangen-Nürnberg) The production and use of bifacial tools in the Late Lower Paleolithic of Qesem Cave, Israel |
25.10.2018 | Nicholas J. Conard (Tübingen) & Gillian Wong (Tübingen) Magdalenian Environment and Human Subsistence during the Magdalenian at Langmahdhalde, a rock shelter in the Lone Valley of Southwest Germany |
18.10.2018 | Semestereinführung |
SS 2018
26.07.2018 | Viola Schmid und Manuel Will (Tübingen) The Swabian Mousterian – New insights from the Middle Palaeolithic layers of Geißenklösterle |
19.07.2018 | Elizabeth Velliky (Tübingen) Seeing red: New evidence for systematic ochre use during the late Pleistocene in the Swabian Jura (EV) Caroline Schuppli (Zürich) The importance of social learning for wild orangutans - implications for the animal culture debate (CS) |
12.07.2018 | Jens Axel Frick (Tübingen) Einblicke in die laufenden Forschungen zu Keilmessern mit Schneidenschlag. Vorstellung der Forschungsvorhaben des DFG-Projekts FR 4015/1-1 |
05.07.2018 | Patrick Schmidt (Tübingen) Heat treatment in the German Mesolithic: how was it done? |
21.06.2018 | Marina Riethmüller (Tübingen) Prähistorische Behälter - Archäologie, Ethnographie und Materialwissenschaften Elisa Bandini (Birmingham/Tübingen) The individual learning of primate material culture |
14.06.2018 | Armando Falcucci (Tübingen) A Chrono-cultural Narrative of the Fumanian Aurignacian |
17.05.2018 | Feierstunde Prof. em. H. Müller-Beck |
16.05.2018 | Heng Sophady (Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Cambodia) The State of Knowledge of Prehistory of Cambodia: Recent Archaeological excavation at Laang Spean |
03.05.2018 | Miriam Schöler (Bonn) Mizque- Eine Neubetrachtung von Keramiken aus dem Mizque-Tal von Cochabamba, Bolivien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung naturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungsmethoden Riczar Fuentes (Tübingen) Prehistoric Tool Technology in Central and North Sulawesi - Some Preliminary Results |
26.04.2018 | Robert L. Kelly (University of Wyoming) The Fifth Beginning: What Six Million Years of Human History Can Tell Us about the Future |
26.04.2018 | Nuria Sanz (UNESCO/Mexiko) How research improves world heritage sites and how international cooperation contributes to this goal Damien Rius (Université Franche-Comté) The CIRCE project : « ClImate change and ecosystem Response during the last climatic Cycle in Central Europe Fanny Duprat-Oualid (Université Franche-Comté) Pollen-inferred reconstructions of abrupt vegetation and climate changes of the last 50 ka in Southern Germany |
18.04.2018 | Manuel Will (Tübingen) Squeezing blood from stones? The role of lithic technology in understanding the evolution and dispersal of early modern humans Andreas Taller (Tübingen) Laufende Forschungen über das Gravettien des Hohle Fels |
26.03.2018 | Gregor Bader (Tübingen) Stone Age research in Africa and future perspectives for the prehistoric archaeology at the University of Tübingen Knut Bretzke (Tübingen) Cultural Evolution in Desert Environments Yossi Zaidner (Jerusalem) What's new in the Levantine Middle Paleolithic? A special look at the MIS 7-5 record |
WS 2017/2018
08.02.2018 | Bejamin Schürch (Tübingen) Der Fundstellemkomplex Wipplingen-Sonderbuch Lukas Horch (Tübingen) Datierung von Gravierungen in Südfrankreich und Nordspanien - Eine Neubetrachtung der Parietalkunst |
01.02.2018 | Susanne Münzel, Berrin Cep (Tübingen) |
25.01.2018 | Viviane Bolin (Neanderthal Museum) Rock Art as Cultural Marker in the Solutrean and the Magdalenian on the Iberian Peninsula |
