Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Dr. Yvonne Tafelmaier

Universität Tübingen
Abteilung Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen

Büro: Raum 116, Schloss Hohentübingen

Tel.: +49-(0)7071-29-77323
Mail: yvonne.tafelmaierspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

nach Vereinbarung

Current Research


2010 - 2016 PhD Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Cologne (Maternity leave: 10/2011-10/2012)
2004 - 2009 Magistra Art., Prehistoric Archaeology, Classical Archaeology & English, University of Cologne (Maternity leave: 12/2006-4/2008)
2002 - 2004 Mid-term exam, Prehistoric Archaeology, Classical Archaeology & English, University of Tübingen


01/2017 - present Assistant Professor at the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology and Quaternary Ecology
09/2015 - 12/2016

Researcher in CRC 806 Our way to Europe, project C2 (Neanderthal Museum/ University of Cologne)

01/2015 - 08/2015

Scholarship Stiftung Studium und Lehre (University of Cologne)

07/2010 - 12/2014 Researcher and doctoral candidate in CRC 806 Our way to Europe, project C1 (Neanderthal Museum, University of Cologne)
10/2009 - 06/2010 Researcher in CRC 806 Our way to Europe, project D1 (University of Cologne)
05/2009 - 06/2010 Research Assistant Neanderthal Museum