Frick, P., Hoch, E., & Schüler, A. (2024, June 27-28). Cross-modal activation, integration, and validation processes when reading illustrated texts: An eye-tracking study. Visual Language (VisLang) Conference 2024. Tilburg University, Netherlands. [Talk]
Frick, P., & Schüler, A. (2024, June 17-19). How pictures influence the automatic validation process and the awareness of inconsistencies. 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse (ST&D). Chicago, IL. [Talk]
Frick, P., & Schüler, A. (2024, March 17-20). Synthesizing text comprehension and multimedia learning research: text-picture combinations are activated, integrated and validated automatically. 66. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen (TeaP) - Conference of Experimental Psychologists. University of Regensburg. [Talk]
Johnson, V., Frick, P., & Kendeou, P. (2024, November 21-24). The joint effects of source credibility and graph presence on communicating climate science. Psychonomic Society 65th Annual Meeting. New York, NY, USA. [Poster]
Schüler, A., & Frick, P. (2024, September 4-6). Cross-modal validation processes occur during processing multimedia materials. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2: Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Valencia, Spain. [Talk]
Frick, P., Kendeou, P., & Schüler, A. (2023, September 18-20). When learning requires revision – how pictures influence knowledge revision processes. 19. Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie. Kiel. [Talk]
Frick, P., Kendeou, P., & Schüler, A. (2023, June 28-30). The influence of pictures on knowledge revision processes during reading. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse (ST&D). University of Oslo, Norway. [Talk]
Frick, P., Kendeou, P., & Schüler, A. (2023, August 22-26). Knowledge revision during reading – do pictures reduce the activation of outdated information? 20th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Thessaloniki, Greece. [Talk]
Frick, P., & Schüler, A. (2023, January 8-13). The cognitive processes when reading and learning with illustrated texts. Winter School Eye Tracking - Experimental Design, Implementation, and Analysis. ETH Zürich, Monte Verita, Switzerland. [Poster]
Schüler, A., & Frick, P. (2023, August 22-26). Reading research meets multimedia: text-picture combinations are validated automatically. 20th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Thessaloniki, Greece. [Talk]
Frick, P., & Schüler, A. (2022, March 20-23). Text-picture combinations are integrated and validated automatically. 64. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen (TeaP) - Conference of Experimental Psychologists. University of Cologne (online conference). [Talk]
Frick, P., & Schüler, A. (2022, August 29-31). Not just texts – reactivation, integration, and validation processes also apply to illustrated texts. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Special Interest Group (SIG) 2. Kiel. [Talk]
Frick, P., & Schüler, A. (2022, July 19-21). Does the RI-Val model also apply to illustrated texts? 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse (ST&D). Georgia State University. Atlanta, GA, USA. [Talk]
Frick, P., & Schüler, A. (2021, September 14-16). Reaktivierungs- und Validierungsprozesse beim Lernen mit Text und Bild. 18. Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie (PaePsy) 2021. Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg. [Runder Tisch]