18.01.2018 | Alba Motes-Rodriguez (Tübingen) Digging to extract underground foodstuff by chimpanzees: contextual variation, techniques and laterality |
11.01.2018 | Matthias Blessing (Tübingen) Lost in sand? Das Mesolithikum der Oberlausitz am Fallbeispiel der Freilandfundstelle Reichwalde 6/4 |
21.12.2017 | Guido Bataille (Tübingen) Aktuelle Untersuchungen zum Aurignacien des Hohle Fels (Schwäbische Alb) Nicholas Conard (Tübingen) Die aktuelle Ausgrabung am Ghar-e Boof und der Anfang des Jungpaläolithikums in Iran sprechen |
14.12.2017 | Héloïse Koehler (Sélestat) The Middle Paleolithic site of Mutzig (Alsace) in its regional archeological context |
07.12.2017 | Joao Marreiros (RGZM Monrepos) The laboratory for Traceology and Controlled Experiments (TraCEr), MONREPOS-RGZM: rethinking experimental design, variable control and use-wear quantification' |
30.11.2017 | Patrick Cuthbertson (Tübingen) Lower-Middle Pleistocene Hominin Occupation in Central Asia: A Landscape-Based Approach Assessing Probable Amenability, Accessibility, and Entry-Point |
23.11.2017 | Vedrana Kristofic Eastern Croatia – zooarchaeological research potential: the role of hunting in Neolithic herding societies |
16.11.2017 | Elisa Bandini (Tübingen) Testing the individual learning capabilities of extant chimpanzees; implications for the study of early hominin cognition and material culture |
26.10.2017 | Viola Schmid (Tübingen) Giving substance to shadows - the serrates layers of Sibudu Cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa |
19.10.2017 | Einführung Ältere Urgeschichte |
SS 2017
27.07.2017 | Stephan M. Heidenreich (LDA Esslingen) Diversität, Variabilität, Flexibilität – Die spätpleistozäne Besiedlung Beringias |
20.07.2017 | Ewa Dutkiewicz (Tübingen) Punkte, Linien und Kerben - Ergebnisse und Ausblicke zu den Markierungen des Schwäbischen Aurignaciens |
13.07.2017 | Andreas Maier (Erlangen/ Nürnberg) Populations- und Besiedlungsdynamik zwischen Gravettien und Magdalénien |
29.06.2017 | Patrick Schmidt (Tübingen) Recent trends in the archaeology of stone heat treatment: new archaeometric techniques, comparative studies, new interpretations |
22.06.2017 | Gregor D. Bader (Tübingen) It´s all about shape. Point morphology and diagnostic features of the final MSA at Umbeli Belli, KwaZulu-Natal |
01.06.2017 | Susanne Münzel (Tübingen) Das Projekt 'Molly' und seine Relevanz für die Urgeschichtsforschung |
31.05.2017 | Robin Dennell (University of Exeter, UK) Homo sapiens outside Africa: the history of an invasive species (Hilgendorf Lecture) |
11.05.2017 | Radu Iovita (New York/Tübingen) The Stone Age Silk Road and its meaning for human evolution |
04.05.2017 | Leah Umbagai (Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation), Kim Doohan (Macquarine University/Universit of Western Australia), Martin Porr (Universität Tübingen/University of Western Australia) Yoodooddoom: A place of memory and learning. A case study from the Kimberley, Northwest Australia |
27.04.2017 | Julien Monnay (EDYTEM/ Grenoble) Grotte aux Points & Deux Ouvertures: "Little sisters" of the Chauvet Cave. Current state of archaeological research along the Ardèche river Gorges. |
WS 2016/2017
09.02.2017 | Brian Stewart |
02.02.2017 | Preisverleihung Förderpreis |
26.01.2017 | Chris Baumann Bertacchi |
19.01.2017 | Sahra Talamo Michael Friedrichs |
12.01.2017 | Bogdana Milic (OREA - Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology, Austrian Academy of Sciences) Tracking the Neolithisation process in western Anatolia through lithics - the evience from 7th mill, BC Çukuriçi Höyuk |
