Englisches Seminar

Courses and Teaching

Access to the course catalogue and course registration is provided through Alma. Unless otherwise specified, registration for courses is through Alma. Courses from semester prior to the summer term 2020, please check the Campus System.

For any program-related questions, please contact the student advisor of your program. The list of our student advisors can be found here.

Please note the following:

  • The seminar Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology can only be taken as part of the Basic module (as of winter term 24/25).
  • The seminar Introduction to Research Methods in Phonetics can only be taken as part of the Advanced module.
  • If you have completed Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology as part of your basic module, you are not eligible to enroll in the seminar Introduction to Research Methods in Phonetics as part of your advanced module

Which modules do these courses correspond to?