Institut für Evolution und Ökologie

Oliver Betz
  +49 7071 29 72995
room E2A14

Margarita Yavorskaya
Assistant Professor
  +49 7071 29 74832
room E2P07

Manfred Drack
Research Associate
  +49 7071 29 74854
room E4P25

Bernadette Fauser
+49 7071 29-72613
room E4P22

Further group members

Technical staff

Monika MeinertE2H11email+49 (0) 7071 / 29 76961
Julia StraubeE2A03email+49 (0) 7071 / 29 77587
Glencora Wolffhugel-ParraE2A03email+49 (0) 7071 / 29 77587


Dr. Qing CaoE2P10email+49 (0) 7071 / 29 74830
Dr. Manfred DrackE4P25email+49 (0) 7071 / 29 74854

PhD candidates

Viviane Campos da Silva NunesE2P10email+49 (0) 7071 / 29 74830
Benjamin EggsE2P13email+49 (0) 7071 / 29 76796
Erich Lara SpiessbergerE2P18email+49 (0) 7071 / 29 76949
Lea von BergE2P10email+49 (0) 7071 / 29 74830


Michael AxtE4P28email 
Christian Bender email 
Annemarie Lang email 


Solveig Nissen Gonzalez   
Kristina Rodionova   
Marvin Schmid   
Alexander Sebek   

Associate Professor

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Gerecke email 

Associate Scientist

Dr. Christoph Allgaier   

Scientific research - current

  • Viviane Campos da Silva Nunes: "Evolutionary morphology of the hyperdiverse Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and possible reasons for their ecomorphological radiation in the context of cave-dwelling, predation and association with ants."
  • Kristina Rodionova: “Eine vergleichende Untersuchung des Fangverhaltens zweier Wolfspinnenarten (Lycosidae, Araneae) mit Berücksichtigung morphologischer Unterschiede.”
  • Annemarie Lang: “Mittelfristige Effekte der Mahd auf Wanzen (Heteroptera) und Laufkäfer (Carabidae) in Wirtschaftsgrünland. eng: Medium-term effects of mowing on true bugs (Heteroptera) and carabid beetles (Carabidae) in agricultural grassland.”
  • Alexander Sebek: “Mittelfristige Effekte des Mähens auf die bodenlebenden Spinnen und Insekten, insbesondere Laufkäfer (Carabidae) in Wirtschaftsgrünland.”
  • Solveig Nissen Gonzalez: "Vergleich der Abundanz und Diversität von Insekten an insektenfreundlicher einheimischer versus nicht-einheimischer Stadtbepflanzung."
  • Christian Bender: "Cephalic anatomy of Euplectus sp. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae)."
  • Marvin Schmid: “Interaktion von den Ameisenkäfern (=Palpenkäfer = Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) mit Ameisen (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)”
  • Michael Axt: "Nahrungsökologie und Verhalten von Dianous coerulescens (Staphylinidae, Steninae)."
  • Qing Cao: "Functional morphology and ultrastructure of the adhesive exocrine glands and the abdominal musculature in Stenus rove beetle larvae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)"
  • Lea von Berg: "InsectMow - Development and evaluation of insect and spider friendly mowing techniques as a contribution to a sustainable form of agricultural grassland use, Subproject: Evaluation of insect-friendly mowing techniques."
  • Manfred Drack - "Organism concepts in biology and architecture as the basis for an interdisciplinary synopsis of constructional biomimetics".
  • Benjamin Eggs - "Joint-free movements in insects: mechanisms observed in ovipositors and piercing-sucking mouthparts, and their potential eco-evolutionary significance"
  • Erich Lara Spiessberger - "Comparative functional head morphology in modern rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)"