22.12.2016 | Feng Li (Universität Tübingen) Astride Upper Paleolithic West and East----an introduction to the Shuidonggou site complex in North China |
15.12.2016 | Brian Stewart (Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan) Adaptations to ‘marginal' environments in the Middle Stone Age of southern Africa: a project introduction |
08.12.2016 | Riczar Fuente (Universität Tübingen) Beyond the sea and under the microscope: Tracing maritime connections in Wallacea |
01.12.2016 | Mietje Gernonpré (Researcher at the Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences) The early beginnings of the Upper Palaeolithic domestication of the dog |
24.11.2016 | Prof. Dr. Fidelis Masao Landscape approaches in the Olduvai Landscape Paleoanthropology Project |
SS 2016
03.08.2016 | Dr. Claudio Tennie (University of Birmingham) Mechanisms matter: Cumulative culture requires high fidelity copying |
01.08.2016 | Dr. Paloma de la Pena (University of Witwatersrand) Lithic thechnology strategies for the final pleistocene of Eastern Southern Africa Dr. Ceri Shipton (University of Queensland) An early origin for the Later Stoneage on the coast of East Africa Dr. Yvonne Tafelmaier (Universität Köln) Potentials and constraints of lithic artifacts in the reconstruction of human behaviour |
09.06.2016 | Noora Taipale (Universität Lüttich) "Hafting and use of domestic tools in the Gravettian and the Magdalenian of Hohle Fels" |
WS 2015/2016
25.01.2016 | Prof. Dr. Wil Roebroeks (Universität Leiden) |
21.01.2016 | M.A. Kandidaten |
14.01.2016 | M.A. Kandidaten |
17.12.2015 | Michaela Ecker (Keble College, Oxford University) "Insights into two million years of environmental change in the southern Kalahari from Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa" Amy Elisabeth Clark (The University of Arizona, USA) "Temporality of assemblage formation reconstructed through intrasite spatial analysis of open air sites in France" |
10.12.2015 | Marcel Bratmöller "Frequently adaptation or continuous alignment? - Traces of Flexibility and Specializatioin within complex Adaptive Behavioural Systems of Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers in Northern Spain" Roxanne Rocca "The exploration of the southern route! New perspectives on the early settlement in Europe" |
03.12.2015 | Dr. Kurt Rademaker (Universität Tübingen) "Recent Progress in the study of Andean origins" Dr. Pastory Bushozi (University of Dar es Salaam) "Reliminary results for the stratigraphic integrity and the MSA technology at Mumba rock-rockshelter, Tanzania" |
26.11.2015 | Dr. Marie Soressi (Universität Leiden, NL) "Neanderthal in us: archaeology of Neandertal/Ealy modern human interactions" |
SS 2015
09.07.2015 | Michael Toffolo, Univ. Tübingen "A new microstratigraphic reevaluation of the archaeological context and paleoenvironment of the Middle Stone Age Florisbad spring site, South Africa" | |
25.06.2015 | Varduhi Raiwa Vardazaryan, "The Early Upper Paleolithic Lithic Assemblages of Aghitu-3 Cave, Armenia" Dipl. Prähist. Ingmar Braun, "Die Kleinkunst des Schweizerischen Magdalénin" | |
18.06.2015 | Prof. Dr. Martin Porr, Univ. of Western Australia: "Kunstherstellung und Kunstabgrenzung. Interpretation und Repräsentation der Felskunst in Kimberley, Nordwestaustralien" | |
21.05.2015 | Rimtautas Dapschauskas M.A., "Der Ursprung rituellen Verhaltens aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive: Die paläolithische Archäologie trifft auf Theorien der Cognitive Science of Religion" | |
