Institut für Evolution und Ökologie

Ecosystem monitoring



The project EXTRESIGO, funded by Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH, aims to gain new insights into the effects of extreme weather events on aquatic invertebrates. In addition, it is to be shown to what extent not only diffuse inputs and the water body structure, but also (a) extreme weather events and (b) material entries from wastewater treatment plants and stormwater overflow basins are responsible for the poor ecological status of our surface waters as determined according to the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD).

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The project NiddaMan, funded by BMBF, aims at developing a management plan for the catchment area of the River Nidda, a tributary to river Main, Southern Hesse. In view to accomplish sustainable water protection in this region, an interdisciplinary consortium of scientists and stakeholders share their experience in this regional water resource management project which focuses on the Nidda catchment as a model region.

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Key publications:



VALIMAR - VALIdation of bioMARkers for the assessment of small stream pollution (financed by BMBF Bonn, contribution by LB-BW Stuttgart, UFZ Leipzig).

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