
Graduiertenworkshop im süddeutschen Raum

3. Koreaforschungskolloquium im süddeutschen Raum: Frankfurt - Heidelberg -Tübingen
제3 회 남부독일 한국학연구 콜로퀴움: 프랑크푸르트, 하이델베르크, 튀빙겐

Datum: 18. - 19. Februar 2022
Zeit: 18. Februar (14:00 – 17:00 Uhr) / 19. Februar (09:00 – 12:40 Uhr)
Ort: Online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 912 5125 1198; Kenncode: 318491)​​​​​​​
Veranstalter: Sanghee Bae & Thomas Eichert

18. Februar
14:00-14:10  Prof. You Jae Lee 
Chair: Prof. You Jae Lee  
14:10-15:00  Sang Hee, Bae (Tübingen) 
Kwangju pro-democracy movement in the eyes of German Journalists
15:00-15:50  Jihye, Bae (Heidelberg) 
History education for the past? for the future! A comparative analysis of history education in Germany and South Korea
15:50-16:10 Break

Juhee, Jeong (Heidelberg)

South Korea's role-taking amid the U.S-China rivalry: Assessing its 'New Southern Policy' towards ASEAN

19. Februar
Chair: Dr. Jaok Kwon-Hein  

Max, Altenhofen (Tübingen) 

Case study on the Forest Management Cooperatives in Ulju-gun from the 1970s until today 

09:50-10:40 Thomas, Eichert (Tübingen) 
Corporate Governance and Culture in German-Korean Joint Ventures - The Case of Goldstar Tele-Electronic
10:40-11:00  Break
Chair: Prof. Yonson Ahn  
11:00-11:50 Xiaoying, Jin (Heidelberg) 
Global Nomads without Homeland: Korean Chinese through the third Migration
11:50-12:40 Ruixin, Wei (Frankfurt) 
Between representation and interaction: the identity construction of Korean Chinese students in China