30.04.2015 | Dr. Brian A. Stewart, Univ. of Michigan "Late Pleistocene paleoenvironments, population flux, and pointed artifacts at the roof of southern Africa" | |
24.04.2015 | Prof. David Nash, Univ. Brighton "Herkunftsbestimmungen mittels Geochemie an Silcretes" |
WS 2014/2015
26.02.2014 | Beatrix Welte, "Nicht nur ein Haufen alter Lumpen und Knochen - Zum anthropologischen Potenzial ägyptischer Mumien aus alten Sammlungen" | |
11.12.2014 | Noa Lavi, Department of Social Anthropology, Haifa University "Private property, wages and cows? What on earth can archaeologists still learn from today's hunter-gatherers?" (11.00 Uhr ct. großer Übungsraum) Lynn Fisher, Illionois - Springfield & Corinna Knipper, Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie Mannheim: "Neolithische Siedlungen und Hornsteinabbau auf der südöstlichen Schwäbischen Alb" (18.00 Uhr ct. Vorlesungssaal der klassischen Archäologie) | |
20.11.2014 | Max Schaefers "A Morphometric Analysis of Lithic Flake Production at the Site of Jebel Faya, Sharjah, UAE utilizing 3D Scanning and Digital Modeling“ | |
06.11.2014 | Yvonne Tafelmaier "The technological variability of the early Upper Palaeolithic of northern Iberia" Guido Bataille "The function of the multilineal transfer of ideas for the formation of the early Upper Palaeolithic of Eastern Europe" | |
23.10.2014 | Darya Presnyakova "Variability in Acheulean Lithic technology: landscape scale approaches and applications to some South African and East African sites" |
SS 2014
17.07.2014 | Anna Bayerlein "Gebrauchsspurenanalyse an Gekielten Stücken aus Germolles - zwischen Typologie, Technologie und Funktion" Markus Schumacher "Die jungpaläolithische Fundstelle Schafstall II und die Forschungsgeschichte des Laucherttals bei Veringenstadt" |
26.06.2014 | Judy Chang "The Aurignacian sequence in southwestern Germany: the social-economic context and lithic technology at Vogelherd" Jens Axel Frick "Litho-technologische Analysen der mittelpaläolithischen Steinartefakte der Grotte de la Verpillière II, Germolles, Burgund. Zum Stand der Dissertation." |
24.06.2014 | Prof. Dr. Jordi Estévez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) & Dr. Assumpció Vila (Spanischer Forschungs Rat- C.S.I.C. ) "Soziale Reproduktion und Ungleichheit in Jäger-Sammler-Gesellschaften. Simulation mit Multi-Agenten" Achtung: Der Vortrag findet bereits am Dienstag, 18.00 Uhr im Raum 119 statt! |
22.05.2014 | Gregor Baader "Das Middle Stone Age von Holley Shelter, KwaZulu-Natal (Südafrika)“ Sebastian Scheiffele "Die Herstellung von Feuer - Die zugrunde liegende Problem-Lösung-Distanz und kognitive Implikationen"" |
15.05.2014 | Ewa Dutkiewicz „Die Markierungen auf den Kunstwerken und Werkzeugen des Aurignacien auf der Schwäbischen Alb – Technik, Funktion und Bedeutung“ Matthias Göden "Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen zur Fundplatzgenese von Hoedjiespunt 1, Western Cape, Südafrika" |
17.04.2014 | Noora Taipale "Variability in stone tool hafting and use in the Upper Palaeolithic of Central and Western Europe – outline of the PhD project" |
WS 2013/2014
27.02.2014 | Ulf Boger "The new excavations at Vogelherd Cave - Are there new insights from the faunal remains?" Promotionsvortrag Keiko Kitagawa "Exploring hominins and animals in the Swabian Jura: Study of the Paleolithic fauna from Hohlenstein-Stadel" |
06.02.2014 | 16. Tübinger Förderpreis für Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie: Vortrag des Preisträgers Dr. Kurt Rademaker "Late ice-age human settlement of the high-altitude Peruvian Andes" (11.00 Uhr ct., Fürstenzimmer) |
30.01.2014 | Dr. Francoise Audouze (Université Paris X, Nanterre) "From activities to a socialized space. Magdalenian reindeer hunters at Verberie (Buisson Campin), Picardy". |
12.12.2013 | Manuel Will MA "Characterizing the late MSA sequence at Sibudu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa – a work in progress" |
21.11.2013 | Dr. Esise Tartar (Ethnologie préhistorique, Université de Nanterre) "Appearance and development of osseus industry in Western Europe: a review of current knowledge" |
14.11.2013 | Prof. Nicolas Conard "The stratigraphic context of bifacial technology in the MSA of Sibudu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa" |
SS 2013
25.07.2013 | Gregor Bader "Holley Shelter: Eine altgegrabene Fundstelle liefert neue Erkenntnisse zur Variabilität des MSA im Südlichen Afrika" Frank Brodbeck "Jungpaläolithische Harpunen - Eine Annäherung an ihre Funktion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fischfauna südwestdeutscher Fundstellen" |
11.07.2013 | Carola Fuchs "Die Birkenpechstücke aus der Pfahlbausiedlung Hornstaad-Hörnle am Bodensee (Werkstoff, Arzneimittel oder Beschäftigungstherapie?)" |
26.06.2013 | Dr. Elisa Nicould (Ecole francaise de Rome) ""The Acheulian in Western Europe (MIS 16-8) and preliminary results from the Lower and Middle Paleolithic site of Valle Giumentina (Abruzzo-Italy)" |
16.05.2013 | Héloise Koehler (Pole d'Archeologie Interdepartemental Rhenan) "Prehistoric research in Alsace (France) and perspectives" |
02.05.2013 | Liane Giemsch, MA "Fundstellen des Acheuléen am Lake Manyara, Nord-Tansania: ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der mittelpleistozänen Kultur in Ostafrika" |
WS 2012/2013
08.02.2013 | María Gema Chacón (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES) "Abric Romaní and Teixoneres (Barcelona, Spain): Neanderthal technological behaviours in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula" |
17.01.2013 | Dr. Robert Kelly (Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming) "Is Violence Necessary to the Evolution of Human Cooperative Behaviors?" |
10.01.2013 | Prof. Dr. Irmgard Männlein-Robert "Götter, Hades und Ekstase: Zur kulturellen Semantik von Höhlen in der griechischen Literatur" |
13.12.2012 | Stefan Ertmer, M.A. "Fundkomplexe aus saalezeitlichen Schottern und die Möglichkeiten ihrer Auswertung" |
06.12.2012 | Adel Kelany (Supervisor of Ancient Quarries and Mines Department, Supreme Council of Antiquities, Ministry of State for Antiquities, Ägypten) "Recent discoveries of Late Palaeolithic rock art and ancient Quarry sites in Aswan, Egypt" |
22.11.2012 | Viola Schmid "Neue Untersuchungen zum Early Middle Stone Age von Elands Bay Cave (Western Cape Province, Südafrika)" |
15.11.2012 | Prof. Nicholas Conard "Aktuelle Ausgrabungen in Sibudu, Südafrika und die Gliederung des MSA" |
SS 2012
26.07.2012 | Alexandra Güth M.A. (RGZM, Schloss Monrepos, Neuwied) zum Thema "Gönnersdorf goes 3D - Eiszeitkunst unter neuen Blickwinkeln". |
24.07.2012 | Prof. Harold L. Dibble (Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania) "New results from controlled lithic experiments" |
19.07.2012 | Stefan Ertmer M.A. "Saalezeitliche Fundkomplexe aus Schottern und die Möglichkeiten ihrer Auswertung " /td> |
05.07.2012 | Dr. Jörg Linstädter "Klima, Umwelt und Archäologie - Die spätpleistozäne und frühholozäne Besiedlung Nordost-Marokkos " |
28.06.2012 | Film "Das Geheimnis der Riesenelefanten" auf der Basis der Grabungen von Dietrich Mania in Neumark-Nord 1, mit anschliessender Diskussion unter der Leitung von Prof. H. Müller-Beck |
14.06.2012 | Frau Prof. Dr. Eleni Asouti (University of Liverpool) "Charcoal remains from Near Eastern Sites and Early Holocene Landscape Development" |
24.05.2012 | Catherine Bauer “A Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Bronze-Age Crania from Quatna, Syria" |
08.05.2012 | Prof. Bernard Wood (George Washington University) “The origin of Homo. What are we looking for?” |
19.04.2012 | Dr. Ran Barkai (Department of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, Israel) "Of Elephants and Man in the Lower Paleolithic Levant: A view from Qesem Cave and Revadim sites" |
WS 2011/2012
26.01.2012 | Prof. John Speth (Museum of Anthropology, university of Michigan) "Why Do Hunters and Gatherers, Past and Present, Hunt Big Game?" |
19.01.2012 | Prof. Dr. Thijs van Kolfschoten (Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University) "Early hominin occupation of Northwestern Europe" |
SS 2011
21.07.2011 | Prof. John Parkington (University of Cape Town, Südafrika) zum Thema: "Eland and Elephant: rock art motifs of the Cederberg Mountains, Western Cape, South Africa." |
14.07.2011 | Michaela Ecker über ihre Magisterarbeit "Untersuchung stabiler Isotope an der Fauna von Payre, Frankreich". |
14.07.2011 | Knut Bretzke über seine Dissertation "Baaz und das Jungpaläolithikum in Westsyrien" |
09.06.2011 | Yamandu Hilbert "Das Dhofar Archäologische Projekt: Landschaft, Klima und Archäologie im Süd-Oman ab dem MIS 5e" |
09.06.2011 | Angelika Wilk über ihre Magisterarbeit "Die urnenfelderzeitlichen Tierknochen vom "Rappenplatz" an der Achalm (Stadt Reutlingen)" |
07.06.2011 | M. Deva Jebb-Albaba: Zwischenbericht zum Thema ihrer Dissertation "Preliminary research in to the techno-cultural implications of diminutive bifaces in their Lebanese and Syrien contexts" |
26.05.2011 | Dr. Philipp Drechsler über: "Dosariyah - eine Handelsstation am Arabischen Golf? Neue Forschungen zum Neolithikum in Saudi-Arabien." |
WS 2010/2011
03.03.2011 | Prof. Dr. Frank Hole, Yale University, New Haven: um 11 c.t.: „Early American Investigations into the Paleolithic of Iran" um 15 c.t.: „Early Amercian Investigations into the Neolithic of Iran" |
03.02.2011 | findet die Preisverleihung unseres Tübinger Förderpreises statt (Fürstenzimmer). |
27.01.2011 | Elisabeth Noack zum Thema ihrer Magisterarbeit "Die Menschen- und Tierknochenfunde des Hohlen Steins bei Schwabthal". |
20.01.2011 | Christoph Wissing zum Thema seiner Magisterarbeit "Mikromorphologische Untersuchungen an der paläolithischen Höhlenstation Germolles (Burgund)" (Arbeitstitel) |
20.01.2011 | Denise Moser zum Thema ihrer Magisterarbeit "Die Fauna aus Svodín (Slowakei)" |
16.12.2010 | Marina Riethmüller zum Thema ihrer Magisterarbeit "Die Schmuckschnecken der Fundstellen Ain Dabbour, Baaz, Kaus Kozah und Wadi Mushkuna". |
09.12.2010 | Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bosinsk (St. Antonin): zum Thema "Das Abri Fontalès in Saint Antonin (Tarn-et-Garonne). Rentierjäger und Künstler des Spät- und Endmagdalénien". |
02.12.2010 | Carlos Garcia Benito (Universität Zaragossa): Thema seiner Dissertation "Applying Experimental Archaeology in the Archaeology Musical. Reconstruction of prehistoric musical instruments made of bone". Carlos arbeitet im Feld der Musikarchäologie und interessiert sich im Besonderen auch für die Flöten des Schwäbischen Aurignacien. |